University of Lincoln UK and University of Latvia
Dual Award Programme in Computer Science

Degree to be achieved:
University of Lincoln Award – BSc (Hons) Computer Science
University of Latvia Award – Bachelor's Degree of Natural Sciences in Computer Science
Duration of studies: 4 years
Type of studies: Full time
Amount of credits: 240 ECTS
Language of instruction: English
Study programme is accredited until 24.08.2029
Tuition fee – EUR 4800 per study year.
Dual Award programme in Computer Science has been developed through careful and detailed collaboration between the University of Lincoln UK and the University of Latvia, drawing on the experience of both institutions. The programme is considered to provide industry-required knowledge in order to respond to the needs of the labour market and the interests of students.
The BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree provides students with the opportunity to develop the experience, skills, and knowledge to design and develop a variety of software and hardware computing solutions for real-world problems. Particular attention is paid to cutting-edge topics, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, in addition to core computer science disciplines. This aims to ensure that students' studies are at the forefront of research in the field and meeting the needs of the computing industry. In addition, students are encouraged to work with academics on research projects. Computer Science at University of Lincoln is ranked in the top 10 in the UK for learning resources in the National Student Survey 2020 (out of 104 ranking institutions). The programme is accredited by The British Computer Society. The University of Lincoln is also affiliated with The Institution of Analysts and Programmers.
The University of Latvia study programme “Computer Science” has been accredited at the European level and awarded the “Euro-Inf Quality Label”. The University of Latvia is the only university in Latvia holding such a quality label. Besides obtaining a wide range of theoretical knowledge, our students have the opportunity to start their carrier during the studies. The study programme includes a compulsory internship in the industry, which already starts in the 2nd year of studying, so all graduates of the bachelor's programme already have real work experience.
Every year employers in Latvia recognise University of Latvia bachelor’s study programme in computer science as the most recommended study programme. In an annual survey, employers recognise the study programme “Computer Science” as the best among not only IT programmes, but also study programmes of all fields.
We are also proud of our lecturers with doctoral degrees and education and experience obtained in world universities. High-level specialists from the industry are also involved in lecturing.
A student at the University of Latvia will enrol on and study a local programme that has been evaluated to ensure that the module learning outcomes were equivalent to those delivered at the University of Lincoln. On graduation the student will receive two certificates: one for the University of Latvia degree programme and one for the equivalent University of Lincoln programme. The award transcript will be designed to make clear that the qualification had be gained through a dual award mechanism.
Students will progress through the stages and levels of their programme. Quality assurance will take place at all points with programme teams ensuring that comparable quality of experience has been achieved, and external examiners ensuring that work of an appropriate standard had been maintained. University of Lincoln Boards of Examiners will be hosted in Riga at each progression stage to ensure module equivalence has been achieved and to ensure appropriate progress was being made by each student. University of Lincoln Award Boards will be scheduled to make its awards to graduating students.
To construct the dual awards, a detailed mapping has been undertaken and approved which shows how the course learning outcomes for Years 1-2 of the three-year University of Lincoln programme are covered by study on Years 1-3 of the four-year University of Latvia programme. For the final year of study at the University of Latvia, students will take the same modules as those delivered in Year 3 (the final year) of the University of Lincoln programme. That will ensure that although the students might study entirely at the University of Latvia, the quality assurance at the point of graduation for the University of Lincoln degree will be easily demonstrated. There will be flexibility for contextualisation of the final year content, and it will be possible to set differentiated assessments if that is considered beneficial (subject to oversight and approval). All assessment tasks will have a front cover which shows students clearly which University of Lincoln module learning outcomes are being assessed in that task.
Linkage between the course teams at the two institutions will be maintained at a close and supportive level with staff development events, joint conferences and symposia, collaborative research opportunities etc. It is envisaged that the partnership will also stimulate direct recruitment to programmes at Lincoln, offer student exchange and study abroad placements etc.
The full-time degree programme covers four academic years. Classes are mainly from 8.30 am till 6 pm on working days.
Students have the opportunity to start their carrier during the studies. The study programme includes a compulsory internship in the industry, which already starts in the 2nd year of studying, so all graduates of the bachelor's programme already have actual work experience. Graduates can fully integrate into the international scope of IT specialists. After graduation, they receive promotions and work on complex international projects. After graduation, students can continue their studies at the Master’s level.
ERASMUS+ exchange possibilities
UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship.
More information:
- General secondary high school diploma;
- The secondary education diploma must have a grade in mathematics (the grade must be no lower than 6 (on a 10-point scale).
- All grades must be passing (at least 4 on a 10-point scale).
- If the secondary education document does not indicate a grade in mathematics, it can be replaced by a grade in the field of computer science (the grade must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- The average grade for the year of secondary education in all subjects must be no lower than 7 (on a 10-point scale).
- English language proficiency is required, as demonstrated by the following international English language tests (except in cases where secondary education was obtained in a country where English is the official language):
- IELTS Acdemic/Online/One Skill Retake minimum score of 6 overall and minimum score of 5.5 in each section;
- TOEFL IBT minimum score of 79 overall and at least 18 points in the reading section, 17 points in the listening section, 20 points in the speaking section and 20 points in the writing section;
- PTE Academic at least 65 points overall and at least 59 points in each of the sections;
- LanguageCert International at least level B2 and at least 33 points in each section.
As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview.
Vidējā izglītība
Konkursa kritēriji personām, kuras ieguvušas vidējo izglītību sākot no 2004. gada:
CE matemātikā*
CE angļu valodā*
CE latviešu valodā*
CE kopvērtējumu vidējais vērtējums procentos, kuru aprēķina no personas nokārtotajiem CE visos mācību priekšmetos *
*LU netiek noteikta prasība pēc noteikta līmeņa CE uzņemšanai, bet ir jāņem vērā, ka CE rezultātu savstarpējas salīdzināmības nodrošināšanai piemēro šādus koeficientus:
- optimālā mācību satura apguves līmeņa eksāmeniem tiek piemērots koeficients 0,75, pielīdzinot augstākā mācību satura apguves līmeņa eksāmeniem;
- vispārīgā mācību satura apguves līmeņa eksāmeniem tiek piemērots koeficients 0,50, pielīdzinot augstākā mācību satura apguves līmeņa eksāmeniem;
- centralizēto eksāmenu rezultāti, kas iegūti līdz 2022. gadam, tiek pielīdzināti optimālā mācību satura apguves līmeņa eksāmeniem un tiem tiek piemērots koeficients 0,75, pielīdzinot augstākā mācību satura apguves līmeņa eksāmeniem.
Personām, kuras ieguvušas vidējo izglītību līdz 2008. gadam, centralizētais eksāmens matemātikā var tikt aizstāts ar vidējās izglītības dokumenta gada atzīmi matemātikā (vai vidējo atzīmi algebrā un ģeometrijā)
Konkursa kritēriji personām, kuras ieguvušas vidējo izglītību līdz 2004. gadam (neieskaitot), kā arī personām, kuras ieguvušas vidējo izglītību ārvalstīs un personām, kuras ir atbrīvotas no CE kārtošanas:
gada atzīme matemātikā (vai vidējā atzīme algebrā un ģeometrijā)
gada atzīme angļu valodā
gada vidējā atzīme obligātajos mācību priekšmetos
Īpaši nosacījumi:
1) vidējās izglītības dokumentā jābūt vērtējumam matemātikā (atzīmei jābūt ne zemākai kā 6 (10 ballu skalā));
2) visām atzīmēm vidējās izglītības dokumentā jābūt sekmīgām (ne zemākām par 4 (10 ballu skalā));
3) vidējās izglītības dokumenta gada vidējai atzīmei visos mācību priekšmetos jābūt ne zemākai kā 7 (10 ballu skalā);
4) nepieciešama angļu valodas prasme, kuru apliecina CE angļu valodā vismaz B2 līmenī (kā arī -optimālā līmeņa CE katrā no daļām jābūt iegūtiem vismaz 65 procentiem, augstākā līmeņa CE katrā no daļām jābūt iegūtiem vismaz 50 procentiem) vai šādi starptautiski angļu valodas testi: IELTS Academic vismaz 6 punkti kopumā un vismaz 5,5 punkti katrā no daļām; TOEFL IBT vismaz 79 punkti kopumā un vismaz 18 punkti lasīšanas daļā, 17 punkti klausīšanās daļā, 20 punkti runāšanas daļā un 20 punkti rakstīšanas daļā, PTE Academic vismaz 65 punkti kopumā un vismaz 59 punkti katrā no daļām; LanguageCert International vismaz B2 līmenis un vismaz 33 punkti katrā no daļām, izņemot gadījumus, kad vidējā izglītība iegūta valstī, kurā angļu valoda ir valsts valoda.
Priekšrocības: pilsoņiem, kas brīvprātīgi pieteikušies valsts aizsardzības dienestā un pabeiguši to un kuri atbilst studiju programmas uzņemšanas noteikumiem, bez konkursa tiek nodrošinātas no valsts budžeta finansētas studiju vietas, piesakoties ne vēlāk kā divu gadu laikā pēc dienesta termiņa beigām un atvaļināšanas rezervē.
For more information regarding study programmes in English:
For more information regarding ERASMUS:
Autumn Intake (application start: 19 Nov 2024; studies start in Sept 2025)