Law - Doctoral Programme
Following amendments to the Law on Higher Education Institutions (effective from 01.01.2019), the accreditation period for study programmes has been extended. The new deadlines are available here.
The aim of the programme is to equip doctoral students with comprehensive knowledge and skills for independent research, preparing highly qualified legal scholars for academia, scientific and organisational roles in both public and private sectors, and complex practical jurisprudence. The programme offers the broadest range of specialisations, encompassing all subfields of law: legal theory and history, public law, international and EU law, civil law, criminal law, police law, forensics and the theory of operational activities.
Programme Director

Prof. Jānis Lazdiņš
In the first year, doctoral students will study:
- Practical aspects of the European legal tradition
- Methodology of scientific research in law
- Foreign legal language
- Basics of lecturing
Upon completing theoretical courses, students will begin individual work, studying scientific literature and
participating in conferences and teaching, and eventually developing a thesis plan, manuscript, and the thesis itself.
The programme provides skills and competences for academic roles in higher education, scientific and organisational positions in public and private institutions, as well as advanced practical jurisprudence.
Conditions of Admission:
- Previous education: Master’s degree in Law
- Admission criteria are available here. Applicants are ranked based on total points from admission interviews. These results are used for awarding state funded positions.
Absolventu atsauksmes
"Doktorantūras studijas LU Juridiskajā fakultātē man bija likumsakarīga izvēle, jo vēlējos pilnveidot savas pētnieciskā darba prasmes, kā arī paplašināt akadēmiskās zināšanas man interesējošajā tiesību nozarē. Iepriekšējā veiksmīgā pieredze, studējot LU Juridiskajā fakultātē, noteica vēlmi turpināt studijas tieši šeit."