Project title in Latvian: Mehanoķīmiskās un ķīmiskās dzelzs heksacianoferrātu sintēzes optimizācija izmantošanai par radionuklīdu sorbentiem brīvā un saistītā veidā uz tekstilmateriāliem sejas aizsargmaskām 

Project title in English: Optimization of mechanochemical and chemical synthesis of iron hexacyanoferrate for application as radionuclide sorbents in free form and immobilized on textile materials for face masks

Project number:lzp-2024/1-0015

Project implementer: Latvijas Universitāte (UL)

Partners of the project: Rīgas Tehniskā universitate (RTU)

Project leader: prof. Andris Actiņš

Project partner RTU representative: prof. Inga Dāboliņa

The leading structural unit of the project implementation at the University of Latvia is the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences

Project implementation period: 01.01.2025. – 31.12.2027.

Total budget: 300 000 EUR, including funding allocated to the LU part of the project: 153 000 EUR

Project team

University of Latvia:

  • Principal investigator:  prof., Dr. Chem., leading researcher Andris Actiņš,, Dr.Chem. Ingars Reinholds, Dr.Chem, leading researcher Artis Kons;
  • Investigator: researcher, M.Chem. Māris Bērtiņš;
  • Investigators (students).

Riga Technical university:

  • Principal investigator: prof.,, senior researcher Inga Dāboliņa, PhD, researcher Eva Lapkovska;
  • Investigator: researcher Liene Siliņa;
  • Investigators (students).


Within the framework of the project, new theoretical and practical insights will be created, on the basis of which materials and means will be developed for anti-radiation protection of civilians and professional service personnel. The newly created knowledge will contribute to the preparedness of the state and society for defense in case of nuclear incidents and nuclear war. The research will include the following sections: iron hexacyanoferrate synthesis based on theoretical calculations and experimental optimization, using two parallel or combined strategies - mechanochemical and liquid synthesis at LU, and in collaboration with experts from RTU - optimisiation of the encoring the active substance to suitable textile fabric, evaluation of cesium sorption-desorption mechanisms, and adjustment of materials to the user.

Project outcomes: 

Type of result


Orignal scietific articles published, submitted or accepted for publication in the Q1 or Q2 quartile publications included in Web of Science Core Collection or SCOPUS databases


Scientific databases and datasets developed within the project and prepared according to FAIR principles


Intellectual property registered in Latvia (patents, design rights, topographies of semiconductor products, plant breeders' certificates, additional protection certificates for medical products or other products)


Submitted project proposal in an international research and development project competition (competition abroad or submitted by an international consortium)


Submitted project proposal in the Latvian research and development project competition




The project is implemented in four work packages (WP – from the English “work packages”), where WP1-WP3 are coordinated by the University of Latvia in cooperation with RTU and WP4 will be coordinated by RTU:

  • WP1 “Project management and dissemination” (month 1-36 of the project);
  • WP2 “PZ synthesis” (month 1-15 of the project);
  • WP3 “Textile mask prototype” (month 16-25 of the project);
  • WP4 “PB-textile ergonomics and service life adjustment” (month 22-36 of the project).

The reporting period covers the first quarter of the project, during which the project implementation was initiated, the goals and objectives of the work packages were defined, as well as the initial planning and preparation phase of the activities were carried out. The activities were organized according to the project schedule.

During the reporting period, activities were carried out within the framework of work packages WP1 and WP2, which are described below.

WP1 “Project management and dissemination” activities.

Within the framework of the WP1 activity, the project manager, together with the project manager of the cooperation partner institution and WP1 responsible I. Reinhold, have carried out activities to ensure the successful implementation of the project.

The implementation of activity 1.1 of the project WP1 has begun, a contract has been concluded for the project, the first funding has been received and the project manager has started to carry out administrative activities with the project team, including RTU cooperation partners, for the implementation of the project and the acquisition of funding.

In the first quarter of the project, a remote meeting of the institutions of both project partners was organized, which was recorded (deliverable D 1.4). The organization of project action committee meetings was discussed between the project partners. The activities completed in the first stage and the activities to be carried out in the second quarter have been discussed.

1.2. activities within the framework of "Public information" are as follows:

Within the framework of Activity 1.4, a data management plan (DPP) “FLPP2024: Prussian Blue-Modified Fiber Materials: Synthesis and Applications” (in English) has been prepared, which is published in the project's NZDIS (LZP) module: 

The project plan envisages the preparation of at least three scientific databases on the project results – two scientific databases on WP2 and WP3 activities will be prepared by the mid-term of the project and another scientific database, which will be prepared by the project partner institution RTU on WP4 activities, will be prepared on the basis of the project final stage. The scientific databases obtained in the project are planned to be published in an openly accessible form, mainly in the European open research repository Zenodo, ensuring compliance with the FAIR data principles.

WP2 “Prussian Blue Synthesis” activities.

Within the framework of activity 2.1., the pre-synthesis of Prussian Blue (PZ) was carried out using chemical and mechanochemical methods, using different molar ratios of iron II or III chloride and red/yellow blood salt reagents (3:4, 1:1, 4:3 and 3:2) to obtain potential color pigments for further fabric dyeing, for which the structure characterization has begun using spectrometry (infrared and Raman spectrometry), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) methods. The use of these compounds in fabric dyeing, depending on the sorbents' caesium sorption capacity from aqueous solutions, is planned to be evaluated in the next stages of the project.

Within the framework of activity 2.2., preliminary fabric dyeing tests were carried out. Four fabric samples received from RTU cooperation partners were selected for LU research – two different TENCEL fabrics with different properties and two different Lyocell materials, all of which have been used in the development of various layer materials for face masks. The structure of the fabrics was analyzed using the FTIR spectroscopy method.

To test the effect of fabric pretreatment on dyeing efficiency, one of the Tencel fabrics (17/0672/4723) was used.

Initially, pretreatment methods were evaluated, only several samples were prepared and treated in 5 different ways (by performing weak oxidative treatment with peroxide, oxidative treatment with persulfate, alcohol solution and alkaline solution at room temperature and elevated temperature), evaluating the changes in the cellulose surface and the effect of PZ dye stabilization.

Based on the feasibility study of the project manager, 8 different dyeing methods were selected for the pre-modified samples, using different ratios of salt solutions, each of the methods using all 5 pre-treatment types (total number of samples 40 samples with different compositions).

After treatment, visual observation was performed, as well as elemental analysis by XRF in a helium atmosphere with a mask diameter of 8mm. The iron content in Tencel fabric samples dyed with Prussian blue was assessed. It was determined that samples that visually showed uniform fabric coloration had a higher iron concentration on the fabric fibers.

Cesium sorption is a prerequisite for the suitability of PZ-dyed fabrics. Therefore, cesium sorption was determined from aqueous solutions using samples with the best surface coloration and different iron content for tests, and stable cesium chloride salt solutions (Cs+ mass concentration 50 μg/L) for experiments, sorption being carried out for 1 h.

Assuming initially that cesium sorption may be proportional to the mass concentration of Prussian blue, which is represented by a certain mass concentration of iron, an attempt was made to find equations that describe the dependence of sorption on iron. Experimentally, it was determined that this relationship is described by the equation

q=q0+(1-e-k[Fe]), as well as the Langmuir-type equation q=q0*kc/(1-kc), where q is the amount of Cs+ ions in micrograms per weight of fabric containing PZ.

At the same time, it was determined that this relationship shows 4-6 clusters that characterize changes in cesium sorption, depending on the iron content in the dyed fabrics and the chosen Prussian blue synthesis method in the dyeing process.

Additional structural studies should be performed in order to evaluate the cluster-forming factors, because the results showed that even at high iron content, cesium sorption efficiency can vary.

Based on the results obtained, dyeing of a second Tencel fabric has begun.

In the next project period, the comparison of Tencel samples will be continued, assessing cesium sorption, as well as a more in-depth assessment of fiber dyeing, using spectroscopy and microscopy methods to characterize the structure. The synthesis methods of the selected pigments will also be further evaluated.

The next stage of experiments has been discussed with the RTU cooperation partner, which will include testing the color stability of the prepared samples using spectrophotometry and color characterization according to the CIELAB three-dimensional color system, as well as performing air permeability measurements of the samples, evaluating differently dyed samples.