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Introduction into Forensic Expertology.
The aim of the study course is to give the students a systematised insight into forensic expertology today. The study course characterises the historical development of expertology, its content, as well as the use of forensic science in the criminal proceedings, administrative proceedings and civil proceedings. During the course, students will be given an opportunity to use modelled situations in order to receive an insight in necessity of commissioning of expert evidence, fundamental aspects of expert opinion assessment in judicial processes, as well as drafting of procedural documents linked to expert examination.
Basic notions of the Latvian legal system
The aim of the study course is to provide students with a possibility of reinforcing basic knowledge of the basic principles of the Latvian legal system and its practical application. At the study course, students acquire the most important issues of the Latvian legal theory and obtain skills for applying the acquired knowledge to solve legal issues. During the study course, the most essential basic principles of the Latvian system as belonging to the legal system of the Northern legal area (the Continental Europe of the Romano-German legal area).
Comparative Criminal Law
The aim of the course is to provide the students of the bachelor study programme knowledge in comparative aspect in addition to the basic course – General Part of the Criminal Law. During the course, for the purposes of comparison of institutes of the general part of the criminal law the students are provided the statutory provisions of the criminal law of various foreign law systems (Romance - Germanic legal family – Germany and France; Anglo-Saxon legal family – England and the United States of America (USA)), as well as theoretical knowledge to show the common and different aspects in comparison with the criminal law of Latvia (Penal Law of 1933 in Latvia, and currently effective Criminal Law).
25.03.2021 22:48 Content
Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture 2017 for students with no, little (A1+) orgood (B1) prior knowledge of Latvian language was held July 24 – 6 August 2017. The University of Latvia in collaboration with the Latvian Language Agency organized for the third year "Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture" for students and otherinterested partieswho want not only to learn and improve their Latvian, but also to broaden their knowledge of Latvian history, art and folklore. The students who study Latvian or other Baltic languages at their home universities are particularly encouraged to apply.
General Theory of State
The aim of the course is to provide to the students the understanding of state, its social, legal and political structure. The objective of the course is to acquire basic knowledge necessary to understand the state organisation and functioning; the role of law in social organisation; the role of civil society in a democratic constitutional state, and to promote an easier and deeper understanding of Constitutional Law (in the Republic of Latvia and abroad) and international public law. To develop the critical thinking skills in order to analyse the political processes in the state and the values at the basis of the law creation; to separate democratic politics from non-democratic; the limits of state interference in the life of society with a regulatory framework. Within the framework of the course, the students learn of the constitutive elements of the state on the basis of regulatory framework (international conventions) and works of philosophers; they study various doctrines
Kārlis Ozoliņš – Emīls Mednis Charitable Trust Scholarship
29.10.2020 16:51 Content
In 2019, the Kārlis Ozoliņš-Emīls Mednis Charitable Trust (USA) in cooperation with the "Friends of the University of Latvia" has established a scholarship to support students of theology and religious sciences at the University of Latvia (UL). The scholarship is intended for students of all programmes at the UL Faculty of Theology, starting from the 2 nd year of bachelor’s programme studies, to cover tuition fees, daily expenses, participation in conferences or purchase of study materials. For doctoral students of the final year, the support is intended for development of their doctoral thesis. Number of scholarships: For students of bachelor’s and master’s programmes – 2; For students of doctoral programme to support development of their doctoral thesis – not exceeding 2. Scholarship amount: For students of bachelor’s and master’s programmes – 1) EUR3000 per academic year (EUR 2000 to cover tuition fees, EUR 1000 – to contribute toward daily expenses); 2) up
Par projektu
25.04.2022 16:59 Content
The IREX Baltic Media Literacy Program at the University of Latvia is a project funded by the United States Department of State. It aims to educate media literacy students at the University of Latvia and the general public. The project is implemented at the University of Latvia at the Advanced Social and Political Research Institute at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The program includes educational, creative, and research activities. Within the framework of the project, new study courses have been developed (“Journalism in the Era of Disinformation” (6 ECT) for Communication Science students and “Fundamentals of Media Literacy for Information Specialists” (3 ECT) for Information Management students). In August 2020, summer studies for students of the bachelor level programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences “Three Stories of Media Literacy” took place. In January 2021, 50 students from nine social sciences and humanities master level programs of the University of Latvia participated
Ināra Kehre un Ervins Labanovskis sarunu ciklā "Kafija ar absolventu"
30.05.2017 23:57 News
SZF absolventi dalās savā pieredzē ar fakultātes studentiem Maijā aizvadītas vēl divas sarunas ciklā “Kafija ar absolventu”, kurās tikāmies ar Ināru Kehri un Ervinu Labanovski. Politikas zinātnes programmas absolvente Ināra Kehre pavisam nesen metās jaunā piedzīvojumā, kļūstot par Rīgas cirka valdes locekli. Neformālā gaisotnē Ināra pastāstīja gan par savām lielākajām neveiksmēm, gan par notikumiem, kuri viņas dzīvē ienesa radikālas pārmaiņas, vēlreiz apliecinot, ka no pārmaiņām nav jābaidās un neviens jau nezina, kā dzīvot ir pareizi. Veiksmes un neveiksmes mūs izveido par tādiem cilvēkiem, kādi esam. Vaicājot, ar ko Inārai saistās fakultātē pavadītais laiks, viņa atbildēja: “Ieelpa – izelpa,” atgādinot, ka reizēm vienkārši vajag ieelpot, lai arī ikdienas steigā nereti to aizmirstam. Tiekoties ar Ervinu Labanovski, absolvents dalījās savā pieredzē par darbu ministrijā un domē. Ervins stāstīja par uzņēmējdarbības dzīves līkločiem, hobijiem un darbu biedrībās. Absolvents
Launch of MODEST project by sharing research directions in Moscow
24.01.2019 17:57 News
, postgraduate education, as well as administrative and organizational issues of the project. MODEST is a three-year project which aims at modernization of doctoral education in science in partner countries. Wider project objective is to enhance cooperation capacities of Higher educational institutions of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA). The MODEST project aims to improve the quality of postgraduate studies in engineering by modernizing the curriculum, optimizing the work of postgraduate students, enhancing the supervision of their scientific research and increasing academic mobility. To achieve the sustainable results, it is planned to develop web-platforms and virtual network environment using various approaches and information and communication methodologies.
Independently prepared peer-reviewed article on the topic of the dissertation
To successfully complete the doctoral program, doctoral students must publish their research in an internationally recognised peer-reviewed journal. The aim of the course is to ensure the publication and popularisation of scientific research carried out during doctoral studies at the international level. The tasks of the course are to develop doctoral students' skills to systematise and generalize their research in the form of a scientific publication and to evaluate other people's scientific publications in the chosen field of research. The preparation of a publication is an independent work based on personal experience in research and knowledge gained during studies. The scientific article is prepared in consultation with the supervisor and other specialists. Scientific publications are a mandatory promotion requirement.The course is designed in Latvian and English.
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