Festive atmosphere during the event will be ensured by “Radio NABA” DJ SairaM, UL Wind Band, choir “Aura” and the Ukrainian musician, Head of Ukraine Studies Centre, Ms Viktorija Prituļaka. The guests of the celebration will be addressed by UL Rector Prof. Gundars Bērziņš, Chairman of UL Council Prof. Mārcis Auziņš and Director of UL Culture Centre Ms Indra Trofimoviča.
The participants will also have an opportunity to enjoy the international student photo exhibition “Inspired by Europe”. Eleven works of the exhibition have been chosen in an international photo contest. They represent 10 countries that joined the EU in 2004, as well as Ukraine as the candidate for the EU membership. A dance performance “Ode to Joy” will be another of the celebration’s highlights, presented by students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Hungary.
Europe Day celebration will take place in the framework of the CAMINO Project “Twenty years of cultural enrichment in reunified Europe”, activity “Europe in Action”.
About the CAMINO Project
The Project marks the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement and aims to explore its impact on various cultural aspects and values of the new member states, as well as to create stronger cultural and academic bonds within Central and Eastern Europe. It also lays a foundation for a long-term cultural cooperation network among the partner universities.
The CAMINO Project consortium is formed by the University of Latvia (the lead partner), Vilnius University (Lithuania), the University of Tartu (Estonia), the University of Opole (Poland), J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (the Czech Republic), Comenius University Bratislava (Slovakia), Ludovika University of Public Service (Hungary) and “VERY Films” (Latvia). King Danylo University in Ukraine is taking part in the Project as the Associated Partner.
The CAMINO Project is taking place from 1 March 2024, until 28 February 2025, and will embody a series of cultural and educational events. One of the Project’s highlights will be production and screening of a documentary film about the changes in the culture scene of the ten EU newcomers in the past 20 years. All Project events will involve students, academic staff, cultural and political stakeholders, as well as general public in all partner countries. The CAMINO Project is funded by the EU in the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme framework.