In order to reduce the Covid-19 infection risks among the University of Latvia employees, students, guests and visitors, as well as taking into account the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 360 “Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection” issued on June 9, 2020, several epidemiological safety measures have been established at the University of Latvia.
Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19
Study process until July 31, 2020
- lectures, classes, seminars and other forms of study process and tests are to be implemented remotely, complying with the exceptions indicated in the Order (see below) and the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 360;
- the exceptions, when personal attendance is permitted:
- consultations and tutorials for students (including practical and laboratory work) in preparation for state examinations, including professional qualification examinations, and state examinations that cannot be organized remotely;
- state examinations, including professional qualification examinations, and entrance examinations, if it is not possible to perform these remotely;
- acquisition of the practical part of the higher education programme and relevant examinations, if it is not possible to perform these remotely, at the same time ensuring that several of the events/measures indicated in Section 1.1.2 of this Order are not organized simultaneously in the specific premises;
- to organize the study process, including examinations (defense of bachelor's, master's and qualification theses) in study programmes remotely, using the e-learning environment of the University of Latvia, Microsoft Teams, including video, and other possible formats, with an exception of the study programmes in which it is not possible to organize state examinations remotely.
Further education until August 31, 2020
- in further education process in the period until August 31, 2020, it is allowed to implement education process with personal attendance for professional further education, in-service training/professional development and adult non-formal education programmes, including examinations in groups with no more than 50 participants, ensuring that several of the events/measures indicated in Sections 1.1.2 and 1.2 of this Order are not organized simultaneously in the specific premises.
Work process
- The University of Latvia basic structural units, including scientific institutes and the University of Latvia Administration must, insofar as possible, work remotely;
- The University of Latvia students are allowed access to university’s premises (including libraries) by presenting a valid University of Latvia student ID;
- to ensure a distance of 2 metres between persons within the premises of the University of Latvia, including at the workplace;
- to ensure that workplace is not attended by persons with symptoms of acute respiratory infectious disease or persons who must remain in self-isolation, home quarantine or isolation;
- to the extent possible, provide records of the service recipients (name, surname, contact telephone number) in order to be able to identify and warn contact persons in case of Covid-19 infection;
- to organize the provision of services by prior appointment;
- to limit the gathering of employees outside the performance of work duties;
- to limit gatherings at meetings and other forms of work organization to a maximum of 100 people at a time. Meetings can be organized remotely or by survey, using the University of Latvia email or other information technology tools available at the University of Latvia (whereby a person can be identified);
- when providing services, to ensure a physical distance of 2 metres between persons, to limit the time of providing the service to one person up to 15 minutes; if it is not possible to do so, then a physical barrier must be created between persons or the use of mouth and nose cover must be stipulated;
- to minimize the number of shared surfaces and items — touch screens, computers, keyboards, mouse, paper, and others – and minimize the transfer of devices, items, and work equipment, including stationery, from person to person.
Other events and activities until June 30, 2020
- in compliance with social (physical) distancing and epidemiological safety measures, no more than 100 people may participate in any indoor event, whereas no more than 300 people can gather in an event outdoors (excluding service staff), a distance of 2 metres between persons and access to disinfectants is required;
- the number of participants in one sports training group (lesson) may not exceed 30, no less than 4 m2 area per person must be provided in a sports training (lesson) venue;
- amateur theatres, choirs, dance groups and orchestras must organize rehearsals, classes and events in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 360;
- to ensure provision of a list of participants in the activities specified in Section 1.4 of the current Order, including contact information;
Requirements for the University of Latvia employees and student
- To strictly comply with the recommendations of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, especially when returning from business trips or holiday travels;
- Follow the LU management orders, instructions, recommendations regarding security measures at the University of Latvia on the University of Latvia website and in the University of Latvia email.