Master’s study programme “Physics”
Language of instruction: Latvian, English
While studying in the master's programme in physics, the student obtains a more profound knowledge of physics in the chosen subfield of physics or in an interdisciplinary field. The acquired competence after studies allows to build an academic career or to enter the labour market outside research institutions. A rational choice for an academic career is to continue education in doctoral studies in physics, astronomy or a related field – this can be done either at the University of Latvia, or in any of the world's leading universities. It is also possible to enter the labour market immediately after master's studies, where physics-based education ensures multifaceted competitiveness, especially in the fields of science-intensive technologies.
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Study programme director Sandris Lācis
In the mandatory part of the programme, you will acquire the basics of theory in order to successfully attain elective courses. In addition, in the mandatory part, you will get acquainted with selected laboratory works, develop your “soft skills”, learn the basics of multiphysical modelling and complete internship to test and train your competence in the daily work of a real physicist. Specialised elective courses will enable you to grow into a professional in the field of your choice, where materials science, nanotechnology, laser physics, quantum physics, biophotonics, theoretical physics and modelling are just a few of the options. ERASMUS + studies during the semester will be an additional opportunity to gain international study experience and new knowledge in one of the many partner universities in Europe.
After graduation, you can continue your academic growth in doctoral studies or immediately enter the labour market. Our graduates are in high demand for doctoral studies both at the University of Latvia and abroad. This education also ensures a safe opportunity to find a job in a research or high-tech company as soon as the studies are completed. It is very possible that you will already have found this job while studying – in the field of internship and master's thesis development.
Explore the wide and varied work opportunities in the graph showing the information about the career progress after graduating from the programme.
Previous education:
- a bachelor's degree or a second level professional higher education (or equivalent higher education) in physics, mathematics, computer science;
- a bachelor's degree or second level professional higher education (or equivalent higher education) in natural sciences or engineering, which must include assessment in physics subjects (not less than 5 credit points) and mathematics subjects (not less than 4 credit points)
Competition evaluation calculation formula: weighted average grade (60 x 10 = 600) + total (or average) grade of final examinations (40 x 10 = 400).
Absolventa atsauksme
Studējot fizikas maģistrantūrā ir svarīgi mācēt mācīties. Pēc tam pārējais viss pats par sevi sakārtojas - tu apgūsti matemātiku, fiziku un pēkšņi saproti, kā viss strādā. Tas, manuprāt, ir galvenais rezultāts, ko no studijām LU FMOF ir jāiegūst. Vēl ļoti būtisks ieguvums ir visi satiktie cilvēki, kas pēc tam paver neskaitāmas durvis, pa kurām iet. Fizikas maģistrantūras studijas ir matemātiskas, padziļinātas tieši teorijas jautājumos, kas rezultējas ar lielāku spēju pārvaldīt spēles laukumu un dziļāku izpratni. Daudz uzturoties zinātniskā vidē, studenti attīsta kritisko domāšanu, informācijas pratību, spēj labāk filtrēt informāciju, izvērtēt tās patiesumu. LU FMOF iegūtās zināšanas es ļoti burtiski izmantoju visās savās darba vietās, gan zinātnē, gan izglītībā. Mani kursa biedri strādā arī programmēšanā, riska analītikā, dažādās apdrošināšanas kompānijās, bankās vai citās līdzīgās iestādēs. Daļa arī pavisam kaut kur citur, bet visi ir atraduši savu vietu un, tā vai citādi, fizmatos iegūtās zināšanas pielieto katrs savā jomā.