Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Aleksandra Kjakste
E-mail: aleksandra.kjakste@lu.lv 


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Computing

Prof. Zane Bičevska
E-mail: zane.bicevska@lu.lv

Department of Physics
Doc. Imants Kaldre
E-mail: imants.kaldre@lu.lv

Department of Mathematics
Doc.  Olga Grigorenko
E-mail: olga.grigorenko@lu.lv

Department of Optometry
Dace Rutkovska
E-mail: dace.rutkovska@lu.lv

Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

Dr.geogr., Prof. Zaiga Krišjāne
Phone: +371 67336373
E-mail: zaiga.krisjane@lu.lv


Faculty of Education science and Psychology 

Alise Oļesika
Phone: +371 67034846
E-mail: alise.olesika@lu.lv


Faculty of Humanities

Jekatarina Čerņevska
Tālr.: 67034918
E-pasts: jekaterina.cernevska@lu.lv


Faculty of Law

Aleksandra Kjakste
E-mail: aleksandra.kjakste@lu.lv 


Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences

Department of Medicine

Ivars Pēkainis
Phone: 25980910
E-mail: ivars.pekainis@lu.lv 

Department of Chemistry

Assoc.prof. Andra Prikšāne
E-mail: anda.priksane@lu.lv 

Department of Biology

Dr.Biol., Assoc. Prof. Līga Ozoliņa-Molla
E-mail: liga.ozolina-molla@lu.lv