Bachelor’s Degree in Law
The Bachelor’s programme is the initial step towards qualifying of a lawyer. Its primary objective is to provide foundational knowledge and competencies across all areas of law. Students can specialise by selecting courses from a list of compulsory elective courses in their area of interest. Although the programme does not include an internship, practical skills are developed through study methods such as case studies, moot courts, etc. The studies are led by highly qualified teaching staff, including judges, barristers and heads of various state institutions.
Programme Director

Asoc. prof. Edvīns Danovskis
Students cover Latvian legal history, legal theory, legal ethics, legal English, constitutional law, contract law, property law, inheritance law, family law, labour law, administrative law, European Union law, public international law, private international law, alongside civil procedure, criminal procedure, and administrative procedure law. Furthermore, students can choose modules from a selection of compulsory electives across various sub-fields of law. In the final year, students develop and defend a Bachelor’s thesis.
Successful completion of the Bachelor’s programme is a prerequisite for continuing studies at the Master’s level and obtaining a lawyer’s qualification. Graduates can pursue careers in both public service and private companies, as well as in courts, bar associations, prosecutor’s offices, notarial offices, and European Union and international institutions.
General Conditions
- Secondary education
Criteria for Applicants Completing Secondary Education from 2004 Onwards:
- Centralized exam (CE) in Latvian*
- CE in English, French, or German*
- CE in Mathematics*
- Annual Grade in History or in Social Studies and History or in History and Social Studies or in Social Studies
- Aggregate percentage grades in the CE across all subjects*
*The EU does not mandate a specific level of CE for admission; however, the following coefficients ensure comparability of CE results:
- A coefficient of 0.75 applies to exams at the optimal level and equates them to exams at the highest learning level.
- A coefficient of 0.50 applies to exams at the general level and equates them to exams at the higher learning level.
- Centralised exam results obtained before 2022 are equated to the optimal learning level and weighted by 0.75, equating them with the highest learning level.
For individuals completing secondary education before 2008, the centralised exam in mathematics may be replaced by the annual grade in mathematics (or the average grade in algebra and geometry) from the secondary school certificate.
Competition Criteria for Applicants Completing Secondary Education Before 2003, for Those Educated Abroad, and Those Exempt from the CE:
- Annual Average Grade in Latvian Language and Literature
- Annual Grade in English, French, or German
- Annual Grade in History or in Social Studies and History or in History and Social Studies or in Social Studies
- Annual Grade in Mathematics (or Average Grade in Algebra and Geometry)
- Annual Average Mark in Compulsory Subject
Additional Points:
Graduates of the University of Latvia’s Young Lawyers’ University who take the final test in 2025 and achieve at least 70% of the total score will receive an additional 50 points.
Winners of 1st–3rd place diplomas in the Social Sciences at the Latvian National Student Research Paper Conference in 2024 and 2025 will receive an additional 40 points.
Winners of 1st–3rd place in the University of Latvia’s Young Lawyers’ University final test in 2025.
Citizens who voluntarily enrol in and complete the National Defence Service and meet the admission requirements of the study programme are guaranteed state-funded study places without competition. This applies if they apply no later than two years after the completion of their service and their transfer to the reserve.
Full-time studie | Study Assistant: Kristīne Ābele Email: Phone: 67034724 |
Part-time studie | Study Assistant: Baiba Beļicka Email: Phone: 67034725 |
Absolventu atsauksmes
"Manuprāt, LU Juridiskā fakultāte ir lielisks pirmais solis jurista profesijas apgūšanai. Studējot fakultātē, esmu izmēģinājusi visas tās piedāvātās iespējas - apgūt ne tikai padziļinātas teorētiskās zināšanas jomas labāko profesionāļu un akadēmiķu pārraudzībā no Latvijas un pasaules, bet arī papildināt savas profesionālās prasmes nacionāla un starptautiska līmeņa juridiskās argumentācijas sacensībās, studentu pārstāvniecībā un apmaiņas programmās. Ja arī Tu vēlies ievērojami paplašināt savu redzesloku un iespējas, iesaku spert šo soli Juridiskās fakultātes aizraujošo piedzīvojumu virzienā un izmēģināt pašam."