In order to give young researchers the opportunity to develop their careers and contribute to the development of the research industry in Latvia, the Latvian Science Council has announced the first round of selection for industrial or fundamental research applications not related to economic activity, which can be submitted by scientific institutions registered in the Register of Scientific Institutions of the Republic of Latvia as part of the "Postdoctoral Research" event.

Submission deadline: October 7, 2024 at 17.00 EEST   

Purpose of the activity are to develop the skills of early-career scientists and increase scientific capacity, providing opportunities for young scientists to start their careers in scientific institutions and with enterprises, as well as improving research competencies, renewing human resources and increasing the number of qualified specialists. 

Post-doctoral researcher – ​​a scientist who obtained a doctoral degree no more than 10 years before the submission deadline of this call (the diploma was issued no earlier than October 6, 2014 and there were no parental leaves or temporary long-term sick leave). 

Maximum implementation period – 36 months. 

The maximum total eligible funding for a research project is 191,700 EUR. 

Information about the call, project application forms and other documentation is available here:  

In order to get access to the Postdoc information system, through which the proposal will have to be submitted, the postdoctoral researcher must inform the UL Science Department about intent to submit by electronically filling out the application form.  

Support and consultation at UL: 

  • Leading expert Elmira Zariņa (; +371 67033879), 
  • Senior expert Raitis Villers (; +371 67033876). 

LCS will hold an online seminar, information about which will be published on the LCS website. An online seminar at UL is planned for the afternoon of August 29. 
