This programme is designed to train law professionals to the highest professional standard. The programme offers a wide array of elective courses (over 20), including several in English. In alignment with national standards for higher professional education, the programme includes three types of internships in various areas of law. Studies are conducted under the guidance of highly qualified faculty members, including judges, barristers, prosecutors, heads of various state institutions, and other professionals in the field.
Programme Director Vadims Mantrovs
In the first year, students explore commercial law, competition law and business management law, private international law and international civil procedure, current issues in the qualification of criminal offences, legal methods, and constitutional law. Alongside these compulsory courses, students can select from a comprehensive catalogue of elective courses in various sub-fields of law, available in both Latvian and English. During the first semester, students focus on civil law practice, while the second semester is dedicated to criminal law practice.
In the second year, students delve into the theory of law, philosophy of law, issues in Latvian legal history, current trends in international and EU law, as well as current issues in administrative law, European contract and tort law, and administrative law practice. The final semester is devoted to the preparation of a Master’s thesis on a subject of the student’s choice. At the end of the programme, students undertake the State Unified Examination for the Professional Qualification of Lawyers.
Graduates obtain a professional master’s degree in law and a qualification of a lawyer, enabling them to pursue a broad range of legal professions, including roles in courts, Bar association, notarial offices, state and municipal institutions, private companies, and within the European Union and international organisations. Upon meeting the age and qualification requirements specified by legislation, graduates can apply for positions such as judge, sworn advocate, notary, bailiff, and more.
Previous education:
Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in law or second -level professional higher education in law, provided that these programmes include at least 120 credits (ECTS) of law courses.
The formula for calculating the competition grade for applicants seeking a study place funded by the state budget is: weighted average grade (40 x 10 = 400) + entrance test (60 x 10 = 600).
For applicants not applying for a state-funded study place, the competition grade is calculated as: weighted average grade (100 x 10 = 1000).
Study organisation
From the autumn semester of the academic year 2023/2024, students attend in-person classes one day a week (from 9.00 to 18.00, depending on the choice of Part B courses) throughout the semester. For the autumn semester of 2023, in-person classes for first-year students will be held on Mondays.
Several electives (Part B courses) will also be available remotely via MS Teams on a different day of the week, allowing students to choose the most convenient method for studying Part B courses.
The remaining days of the working week are reserved for legal practice, which is a compulsory element of the programme as stipulated by law.
Absolventu atsauksmes
"Studijas LU JF varētu salīdzināt ar tādu kā ceļa karti, kas palīdz vēlāk praksē nenomaldīties juridiskajos "džungļos". Manuprāt, Latvijā salīdzinoši labākās orientēšanās spējas šajos "džungļos" ir LU JF absolventiem, jo tieši viņiem ir pietiekamas pamatzināšanas un spēja meklēt drosmīgus un juridiski pamatotus risinājumus klientiem. LU JF vienkopus ir sastopami labākie mācībspēki, kas ir kā "vaļi", uz kuriem balstās Latvijas tiesību zinātne. Profesionālo kontaktu loks, kas te iegūts, būs ļoti vērtīgs visai turpmākajai karjerai. Savukārt ārpus studijām izmantotās iespējas– tiesu izspēles un apmaiņas studijas ārvalstīs pavisam noteikti profesionālajā karjerā atšķir īpaši mērķtiecīgos studentus no vidējā aritmētiskā."