American actor John Barrymore once said, “A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams…” This quote accurately describes the activities of the UL Senior Club, as it is a way to unite seniors, involve them in today’s rapidly changing and technology-rich world, and allow them to pass their experience and knowledge to younger generations, thus feeling belonging, needed and valued.
UL Senior Club activist prof. emer. Aīda Krūze believes that the Senior Club is necessary so that after many years of work, former university academics and employees feel belonging to their alma mater, feel valued because as seniors, a sense of belonging is an important aspect of ensuring the quality of life.
In 2020, there are 10 years since the establishment of the UL Senior Club and the beginning of its cooperation with the patron, group Japan Tobacco International. For ten years, the company has provided invaluable support to UL Senior Club both financially and emotionally, allowing them to participate in various lectures and courses, giving the opportunity to organize excursions and trips abroad, make new friends, learn new skills and socialize with each other.
In the future, the UL Senior Club will continue to organize various events for seniors, as well as there are plans to establish the UL Senior Club regulations and get acquainted with the activities of senior associations of other universities, establishing cooperation with them and promoting experience exchange. Great support for the UL Senior Club is also provided by the UL Foundation, which administrates donations and supports the club.
Aīda Krūze appreciates the opportunities provided by the club and actively participates in the activities of the UL Senior Club, wishing “For the former UL employees to keep the joy of life, to be responsive and interested, but for the UL administration and the UL Foundation to be as generous as before, and to continue supporting the work of the club!”