Digital Humanities (DH) is an interdisciplinary area of research that blends fundamental and applied research methods to address questions within the humanities, social sciences, and arts. This field employs computational methods and uses digital resources and tools for data processing, analysis, and visualization. A prime example of the practical application and wide usage of DH is language technology, showcasing the significance of a well-established digital humanities infrastructure that not only supports researchers but also benefits a wider audience.
The DHELI project builds upon the outcomes of the National Research Programme project "Digital Resources for the Humanities: Development and Integration," which was completed in October 2022. This was the first inter-institutional and interdisciplinary project in Latvia devoted to digital humanities and received an exceptional evaluation from international evaluators, affirming its remarkable impact and successful results.
The DHELI project will advance several fundamental research directions by integrating advanced computational methods into Latvian, Latgalian, and Livonian language corpora and relevant humanities and cultural heritage collections. This integration will encompass a diverse array of disciplines within the humanities, including literary studies, folklore studies, linguistics, history, and more, and lead to a substantial expansion of digital resources that are widely used in research, education and by the general public (e.g. tezaurs.lv, literatura.lv, garamantas.lv, livonian.tech), and specialized resources (such as korpuss.lv, humma.lv, and proza.lnb.lv) that can also be suitable for broader use. Moreover, the DHELI project will elevate Latvia's standing in the international research arena by strengthening its participation in CLARIN-EU and DARIAH-ERIC European level infrastructures for language technologies and digital humanities.
The DHELI project features an extensive educational component, accessible to both university students and the general public. In July 2023, the 5th International Baltic Summer School on Digital Humanities will be held, offering a platform for individuals to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the field. Furthermore, in partnership with Linnaeus University in Sweden and King's College London, the RTU International Master's Degree in Digital Humanities will present a series of guest lectures by prominent scholars in the field of digital humanities. This program offers an unparalleled opportunity for students, researchers, cultural professionals, and others interested in digital humanities to further their education at no cost.
For details regarding the DHELI project and digital humanities in Latvia, kindly visit the website digitalhumanities.lv.
Contact email: dh@lulfmi.lv
The project “Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia” (No. VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002) is implemented within the framework of the National Research Programme “Digital Humanities”.