How much does a sports subscription cost?

Subscription fee for YL students and employees:

Sports training – EUR 20 per semester.

Fitness and sports training – EUR 30 per semester.

For external stakeholders, EUR 50 per semester.

Learn more about sports subscriptions

How do I sign up for trainings?

You don't need a prior login, but you need to present a payment certificate in your first workout that confirms your subscription purchase.

At the start of each academic year in September, all workouts can be attended for free.

Can I go just to one type training with a subscription?

With a subscription, you can attend various types of workouts and unlimited number of times.

How do I apply for UL sports leagues?

UL sports leagues begin in October and a team application to must be sent by the end of September.

Participation requires the purchase of an LU sports subscription:

For LU students – EUR 20 per semester.

For members from the outside, EUR 50 per semester.

Can only UL students participate in UL sports leagues?

No, LU sports leagues can apply for up to two members from the sidelines in each team.

How do I learn about active recreation events or competitions?

Three weeks before the event, all information is posted on the social networks of the and UL sports Centre (Instagram and Facebook).