Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives

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The Department of English Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia is pleased to announce the 2nd International Symposium on Language for International Communication to be held in Riga on 23rd – 24th May, 2013. The symposium, organized as a two-day interdisciplinary conference, endeavours to establish links between disciplines concerned with the instrumental use of language in international communication and with the study of its acquisition, the main focus being on fostering innovative methodological approaches to empirical research. The aim of the forum is to bring together distinguished scholars, practitioners and novice researchers from different linguistic backgrounds and disciplines for a discussion on the role of languages in international communication in the modern world. We invite researchers from all over the world to share their research results and new ideas at the conference to promote cross-cultural cooperation. The focus of the forum is on general and applied linguistics’ subfields, such as semantics, pragmatics, text and corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, language acquisition, lexicology, lexicography, translation and interpretation, and the other. The abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts. All the papers with positive reviews will be published online in LInCS2013 Proceedings (e-version). The costs of both publications are included in the registration fee. The languages of the symposium are English, French, German and Spanish. Latvian and other European languages are welcome for informal communication at the symposium.