![Cultivar of evergreen rhododendrons “LU 100”](/fileadmin/user_upload/arhivs/2019/images/10/rododendri1.jpg)
The evergreen rhododendron cultivar “LU 100” is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University of Latvia. It is a densely branched shrub with bright green leaves and bright white funnel-shaped flowers.
Two cultivars are named after UL patronage themes, as suggested by the University of Latvia Foundation.
“Ada Lavleisa” – a cultivar of evergreen rhododendrons with purple flowers and expressive dark spots is dedicated to ICT companies. Augusta Ada Kinga, Countess Lovelace, née Augusta Ada Byron (1815–1852), known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer. She is considered the world's first programmer. Each year, Ada Lovelace scholarship to the best female student is awarded at the University of Latvia Faculty of Computing.
“Dāvids Hieronīms Grindelis” is a rich flowering evergreen rhododendron with purple flowers and decorative dark green leaves, created to appreciate the work of pharmaceutical companies. David Hieronymus Grindel (1776–1836) was a pharmacist, botanist, chemist and publisher of Latvian origin, a professor of chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Tartu, rector, and the first Latvian natural scientist.