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Participation in the UL doctoral school / an equivalent experience in foreign higher education or research institutions in the field of languages and cultures
The aim of the course is to expand the knowledge base of the doctoral students, which is necessary for independent research (doctoral thesis), as well as to promote interdisciplinarity of research. The doctoral school offers lectures and seminars on topical issues and problems in the humanities as delivered by leading experts in the field. The study course promotes the reinforcement and in-depth acquisition of professional skills both in the respective sub-branch and in a broader field of humanities, by covering the topical issues in philology (literary studies, linguistics) and art studies (folklore, theatre history and theory), as well as history and philosophy. Participation in the doctoral school can be compensated by experience in foreign higher education or research institutions in the field of languages and cultures. The doctoral students seek and consider study and research opportunities abroad independently and / or in cooperation with the research supervisor. The objectives
Par projektu
09.05.2023 16:35 Content
Specific Objective 1.1.1 "Improve research and innovation capacity and the ability of Latvian research institutions to attract external funding, by investing in human capital and infrastructure" activity “Innovation grants for students”. Project of University of Latvia Nr. “University of Latvia Innovation Grants for Students”. Name of the project: University of Latvia Innovation Grants for Students Number of project implementation agreement : Nr. Project partners : Accenture, A/S SEB banka, Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia, University of Latvia Foundation, Riga Technical University, SIA "Green Industry Innovation Center", SIA ADSUM, SIA Baltic Computer Academy,union Windhakers. Project duration : June 2019 – November 2023 (54 months) Total cost of the project : EUR 3 332 001.00 (ERDF funding EUR 2 499 000, private co-financing EUR 833001). Project manager : Anta Klepecka, e-mail: Short
Centre of Social Pediatrics
29.11.2023 12:59 Content
Contact at: Jelgavas iela 3 - 322 Email: Phone: +371 67033816 The Centre of Social Pediatrics serves as a clinical base not only for students of the Faculty of Medicine, but also for emerging psychologists of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, social pedagogues, special pedagogues, as well as for practitioners of the industry who perform their professional development in the form of continuing education in the Centre. Students at the Centre are educated for multi-sensory therapy used in the work with children with special needs, as well as with autistic and hyperactive children.
General Part of Civil Law
The aim of the course is to provide BA students with knowledge of matters of law that are common for all civil law. The course deals with the role and importance of civil law in the legal system. The course covers the following fundamental issues of civil law: the concept of civil law, the differences between general and special civil law, the subjects of civil law, the concept and implementation of subjective rights, subjects of civil law, the concept and types of legal transaction, the interpretation of legal transactions, lack of will in legal transactions, illegality of transactions, the form of legal transactions, representation in legal transaction.
Public Officials Law
The objective of the study course is to prepare students for employment in the public administration. Knowledge on public service law is preferable to every lawyer and mandatory to everyone willing to work or working in public administration. The study course provides knowledge on status and rights and obligations of public officials, prvention of conflict of interest in public administration, disciplinary liablity, unified renumeration system etc. The study course is useful to everyone willing to deepen their understanding on administrative law and administrative procedure law. The main focus in the study course is placed on law of public officials, however, particular themes also cover legal regulation referable to other persons employed by public administration.
Lexical Stylistic Interpretation of German Texts I
The aim of the course is to improve students’ skills in working with interesting, topical authentic texts, to interpret them and perform their analysis, to present them as well as to use the language in a differentiated way in the monologue, dialogue (exchange of opinions, discussion, reporting, descriptions, narration), to acquire the most important strategies for the text reception and production, paying special attention to further development of spoken and written speech. Objectives of the study course: 1. To promote students’ understanding of texts that are of different types and the degree of complexity; 2. To promote the practical application of the acquired knowledge and improved skills, to develop the skill of finding information solving problems independently; 3. To acquire new vocabulary in German, paying special attention to the polysemy of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms as well as phraseology thus enriching students’ vocabulary and consolidating knowledge
Lexical Stylistic Interpretation of German Texts I
The aim of the course is to improve students’ skills in working with interesting, topical authentic texts, to interpret them and perform their analysis, to present them as well as to use the language in a differentiated way in the monologue, dialogue (exchange of opinions, discussion, reporting, descriptions, narration), to acquire the most important strategies for the text reception and production, paying special attention to further development of spoken and written speech. Objectives of the study course: 1. To promote students’ understanding of texts that are of different types and the degree of complexity; 2. To promote the practical application of the acquired knowledge and improved skills, to develop the skill of finding information solving problems independently; 3. To acquire new vocabulary in German, paying special attention to the polysemy of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms as well as phraseology thus enriching students’ vocabulary and consolidating knowledge
The use of the student transversal competencies assessment tool for the formulation and evaluation of learning outcomes
Course (continue)
The course aims to provide professional development opportunities for study program directors and academic staff of higher education institutions of Latvia as multiplicators for the implementation and evaluation of transversal competencies in higher education institutions. Course tasks: 1) Promote the improvement of understanding of the essence of transversal competencies in learning outcomes and the development of professional autonomy in the study process. 2) Analyze the experience of implementing transversal competencies and promote the skills of formulating and evaluating transversal competencies in learning outcomes. 3) To evaluate students' transversal competencies using a transversal competencies assessment instrument. 4) Evaluate the experience of using the transversal competencies assessment instrument. The language of instruction is Latvian.
19.04.2024 21:00 Content
The University of Latvia encompasses the Faculty of Medicine and four medical colleges. The lecturers of the faculty are leading health care specialists in Latvia and Europe. UL scientists are involved in evaluating and mitigating public health risks. UL provides students and employees with psychological counselling in case of study problems, as well as personal issues. This has been are especially important in the conditions of COVID-19. The UL Sports Centre vigorously promotes involvement of students and employees in physical activities. To ensure a healthy lifestyle of the UL community, reducing health risks 3.1. To contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle that supports the environmental quality and mitigates climate change, creating opportunities for the University of Latvia community to practice it. The goals defined in Strategy 2021–2027 approved by the University of Latvia include promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle. To continue to promote physical activities
Study modernisation
04.04.2023 04:11 Content
activities. Students will also experience improvements in the e-learning environment, with increased use of audio-visual materials in the classroom as the University becomes progressively digital. As part of the modernisation process, students, alumni, and staff will come together to evaluate the implementation of the previous stages of the agreement and to develop plans for the effective implementation of the criteria defined in the third stage. This will ensure that the modernisation process is monitored by all parties involved. A modern environment, developed infrastructure and material and technical support are important factors for the success of the Study modernisation. The University has a long history of promoting the development of infrastructure and modern materials, and technical facilities, thereby enhancing the quality of studies. "One of the most important directions in the modernisation process is the expansion of the Academic Centre, which will ensure the further development
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