“This year, the scientific and applied research winners are ten project implementers. Most of the research teams that have become 2023 laureates are led by representatives of the Latvian Academy of Sciences – it is especially noteworthy, since it attests to the high qualifications and excellent performance of the members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences,” says Ivars Kalviņš, president of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Computer modelling of perovskite nanoparticles for efficient hydrogen production
Authors: LAS Academician Jevgēņijs Kotomins, Dr. rer. nat. Jurijs Mastrikovs, Dr. phys. Leonīds Rusevičs, Maksims Sokolovs, Dr. rer. nat. Guntars Zejnieks. Institution: Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia.
International cooperation has resulted in development of new efficient nanomaterials with a great industrial potential. The research results have been published in high-ranking Open Access international journals (3 articles in 2023, while one – in 2022).
An analytical study of Latvian labour migrants in Great Britain in early 21st century
Mārtiņš Kaprāns. Latvians there. The mobility and rootedness of Latvian emigrants in Great Britain at the beginning of the 21st century (Latvieši tur. Latvijas emigrantu mobilitāte un iesakņošanās Lielbritānijā 21. gadu simteņa sākumā). Riga: UL Academic Press, 2023. 136 pages.
Great Britain is the largest host country of Latvian emigrants. This prompted Dr. sc. comm. Mārtiņš Kaprāns to embark upon studying the settlement of Latvians in their new home country. The research focuses both on the individual experience of Latvian emigrants taking root in Great Britain – a country with a long history of immigration and social stratification, and on the programmed power relations of global neoliberal capitalism, which pervade the everyday life and choices of migrants.
A unique study in Latvian legal science on the issues of artificial intelligence regulation and human rights
Irēna Barkāne. Role of human rights in the age of artificial intelligence. Privacy, data protection and regulation for preventing mass surveillance (Cilvēktiesību nozīme mākslīgā intelekta laikmetā. Privātums, datu aizsardzība un regulējums masveida novērošanas novēršanai). Riga: UL Academic Press, 2023. 328 pages.
The monograph by Dr. iur. Irēna Barkāne is a unique study in Latvian legal science, dedicated to the regulation of artificial intelligence and human rights issues. It examines the use of artificial intelligence surveillance technologies in law enforcement in Europe and the world, assessing their impact on the right to privacy and data protection, freedom of expression, the principle of non-discrimination and other human rights, as well as on society and democracy in general.
Nanostructured topological insulators for applications in energy and quantum nanoelectronic devices
Authors: LAS academician Donāts Erts, Dr. phys. Jana Andžāne, Dr. chem. Gunta Kunakova, Dr. phys. Raimonds Meija, Dr. phys. Yelyzaveta Rublova, Mg. Kiryl Niherysh, Mg. Vitālijs Lazarenko, Mg. Raitis Sondors, Prof. Floriana Lombardi. Institution: UL Institute of Chemical Physics (Latvia), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden).
Researchers of the University of Latvia (UL) in cooperation with Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) have developed economical and easy-to-implement methods for the synthesis of nanostructured topological insulator materials.
Development of wastewater epidemiology research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Ph.D. Brigita Dejus, Dr. sc. ing. Sandis Dejus, Mg. sc. ing. Mārtiņš Strods, LAS academician Tālis Juhna. Institution: Riga Technical University. Mg. Pāvels Cacivkins (Exponential Technologies Ltd.). Mg. biol. Dita Gudrā, Mg. biol. Maija Ustinova, Mg. biol. Ance Roga, Mg. biol. Līga Birzniece, Bc. biol. Edmunds Skinderskis, LAS corresponding member Dāvids Fridmanis. Institution: Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre. Mg. biol. Juris Ķibilds, Mg. biol. Guntis Boikmanis, Mg. biol. Karīna Ortlova, Mg. biol. Laura Krivko, Dr. chem. Iveta Pugajeva, Dr. chem. Vadims Bartkevičs, LAS academician Aivars Bērziņš. Institution: Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”. Dr. med. Uga Dumpis. Institution: University of Latvia.
The researchers carried out a series of studies over a four-year period on the application of wastewater research in assessing public health and forecasting the spread of infectious diseases. Researchers from the University of Latvia and the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, as well as industry partners from Exponential Technologies Ltd. and SIA Latvijas Mobilais Telefons were involved in the various stages of the project implementation.
The full list of studies can be found at the Latvian Academy of Sciences home page.