The scholarship is a starting point and an encouragement to embark upon a new journey. The most promising first-year students, who call Engure, Jelgava or Salaspils their home, can commence and continue their undergraduate studies in one of the Latvian higher education institutions without financial concerns – by studying hard and participating in public activities, a scholarship administered by the University of Latvia Foundation is guaranteed.
Engure municipality – capable people with the resilience of the sea
The motivating support of Engure municipality this year has assisted Aija Krūze in obtaining a professional bachelor's degree at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Four students continue to receive scholarships enabling more successful study process and self-development, and from September of this year, two more first-year students will start their studies aided by a scholarship.
Executive Director of Engure Municipality Council Imants Valers emphasizes the benefits and advantages of supporting local secondary school graduates: “The scholarship provides an opportunity to financially facilitate the studies of the most talented young people, and additionally – to motivate them to choose study fields that are needed in the municipality, and to promote the return of youth to the municipality as employees or employers. The co-operation of Engure municipality with the University of Latvia Foundation has been superb and effective. Every year, potential applicants are invited and the scholarship recipients are selected through a competition. Since academic year 2014/2015, when we started cooperation, 9 young people have won the scholarships. Engure Municipality Council is satisfied with the contribution of the University of Latvia Foundation – inviting young people to apply for the scholarship, evaluation of applicants, and assistance in the administration of the entire process.”
“Higher education does not benefit solely the person obtaining it, but it is an investment in the development of society’s resources, whereby, transferring knowledge to production and economy, our standard of living is raised. Beyond facilitating the entry into the labour market, higher education also contributes to the expansion of the labour market offer itself. It benefits both the individual and society, as well as the national economy as a whole,” comments I. Valers.
Engure Municipality Scholarship recipient 2020 – Aija Krūze obtained a professional bachelor's degree in environmental management and environmental engineering. Photo from personal archive.
Jelgava municipality – people rooted in knowledge
This year, the municipality has supported the studies of three aspiring municipality’s inhabitants: Gerda Poota graduated from Riga Stradiņš University, while Līva Freiberga and Lelde Jansone – from the University of Latvia. Gerda's achievement is outstanding – she has defended her bachelor's degree with excellence. Currently, 8 students whose home is Jelgava municipality, are continuing their undergraduate studies, to be joined by three more purposeful young students – scholarship winners this autumn.
“The aim of the scholarship of Jelgava municipality is to support the talented young people of the municipality in fulfilling their aspirations. This scholarship is, in a sense, an unconditional support, i.e., we do not ask our scholars for anything else, apart from good study results and social activity, leaving it entirely up to them to choose the study programme and future employment. They have no obligation to work in the territory of our municipality, nor any other obligations, even if things do not go as planned,” explains the Chair of Jelgava Municipality Council Ziedonis Caune.
“However, we grant this support in hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will enter the economy of Latvia and perhaps even more specifically – of our own region, or will make a contribution to the field of science. Jelgava Municipality Scholarship is an excellence scholarship. And let the term “excellence” not intimidate anyone, because it simply indicates that Jelgava municipality appreciates young people’s study results and extracurricular work, as well as their activity in the local community. The fact that, since 2012, three and, in exceptional cases, four scholars have received this scholarship each year shows that “excellence” as a goal is neither far-reaching nor unattainable. Throughout these years, the young people of our municipality have been able to prove it. May it serve as an encouragement to any secondary school student of our municipality, who might be considering the point or sense of good academic achievements or what good does it do oneself at times to do more than required? I can confirm that we in Jelgava municipality appreciate the achievements and know how to support them and develop talents. The will and action are required, and the support will appear!” emphasizes Z. Caune.
Jelgava Municipality Scholarship recipients 2020 – Gerda Poota obtained a bachelor's degree, while Lelde Jansone and Līva Freiberga received professional bachelor’s degrees. Photo from personal archives.
Salaspils municipality – home to promising young people
Seven students have received a scholarship from the Salaspils municipality in this academic year. Of these scholarship recipients, Laura Ramza has just obtained a bachelor's degree from the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga). This autumn, two vigorous students from Salaspils will commence studies with scholarships in their pockets, looking forward to great future opportunities.
The Chair of the Salaspils Municipality Council Raimonds Čudars explains: “Our municipality cooperates with the University of Latvia Foundation since 2013, supporting those young people of Salaspils who have started their studies at a higher education institution in Latvia. The scholarship motivates young people to improve their studies constantly – in order to receive it, the average mark must be at least 7.5 points. Of course, the special achievements of young people are also taken into account, such as good results in study competitions and various other activities.”
“Since the beginning of the cooperation with the University of Latvia Foundation, 16 students from Salaspils have already received the support of the municipality. Jana Kolbina-Birzniece, one of the first scholarship holders, has already obtained a teacher's education, she is a laureate of the "Time for Ziedonis 2017" award and a member of the Salaspils Municipality Council of the current election term. Jana's dedication and activity has always been a great example to aspire to.
There are many scholarship recipients whose success inspires pride. The municipality will continue this support, believing that this work has already borne fruit. Such an excellence scholarship is not only financial support for the young people of the region who want to study – it raises the prestige of education in the region and promotes the recognition of Salaspils throughout Latvia,” emphasizes R. Čudars.
Salaspils Municipality Scholarship recipient 2020 – Laura Ramza obtained a bachelor's degree. Photo from personal archive.
How to receive a scholarship this year?
All applicants must submit applications by 16 August 2020, 23:59:
- completed electronic scholarship application form available at www.fonds.lv (in the menu “For students” choose “Apply for scholarship”);
- two letters of recommendation from school directors, teachers at school or out-of-school and/or interest education institution, etc.;
- CV (in Europass format);
- school report and certificate of general secondary education;
- results of centralised examinations;
- a free-format essay about the patron/patroness whom the applicant would like to resemble;
- other documents – see the list included in the scholarship application form.
Applicants are evaluated in two rounds. After reviewing the electronic applications, the best applicants are invited for a face-to-face interview.
About the University of Latvia Foundation
Since 2004, the UL Foundation provides an opportunity to patrons and cooperation partners to support both the University of Latvia and other leading higher education institutions of our country, thereby investing in the future of Latvia. The priorities of the UL Foundation are to support the most outstanding, dedicated students and researchers, to advance creation of a modern study environment, as well as to promote construction and refurbishment of university’s buildings.