Found 10185 entries
Management of Culture and Communication
The course provides knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects the management of culture, as well as the relationship between management of culture and instruments of communication. The course looks at theoretical aspects and methodologies of cultural management, theories of creative industries, trends in creative industries in Latvia and the world, cultural policy in Latvia and abroad. Creative industries and cultural policy in Latvia are highlighted by examples in the activities of specific industries: cinema, theater, music, literature and publishing, museums and cultural heritage. The course also looks ob opportunities for communication science students in the field of creative industries, cultural marketing, cultural business, and fundraising from Latvian and European financial institutions. Purpose of the course: to provide an opportunity to acquire in-depth and expanded knowledge in cultural management; develop skills in the development of cultural projects; develop
Nature and Society in the Anthropocene
will be examined from the perspective of human geography, environmental geography, and the broader field of environmental humanities. The aim of the course is to enhance students’ understanding of the complex interactions between humans and nature in the Anthropocene. The course aims to: (1) provide knowledge of the history of human-nature relationships in the context of different paradigms of geography; (2) provide an understanding of key concepts in the study of human-nature interactions today; (3) acquire skills in debate on historical, political, social and environmental issues; (4) acquire skills in the interpretation of human-nature interactions in different examples of nature transformation and management in Latvia. Language of the course - Latvian.
Japanese Language and Communication Culture IV
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn to speak Japanese fluently on various topics while continuing to learn grammar, as well as to develop listening, reading and writing skills up to B1-2 level, taking into account the most important verbal and non-verbal communication in Japanese culture. as well as looking at the linguistic peculiarities of the Japanese language in comparison with the Indo-European languages. In addition to the classic textbook, the range of course materials also includes various digital tools, special applications, and rich Internet resources. The language studies are complemented by theoretical materials on Japanese etiquette and Japanese behavioral culture. The tasks of the course are: 1) to continue learning Japanese phonetics, spelling and spelling; 2) to continue getting acquainted with the morphology and syntax of the literary Japanese language; 3) to increase Japanese language words (at least 500 new words) and phrase
Strategic Planning and Methods
The aim of the course is to strengthen the existing knowledge and deepen the understanding of the assessment of the development potential of territories and strategic planning and the ways of its implementation, methods of strategy development and implementation. The course provides knowledge about the main directions and approaches in integrated sustainable development planning of territories and individual settlements, skills in identifying strategic development problems and their solutions. The main topics of the course content: Strategic thinking and social process. Long-term and medium-term development planning approaches, principles, documents, development process and methods. The process of sustainable strategic development and its management: monitoring and decision-making. Tasks of the study course: 1. To provide students with knowledge about strategic spatial development planning as a tool for achieving the development goals of regions and municipal territories. 2
Japanese Language and Communication Culture V
The aim of the course is to give students the opportunity to learn to speak Japanese fluently on various topics, continuing to learn grammar, as well as listening, reading and writing skills up to B2-1, the most important verbal skills. and nonverbal communication in Japanese culture and looking at the peculiarities of the linguistic aspects of Japanese with Indo-European languages. In addition to the classic textbooks, the range of course materials also includes various digital tools, rich Internet resources. The Tobira language textbook program is complemented by theoretical materials on Japanese etiquette developed by leading industry specialist Mente and provides detailed information on Japanese behavioral culture in more than a hundred different situations around the world. The tasks of the course are: 1) to learn Japanese phonetics and spelling; 2) to study the morphology and syntax of the literary Japanese language; 3) to supplement the most necessary Japanese language
Projects of social sciences
29.05.2020 19:24 Content
UL Student Business Incubator The LU Student Business Incubator is an important participant among European university business incubators, creating opportunities for every student to become an outstanding entrepreneur. In 2017, the project is supported by the patron "Swedbank" (2,500 EUR). Forum for the Future Studies 2017 The aim of the forum together with cooperation partners is to identify the necessary reforms in the Latvian higher education sector in order to prepare for future challenges and trends in the Latvian higher education sector. The aim of the forum is to identify the future of education, to present innovative ideas, to link them with current issues and perspectives of the labor market and to assess the quality of higher education. In 2017, the project was supported by the patron "Armgate" (500 EUR). Forum cycle "Latvian formula 2050. Development scenarios" As the centenary of the Republic of Latvia approaches, the University of Latvia, as the leading higher
Mūsas Aptieka
24.08.2020 14:36 Content
Support In 2017, a scholarship of Mūsas Aptieka was established as the pharmacy donated EUR 1,460 for the support of students. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Karjeras centrs
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The main task of the UL Career Centre is to offer support measures and services to all those interested in developing their career, and the main target group consists of the future and current students, as well as university graduates. The Career Centre offers the following services and activities: individual career counselling, coaching, consultations in drafting a CV and an application letter; workshop cycle "Creating Your Career Skills Portfolio" – interactive, practical workshops, which help to develop the skills required in professional life; career choice seminars for pupils; events organised in cooperation with potential employers (guest lectures, annual employers' exhibition "Career Opportunity Day", etc.); UL Student Career Development Programme "Light Up the Future!"
2009/2010 season
19.07.2023 15:31 Content
Pirmsākumos neliela Latvijas Universitātes deju grupa „Mango” sava prieka pēc vienojās kopīgās nodarbībās un reizēm atbalstītu kādu studentu sporta pasākumu. Tajā laikā trenerei Inetai Miškunai radās ideja par karsējmeiteņu komandas izveidi. Un tā, 1. sezonā – 2009./2010. studiju gadā , tika izsludināta pirmā izsapņotā komandas atlase. Šajā gadā Latvijas Universitātes karsējmeiteņu komanda „Mango” uzstājās SEB studentu basketbola līgas spēlēs, atbalstot Latvijas Universitātes basketbola komandu. Sezonas noslēgumā karsējmeiteņu komanda piedalījās pirmajā Latvijas karsējmeiteņu čempionātā. Šajā čempionātā meitenes ar savu vienkāršību un patiesiem smaidiem ieguva moto apvienības „Streetfighters” simpātijas, ar kuru sadarbība izveidojās divu turpmāko gadu garumā.
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