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Models of electromagnetism
The aim of the course is to give students an idea of different electromagnetic processes and mathematical models that are used to model these processes. Tasks of the course are to: 1. become familiar with different types of electromagnetic processes which appear in various engineering problems; 2. learn approximations and equation systems that are used for mathematical modeling of these electromagnetic processes; 3. learn how to define boundary conditions necessary to solve the electromagnetic problems in question; 4. learn how to use 2D finite element program package “FEMM” to perform numerical simulations of electromagnetic problems; 5. gain experience by performing calculations in practical work assignments with the process models discussed in the lectures and analyzing the obtained results. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Literature, Music and Audiovisual Media of the Baltics
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge and develop understanding of the symbolically most important expressions of Baltic literature, music and audiovisual media and of their significance in the society. The objectives of the course: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of literature, music and audiovisual media, 2) to get an overview of the situation of literature, music and audiovisual media in each country, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of Baltic literature and arts and of their sociocultural context, 4) to discover the regional influence upon European music, 5) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian literature, music or/and audiovisual media using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The languages of instruction are English and Latvian.
Literature and Society
Course goal: To develop interdisciplinary understanding of the importance of literature and culture in societal, historical and political processes and changes and to develop students' knowledge of how the main themes of contemporary literature and cultural discussions can be understood and studied on the relationship between literature and society. Course objectives: 1. To develop an understanding of literature as part of broader historical, socio-political and cultural contexts; 2. To focus on ways in which different types of texts and images reflect and produce discourses; 3. To develop skills to use theory and interdisciplinary methods of analysis of literary texts; 4. To develop competences to study and discuss texts from different cultural and historical circumstances and contexts, as well as from different disciplinary aspects. The language of instruction is English.
Programming and Computers III
The aim of the study course is to promote students' understanding of the efficient, secure and responsible use of information technology in data acquisition, processing, visualization and publication, ensuring the increase of efficiency and productivity of studies, research and their chosen future professional activities. Tasks of the study course: • to develop in-depth skills in the acquisition, exchange, presentation and publication of office applications, Internet services and online information processing and collaboration tools required for study, research and further professional activities; • to acquaint with the applications of data acquisition, processing, analysis and visualization, which are necessary in the scientific and professional work of a mathematician; • Provide insight into customizing office applications and creating new functionality through programming capabilities to streamline and automate data processing and exchange. The course is implemented in Latvian.
Turkish Language Written Translation I
The aim of the course is to provide the student with theoretical knowledge in Turkish language written translation and opportunities of practical application of the acquired knowledge. The emphasis of the course is on translating texts from both English or Latvian into Turkish. During the course, several translations of one text will be analyzed and compared. The tasks of the course are: 1) to analyze texts both according to their grammatical structure and according to their content and style; 2) to see the language differences in Turkish, Latvian and English, as well as the peculiarities of text translation; 3) to analyze the source language and methods that should be used for translation; 4) to learn to independently translate and edit texts to / from Turkish; 5) to explore the literary norms and stylistic diversity of the language. The course is taught in Latvian, English, and Turkish.
Optics Laboratory
The goal of the Optics Laboratory course, as part of Physics Laboratory, is to get and test basic knowledege in main subjects of physical and geometric optics, to acquant students with measuring devices and technique, to teach analysing the obtained data and generalizing the observed phenomena. The wave nature of light is studied by interference, diffraction and polarization experiments, such as Young’s double slit, Newton’s rings, Fresnel’s biprism, speed of light measurement, etc. Laser beam is used in a number of laboratory works. The skills are advanced in operating with optical instruments and in measuring refraction indices. A number of works include studies of light refraction and absorption, rotation of polarization plane in optically active media, photoeffect, spectral apparatus and spectral measurements, the laws of thermal radiation.
Nutrition and exercise
Course objective: To provide students with evidence- based information of nutrition science in the area of health-enhancing physical activity and sport, to develop analytical comprehension of the methods of obtaining and processing information. Tasks: 1) to provide insight into the physiological processes of the body in relation to exercise; 2) to extend knowledge about the role of macronutrients and micronutrients in the physiological functions of a physically active person; 3) to introduce the criteria for assessing field-sprcific information and to make recommendations on the choice of reliable, science-based information; 4) to present the latest sports nutrition trends; 5) to contribute to the identification of dietary problems through evaluation of the dietary habits of athletes; analyze and systematize potential solutions, integrating them in the preparation of dietary advice. Language of the study course - Latvian
Study Course Abstract The objective of the course is to provide opportunities for students to acquire and/or develop knowledge of the food packaging industry, including information on the general characteristics and use of packaging materials and packaging technologies. Familiarise and analyse the labelling and labelling of packaging legislation. Promote theoretical and practical knowledge of the biodegradable, active, intelligent/smart uses of advanced packaging, as well as the sustainability of packaging and optimisation of packaging to reduce its environmental impact. The Tasks of the course are as follows: 1) to promote the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of the food packaging industry; 2) to set out knowledge of new packaging technologies, environmentally friendly packaging materials; 3) to contribute to the deepening of knowledge on the sustainability of packaging and the recyclability of packaging waste. Language of the study course is Latvian
The Idea of Europe
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the interdisciplinary social scientific, historical and philosophical literature of the idea of Europe that has emerged in recent years. Idea of Europe is explored in various dimensions. Historical dimension examines the origin of the idea in Ancient Greece and acquaint with multiple models of European self-understanding till nowadays. Foundation of EU after WWII, it’s recent policy of enlargement and integration goes beyond understanding of EU in terms of political and economic collaboration, and raises the question whether we could speak about new post-national political community. Does it require an underlying cultural identity? Europeanness, construction of European identity, seeking for common values, memory and loyalty are the key words for recent debates.
Computer Networks I
The aim of the course is to examine the classical data communications theory from its beginnings to the present day, including the basic principles of telephony and video transmission. The course is based on the classic seven-layer ISO OSI reference model in which various aspects of data transmission are split into physical, channel, network, transport, session, presentation and application layers. This theoretical course is a pre-requisite for the Computer Networks II course, which is specifically devoted to deep understanding of TCP/IP protocol suite. The task of the course is to create deep understanding of the computer network basic principles. In addition to lectures, the course includes assignments where students implement and test some of the basic data communications algorithms. The language of instruction is Latvian.
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