The creation and accumulation of material wealth no longer attest to the social well-being of society. The precondition for prosperity is everyone's ability to acquire quality education, health care, security, to benefit from personal freedom and employment opportunities. At times when one of these conditions cannot be met, a social worker is involved to help people identify, alleviate and solve these problems and build a better life in the future.
The professional bachelor's study programme “Social Work” is amongst the few that, in addition to academic education, provides the necessary knowledge, skills and value base for professional qualification. The aim of the programme is to train specialists with the second level professional higher education, professional bachelor's degree in social work and the fifth level professional qualification "Social Worker".
Study programme is implemented at:
Riga (full-time regular studies and part-time regular studies)
UL branches in Alūksne, Cēsis, Kuldīga, Bauska, Jēkabpils, Madona and Tukums (part-time regular studies)
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Acting Director of the Study Programme

Associate professor Baiba Bela
During the 1st year, the students acquire the basic knowledge and study skills necessary for further studies of social work. Therefore, this year includes an introductory course in studies of social work, as well as acquaintance with related fields (basics of communication, psychology, economics and basics of philosophy). The students also complete an internship in a social welfare institution.
In the 2nd year, the students master the general and specific knowledge and skills required to work in the sector. They improve their foreign language and digital proficiency, understanding of the social security system, social work with individuals and families, social work with various groups, such as victims of violence. The internship gives an opportunity to learn to work with social issues.
In the 3rd year, the students acquire knowledge and skills underlying in-depth professional competences in the field. For example, developmental psychology, basics of psychiatry, volunteer management, family system, social work in the community, social work with people who suffer from substance abuse, supervision.
In the 4th year, programme offers the subjects related to the final examinations and the development of a diploma thesis: social work project management, research in social work. During the internship, the students advance their social work skills, collect data for the development of a diploma thesis.
Completion of the studies grant the graduates a professional qualification of a social worker. Therefore, the students spend a total of 26 study weeks in an internship supervised by highly qualified professionals in social services, social care institutions, crisis centres and other organizations that organize and provide social services.
After graduation, the graduates can take a position of social worker in the state, local government, non-governmental sector and private organizations. The acquired professional qualification and bachelor's degree allow to work in the field of social welfare also abroad.
“Since we are practitioners of the field from different parts of Latvia, each with his or her own life experience and perspective of things, that allows us to enrich each other. The fact that the programme has attracted lecturers who have experience beyond the processes taking place in Latvia allows us as students to expand our vision of professional social work. That studies are in step with the spirit of times.” graduate of 2012.
General conditions
Completed secondary education
Competition criteria for persons who have acquired secondary education from 2004:
CE in Latvian language
CE in English or CE in French, or CE in German
CE in mathematics*
Average score of all CE passed by the person
* For persons who have completed secondary education before 2008, the centralized examination (CE) in mathematics may be replaced by the annual grade in mathematics indicated in the secondary education document (or the average grade in algebra and geometry)
Competition criteria for persons who have completed secondary education up to 2004 (excluding), as well as for those who have acquired secondary education abroad, or persons with special needs:
annual average grade in Latvian language and literature
annual grade in English or French or German language
annual grade in Mathematics (or average grade in Algebra and Geometry)
annual average grade in mandatory subjects
Additional points: The winners of the 1st–3rd level of the University of Latvia New Social Workers' School in 2022 and 2023: the winners of the 1st level/place will receive 100 points, the winners of the 2nd level/place – 75 points, the winners of the 3rd level/place – 50 points.
Cēsu branch
Antra Antonoviča - T. 26437549, 64122479; e-mail:
Kuldīgas branch
Ruta Karloviča (director); T.26437524, e-mail:
Jana Roze (metodologist) - T. 63323457; e-mail:
Alūksnes branch
Ligita Zaķe (director) - T.26443798, e-mail:
Studiju metodologist: Liene Znotiņa, room 223, Ph.: +371 67140533, e-mail: