Practical Latvian for International students I (A2) - 4 credits; course code ValoT221

The present course is intended for students with A1 level Latvian language knowledge. The aim of the course is to improve their spoken and written language skills, vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical structures. The course promotes the acquisition of communicative competences including the pragmatic and sociolinguistic competences, and develops students’ understanding of the peculiarities of the Latvian language system and use in the social context, the study process and professional activities. The course has been developed in accordance with the language learning, teaching and assessment guidelines for A2 level set out by the European Council and the Latvian language A2 level description content.

Results: On successful completion of the course, the student has developed his/her linguistic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic competences at A2 level and should be able to perform the following tasks:

  • communicate in different routine situations, read and understand simple texts on predictable subjects, comprehend the most essential information in the academic , professional and social environment;
  • write a short text and give a simple presentation , find the necessary information in the academic environment , use the language skills in further education and professional development.