Law and Governance of Organisations - Master’s Degree Programm
The content of this programme is specifically designed to meet the needs of employees in both the public and private sectors in Latvia, aiming to enhance the legal competencies of managers. It offers a valuable opportunity for individuals without prior legal education to acquire beneficial and practically applicable knowledge. The programme includes courses essential for contemporary public and private sector management, such as public procurement management, legal aspects of personnel management, contract and property law, the institutional system and administrative processes of the state, corporate governance law, and more.
Programme Director

Asoc. prof. Edvīns Danovskis
The study programme provides the opportunity to gain legal knowledge, skills, and competences necessary for managing public and private sector organisations. It helps managers at various levels anticipate the legal risks associated with organisational management and boosts their overall management skills. The programme content covers legal knowledge for managing modern organisations, including corporate governance law, legal aspects of personnel management, fundamentals of contract law, the institutional framework of public administration, public procurement management, and other relevant legal management issues. The programme’s content and methodology are specifically tailored for students with no prior legal knowledge, although it is also beneficial for lawyers wishing to update their knowledge in specific legal areas. The programme is delivered by leading practitioners and legal scholars who are experts in their respective fields.
Main areas of study include contract law, corporate governance law, and the institutional framework of the state.
Graduates of this programme will enhance their competitiveness in the labour market and significantly boost their professional development prospects in their respective fields. The knowledge, skills, and competences acquired in the programme are advantageous for all middle and senior management positions in both the private and public sectors.
After obtaining a Master’s degree, students may pursue a PhD if they meet the programme’s admission criteria.
Previous Education:
- A bachelor’s degree or a second-level professional higher education qualification (or equivalent) of at least four years’ duration; or
- A bachelor’s degree obtained in three years of study, along with a master’s degree.
The formula for calculating the competition grade is: weighted average mark (60 x 10 = 600) + total (or average) mark in the final examinations (40 x 10 = 400).
Absolventu atsauksmes
"Studiju programma pārsteidza ar savu kvalitāti ne tikai saturiski, bet arī organizatoriski. Programmas saturs un metodika ir prasmīgi pielāgota ikvienam interesentam, neatkarīgi no priekšzināšanām tiesību jomā. Tā nodrošināja līdzsvarotas teorijas un praktiskās zināšanās, aptverot plašus juridiskos principus tieši attiecībā uz organizācijas pārvaldības jautājumiem. Piesaistītie pasniedzēji ir savas jomas profesionāļi, tādējādi gūtās zināšanas ir ne tikai teorētiskas, bet arī dziļi sakņojas aktuālajā tiesu praksē un principos. Pēc studijām esmu ieguvis lielāku izpratni par komerctiesībām, līgumtiesībām, īpašumtiesībām, valsts pārvaldes institucionālo sistēmu, korporatīvās pārvaldības principiem, publiskajiem iepirkumiem, personas datu aizsardzības jautājumiem, personāla vadības juridiskajiem aspektiem un citiem vadītājam aktuālajiem juridiskajiem jautājumiem."