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Sport, technology and public health
In the Bachelor's study programme “sports, technologies and public health” – the study programme offers interdisciplinary sports studies consisting of three current study blocks: the field of sport, technologies and public health that complement each other through interaction, such as the use of technology in sport, the role of sport in public health, etc.
The duration of studies in this programme is three years (six semesters) in full-time face-to-face studies. The objective of the study programme is to provide students with an opportunity to acquire higher academic education in sports science and related science sectors by promoting the acquisition of students' knowledge and skills in order to promote the development of student competence for activities in research and professional activities of sports and related science sectors related to technological development and promotion of public health.
What am i going to study?
(1) courses of study in the field of sport providing basic and specialised knowledge in the field of sport;
(2) Technology study courses and rolling themes related to the use of technologies in sports research, sports industry, the acquisition and analysis of daily activities and professional sports load data, and monitoring;
(3) public health study courses and rolling themes focusing on socio-economic aspects affect public quality of life, athletic achievement and health in a broader context.
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