Environmental science is an interdisciplinary branch of science that studies natural systems and their interaction with the human environment. In this field, a systemic approach is used, creating understanding and conclusions based on natural and social sciences research. The study program's structure consists of compulsory courses and free elective courses in related fields that help get to know environmental science. During the study process, students can learn geographical information systems, resource evaluation and management, biodiversity protection and management, and other knowledge, competencies and skills necessary for environmental science specialists. Students acquire practical skills and abilities in the laboratory and practical work, in field courses in various parts of Latvia, as part of applied practice in companies, state administration or non-governmental organizations. At the end of their studies, students conduct independent research in environmental science, reflecting the main results of their bachelor's thesis.
Study program director

Associate professor Imants Kukuļs
Subjects to be studied:
- Environmental chemistry
- Environmental pollution
- Ecology with the basics of landscape ecology
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental technologies
- Environmental management
- Environmental rights
- Data analysis in environmental and earth sciences
- Biology
- Earth physics
- Chemistry
- Earth sciences, etc
Job opportunities: Environmental quality monitoring, control and purification, impact and course of anthropogenic and natural processes, and adaptation in the future are the basis of environmental science studies. These issues are solved by building new production facilities, cleaning up the polluted environment or taking care of sustainable development. Job opportunities – European Commission, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvian Center for Environment, Geology and Meteorology, State Environmental Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Latvian State Forests, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, private environmental consulting firms, production and service companies, also scientific and pedagogical work at the University of Latvia.
Secondary education