The project "Perception in modality diversity and valence" is an international project carried out by the Laboratory of Perception and Cognitive Systems of the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Latvia (UL), headed by Prof. Jurģis Šķilters, Asoc. prof. Līga Zariņa, Dr. Solvita Umbraško and Santa Bartušēviča. During the project implementation, colleagues from various fields have been involved, both from Latvia and international research institutions.
The project is implemented in collaboration with leading research centres in the USA, Italy and other countries, as well as with industrial and research partners from Latvia. The research was supported by Mr Andrejs Eglīte, Mr Robert Blumbergs, the charitable organisation "Friends of the University of Latvia" and the University of Latvia Foundation. The research was carried out in memory of Jānis Eglīte. An important component of the project is the involvement of leading experts in the field in Latvia, both in the form of symposia, workshops and the Robert Blumbergs Distinguished Lecture, an activity initiated and supported by Robert Blumbergs, Honorary Consul of Latvia in Illinois.
The scientific aim of the project is to develop sensory binding principles in fundamental and applied research areas such as perception research, design, medicine, food technology, virtual reality modelling. Although there is research on the connections between the different senses and their effects, it is not clear how strong the connections between the different senses are, nor how much emotional impact each of them has. Existing research does not provide an answer as to how specific perceptual characteristics influence the types of emotions and their intensity measures. Similarly, existing research does not answer how visual perception complements and integrates other senses such as touch, taste, smell, sound to form a coherent perceptual outcome.
The project has carried out a number of studies with experimental testing of cross-modalities. Studies on the interaction between taste, colour and environment. The results can be used to improve perception in the food industry as well as in medicine. Studies have also been carried out on the perception of smell and colour (and the direction of the relationship between the two senses) in different groups, resulting in unique data on the transformations of smell and colour perception under the influence of COVID-19. Studies have also been carried out on smell transformations as a result of pregnancy.
Part of our research is on the perception and representation of spatial relations in language, in which we explain the variety of words used in Latvian to describe the relative position of objects, depending on their geometric properties (e.g. different proportions and size, symmetry), spatial scale (large or small space), environment (natural or digital) and other spatial factors. The project has also carried out a number of studies using eye-tracking. For example, the interplay between shape and language has been investigated, and a large study has been carried out on the perception of the face and the emotions it evokes, depending on various geometric factors and prior knowledge.
The results are regularly published and presented at various high-level research events. For example, the 16th International Symposium on Cognitive Science, Logic and Communication was organised in August 2022, bringing together researchers from around the world to lecture on the relationship between space and memory. The results of the project's research were also presented at monthly research seminars in cooperation with RSU. The project organised the annual Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science. The 2022 Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture featured Professor Emily Faran, a highly regarded researcher in the scientific community and one of the world's foremost researchers in developmental psychology. Professor Farana's research interests include navigation, motor processes, mental imagery, spatial language, perceptual integration, visuospatial memory and orientation. Her visit to Latvia makes a significant contribution to promoting interdisciplinarity among Latvian researchers in the field of perception and neuroscience.
The project is now being actively continued with research on the perception of spatial relationships through haptics. This is a unique study that will compare the effects of visual space variables with the perception of haptic space. Research is also being developed on the use of spatial perception tests in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. The project has also previously worked on shape perception and the analysis of so-called figural meaning. This research is also being continued in collaboration with Italian colleagues, investigating the role of shape and the influence of accent in visual perception, both in eye movement measurements and in emotions evoked by shapes. Data analysis and publications on current research are ongoing.