Aleksejs Fedulovs is a 2nd year Master’s degree student who has received the Rūšu family scholarship in the academic term of 2020./2021. The scholarship of the Rūšu family is intended for Master’s students in the faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia who partake in the Nursing programme, as well as Master’s students in the faculty of Societal Health and Social Wellbeing of the Rīga Stradiņš University, who also partake in the Nursing programme.
In 2020 the University of Latvia Foundation received only one application to the scholarship of the Rūšu family, therefore we invite everyone interested to apply to the scholarship for the next academic year, which can be done in September 2021. A requirement for the applicants is an average mark of at least 8. A preference is given to students from student corporations.
Aleksejs concluded his first semester with the average mark of 9,47 and at the moment he is developing his Master’ s Thesis. He identified earning the possibly highest mark and working on his Master’ s Thesis as his aims at the start of his first semester in order to apply for doctoral studies.
The scholarship recipient enjoys technologies, music, art, books and sport in his free time. He uses his free time to learn about computer technology and the newest achievements in computer science. Via the means of self-study, Aleksejs is also learning to play the acoustic and electric guitar, he also follows music technology and software. The student enjoys reading literature about psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience, he is also interested in the discoveries and achievements of astronomy.
The stipendiary shares his experience of applying for the scholarship of the Rūšu family: When filing the application form for the first time, I was interested about how one should fill it, as I had never tried something like that before. One of the hardest aspects of filing the application was describing my achievements, and during the interview it was especially difficult to answer questions about my plans and current achievements. But on the other hand, the process of applications allows oneself to appreciate my accomplishments as well as to systemize future plans and set new goals. After the interview I felt inspired to achieve great things, it brought me positive emotions as I met new people, became acquainted with other students who also were interviewed that day. We reflected on our worries and experiences before and after the interview. Upon receiving the refusal for the first time, I was not bitter as I knew that the achievements and contributions of my colleagues, who had also applied, were much greater. I knew that I would try applying again, as I had the urge to present myself to the committee and enjoy the conversation. Unfortunately the application in 2020 was held remotely due to the restrictions, and there was no conversation as I had to answer to written questions, which, again, was something new for me.”
The scholarship recipient Aleksejs reveals, that he, upon finding out that he had received the scholarship, was extremely happy and grateful to his friends and family for the support throughout his studies. He couldn’t even believe that he was the recipient of the Scholarship of the Rūšu family at first.
We invite every student from the Nursing programme in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia as well as from the Nursing programme in the Faculty of Societal Health and Social Wellbeing of the Rīga Stradiņš University to apply for the scholarship of the Rūšu family in September. We wish you good luck!
About the University of Latvia Foundation
Ever since 2004 the University of Latvia Foundations enables patrons and partners to support the UL as well as other leading universities of Latvia, thus investing on the future of Latvia. The priorities of the University of Latvia Foundation are to support the most excellent students and researchers, to promote the development of a modern learning environment as well as the construction and reconstruction of the buildings of the Univeristy.