On 8th of April, 2021 MODEST project (Modernization of Doctoral Education in Science and Improvement of Teaching Methodologies) will organize webinar about training course ‘Commercialization of Research’.

Governments and academic institutions have embraced the importance of commercializing research through the late twentieth century. One of the key drivers for economic growth nowadays is knowledge, and it involves high investment in education and training.

Within MODEST project has been developed training course ‘Commercialization of Research’, which will be presented on April 08, 2021, at 15.30 RT. The course will present programs and experience of the same name course piloting at KNITU and MIIGAiK universities for graduate students. The speakers are the authors of the course: Dr.Dilbar Sultanova (KNRTU, Russia), Dr. Andrey Materukhin (MIIGAIK, Russia) and Tatiana Kalganova (BUL, UK).

The webinar is intended for staff, teachers, and students of the MODEST project partners as well as other universities that are interested in including a similar course in their postgraduate training. Register participants here.

The participation of graduate students in the discussion will be especially valuable.

Zoom link is placed in the register form and dublicated here

Access zoom-link is:   


Meeting ID: 922 7680 4586

Passcode: 292115

The Erasmus+ MODEST project aims at modernization of doctoral education in Sci-ence in European countries and Armenia, Belarus, and Russia. A wider project objec-tive is to enhance cooperation capacities of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA).
