European Studies and Economic Diplomacy
Study programme offers in-depth studies of international economic relations, paying special attention to the theoretical and applied problems of international economics and economic diplomacy.
Graduates’ comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge of the European Union, diplomatic skills, analytical skills, and in-depth economic skills will provide solid basis for their work in different institutions of
European Union, international organizations, as well as in national public and private sectors. Students gain knowledge for analytical and managerial positions in
economic, political, and social fields, for diplomatic service, for economic lobbying activities at
European Union level, and for further education in doctoral studies programmes leading to an academic career.
The programme provides studies in international environment of lingual and cultural diversity by attracting both international students, lecturers, and experts. Studies are conducted in English. The highlight of the program is a study trip to EU and NATO institutions in Brussels, Luxembourg and Frankfurt which helps to master the environment of international institutions in practice. Study trip is subject to an epidemiological situation in the region.

Assoc. prof. Inese Āboliņa
The programme provides studies in international environment of lingual and cultural diversity by attracting both international students, lecturers, and experts. Studies are conducted in English. The highlight of the program is a study trip to EU and NATO institutions in Brussels, Luxembourg and Frankfurt which helps to master the environment of international institutions in practice. Study trip is subject to an epidemiological situation in the region.
Competitive employment and excellent career - economics, international law, and international politics studies are the opportunity for graduates to become senior executives, civil servants, employees of EU institutions, diplomats, journalists, consultants, analysts, lobbyists, entrepreneurs, as well as to work as lecturers and researchers.
Admission requirements for international students
- Academic or professional bachelor’s degree in economics or management science. Academic or professional bachelor’s degree in other fields of social sciences, or natural sciences, or the humanities, and considerable work experience in the field of economics that includes appropriate preliminary knowledge.
- English language proficiency.
- Quality of CV. Curriculum vitae (CV) must be submitted, which indicates the life course and experience, including experience in various European integration issues, international and intercultural communication experience, participation in public activities and organizations.
- Quality of Motivation letter. Motivation letter must be submitted stating the motivation to study in the study program "European Studies and Economic Diplomacy" and the rationale for the possible topic of the master's thesis.
- As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview and fulfill the test.
Study methodologist: Inese Ranka, phone +371 67034986, e-mail:
"Maģistra studiju programma tiek organizēta angļu valodā, kas dod iespēju apzināt plašāku studiju materiālu piedāvājumu, veikt padziļinātu starptautisko procesu apguvi, kā arī sniedz fantastisku iespēju sadarboties ar pasniedzējiem un kursabiedriem no visas pasaules, iepazīstot arī viņu skatījumu un pieredzi."
Graduates' testimonials
"I enjoyed my studies in this program. There was a friendly environment, including good relations between teachers and students and well as an organised program. Sufficient guest lectures by international professors and experts gave us another chance to learn more about the EU and its development from different points of view. The program included a study visit to Brussels which provides a wonderful opportunity to learn how the European Institutions actually function and to discover European political culture from the inside. Overall, I can say it was a worthwhile experience and I'm satisfied with my choice."