The distinguished thinkers Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) – creator of the phenomenology of the XX century and Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) – the developer of phenomenological hermeneutics and the creator of fundamental ontology – have important anniversaries in 2019: Edmund Husserl – 160, Martin Heidegger -130. Their philosophical heritage has had an indelible effect not only on the development of contemporary philosophy, but also on the development of the arts, literature, social sciences and humanities in general, in certain respects reaching out to life sciences, philosophy of technology, psychiatry and the theory of science. The specifics and rigor of phenomenological method and the disclosure of ontological structures typical of the works of both philosophers, describe both the formation of individual experience – the determinations of its mode of existence, and the way the horizon of meaning unfolds and exists within certain social conditions.

The Interdisciplinary Research Center of the Academic Library of University of Latvia, the Department of Philosophy and Ethics of Faculty of History and Philosophy of University of Latvia, Martin Heidegger Society in Latvia invites researchers from different disciplines to participate in an international interdisciplinary scientific conference on topics:

  • The role of empathy, listening and understanding in the development of science and research,
  • The role of phenomenology in the understanding of art: painting, performance, composition, literary work,
  • The role of intersubjectivity in the development of interdisciplinarity and the constitution of a common meaningful world,
  • Authentic and inauthentic existence - freedom of choice or determined existence,
  • Other topics that show the interdisciplinary aspects of insights gained from hermeneutical phenomenology.

Important dates and facts:

  • International Interdisciplinary Conference: To Let Things Be! Edmund Husserl 160, Martin Heidegger 130 takes place in Latvia, Riga, University of Latvia in 2019, on 10 - 12 December.
  • Working language of the conference: English, possibly a separate section in German and Latvian languages.
  • The representatives of each discipline are invited to present their papers in the conference, provided that the subject of the report is linked to the insights of Husserl or Heidegger.
  • Summary of the presentation should be submitted in English by 15 July 2019. The summary should include (1) Information about the author: name, surname; institution; contact details; (2) Title of the paper; 5-7 keywords; 200-300 words abstract. The conference summaries must be sent electronically in Word format with a note: Husserl_160_Heidegger_130 to the mails:  ;
  • Confirmations about the participation in the conference will be sent until the 30 July by an official invitation in electronic format.
  • Participation fee - 150 Euro to be paid before August 30 (includes coffee breaks and publication of summaries)

More information about the conference -
