Regulations for Academic Integrity at the University of Latvia

The Regulations for Academic Integrity at the University of Latvia aim to strengthen the culture of academic integrity at the University of Latvia. These Regulations explain academic integrity and standards of conduct, list the most often occurring violations of the standards of academic integrity in the academic environment and the responsibilities of UL academic staff in the prevention of academic dishonesty.

The Academic Ethics Codex of the University of Latvia

The Academic Ethics Codex of the University of Latvia incorporates the principles and norms of fair and responsible actions of the community of the University of Latvia. The goal of the Codex is to promote academic distinction and to facilitate joint action of the UL community for the education and science of Latvia. The Codex is in force during the academic activities and intercommunication in UL. The objective of the Codex is to create an environment that is favorable for acquisition of knowledge, free exchange of opinions and perfection of human personality. The Codex is created in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, as well as with other normative acts.