The study programme is intended for specialists with knowledge and skills relevant to the full information cycle: information collection, processing and organization, storage, information finding and retrieval, as well as dissemination.
The studies provide knowledge about information institutions and information resources in contemporary society, enable to master information management (e.g., creating databases and digital libraries, structuring websites), to apprehend information systems and services in the context of information user needs, as well as gain expertise in management, economics, communication psychology, cultural history and much more.
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Director of Study Programme

Associate professor Baiba Holma
Year 1 is intended for the student to understand what information institutions are, what is their role in society, to master information resources and their development history (for example, the history of book publishing in Latvia and worldwide), the basics of their organization and search, as well as connection of library and information science with other social sciences (communication science, economics, law, political science, sociology, semiotics).
Year 2 provides a deeper insight into the field, and students acquire courses on information society, databases and websites, research methods, information systems, inventory management, information science, information literacy, document management and storage, studies of local history and services to be provided to various user groups. This year also involves preparation of a research paper on a topic pertaining to the field. The student can consolidate knowledge and develop skills during academic internships.
Year 3 is the period for furthering the knowledge about the issues of the field – this includes the courses on digital libraries, repositories of research publications and data, administrative, structural and descriptive metadata, research in the field, management of information institutions, development and management of information services, publicity of information institutions, as well as architecture and usability of information resources. During this year, the final thesis is being developed, requiring the research of a problem both theoretically and practically.
Part-time correspondence studies (distance learning) ensure acquisition of the same knowledge and skills in the same logical sequence, only over a longer period of time – four years (eight semesters).
The study programme includes three academic internships, during which theoretical knowledge can be applied in performing practical tasks in potential workplaces (libraries, archives, as well as various institutions practising management of information systems, etc.). During the acquisition of several courses, the lecturers organize practical classes in the respective institutions.
Within the framework of the ERASMUS + programme, students of the information management study programme can benefit from exchange studies to partner universities in Norway, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, France, Portugal, and other countries.
Employment in all public and private companies which require selecting, searching, organization and dissemination of information, as well as in libraries and information centres serving customers and creating and maintaining information systems of organizations.
General conditions
Completed secondary education
Competition criteria for persons who have acquired secondary education from 2004:
CE in Latvian language
CE in English or CE in French, or CE in German
CE in mathematics*
Average score of all CE passed by the person
* For persons who have completed secondary education before 2008, the centralized examination (CE) in mathematics may be replaced by the annual grade in mathematics indicated in the secondary education document (or the average grade in algebra and geometry)
Competition criteria for persons who have completed secondary education up to 2004 (excluding), as well as for those who have acquired secondary education abroad, or persons with special needs:
annual average grade in Latvian language and literature
annual grade in English or French or German language
annual grade in Mathematics (or average grade in Algebra and Geometry)
annual average grade in mandatory subjects
Additional points: The winners of the 1st–3rd place of the University of Latvia School of Young Information Specialists in 2022 and 2023 are awarded additional points: the winners of the 1st place will receive 100 points, the winners of the 2nd place – 75 points, the winners of the 3rd place – 50 points.
Methodologist Inga Poļaka, room 220, T. 67140022, e-mail:
Graduate reviews
"Education in library science and information enables a person to become an excellent professional in almost any field related to the turnover of information. Furthermore, the acquired skills help to continuously improve oneself and master new knowledge quickly and efficiently."

“The aura of this faculty is something special. And so is the mindset of the lecturers – we are always listened to. We can express our thoughts out loud without thinking about how this will affect our grade – we are not silent. I wish the new FSS students the strength and endurance for the entire three years ahead of them.”

“This programme has enabled me to be knowledgeable and creative in the field of information management – given me capacity to quickly and efficiently find, organize and apply information in a wide variety of fields. In the information society, this is a significant advantage in private and professional life. Acquired skills have a reciprocal application – to be able to find and collect information, to filter and receive only what is needed in the ever-growing avalanche of information.”