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Regional and Transnational Aspects in German Cultural Area
The course provides for an in-depth study of the culture and literature of German-speaking countries in the context of regional and transnational settings (European identity). The aim of the course is to advance knowledge-based skills required for analytical assessment of research issues in the field of humanities and knowledge transfer, for which purpose students are introduced to a wide range of empirical factual material, as well as perform independent research and pilot studies. Objectives: 1. to improve analytical skills required for the assessment of respective issues and knowledge transfer in the field of research in the humanities; 2. to provide knowledge on culture and literature in the regional and transnational (European identity) context; 3. to introduce students to a wide range of empirical factual material; 4. to encourage and advance independent research. Language of instruction:
"Scientix 4"
16.02.2021 07:46 Content
About SCIENTIX Scientix promotes and supports Europe-wide collaboration between STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) teachers, education researchers, policy makers and other STEM education professionals. Initially (2009-2012), the project set up an online portal to compile and present European STEM education projects and their results, and organized a number of teacher seminars. The main networking event was the Scientix conference in Brussels in May 2011. The aim of the second phase of the Scientix project (2013-2015) was to expand the community in each of the participating countries. Through its network of National Contact Points (NCPs), Scientix reached out to teacher communities in each country and promoted the development of national strategies to increase the use of data-driven and other innovative approaches in science and mathematics education. These activities also continued in the third phase of Scientix (2016-2019), funded by the European Union
Izglītības zinātņu un pedagoģisko inovāciju nodaļa
07.06.2022 17:04 Content
Lecturer consultations (arrange the time in advance by contacting by e-mail) Room Contacts Prof. Rudīte Andersone 229 Doc. Sanita Baranova 229 Prof. Linda Daniela 215 67034811 Prof. Andrejs Geske 312 67034836 Lekt. p.i. Līva Goba-Medne Prof. Andris Grīnfelds 312 67034836 Prof. Ilze Ivanova 314 67034837
"Become who you are!" (Nietzsche)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
and career development. Students and graduates at the Career Center can look for different types of job and internship vacancies, create and improve a CV and cover letter, identify their strengths and experiences at various interesting seminars, and turn to our consultants for other growth-related crossroads when planning your work life or preparing for job interviews. We advise students on the types of education, study programs and help them find the most appropriate course of study and profession after completing their secondary education. We help employers get to know and build meaningful contacts with students who have started or are planning to start their careers.
Ziemeļelbas mācītāju apvienība
31.08.2020 18:13 Content
The religious organization is based in Germany. The association brings together three independent associations – the Mecklenburg Pastors "Association, the Pomeranian Protestant Association and the Pastors" Association in North Elbe (VPPN) with the aim of fostering a community of ordained persons through the exchange of ideas, joint training and cooperation in implementing the church's mission. All three associations are members of the German Protestant Pastors' Association, which has almost 20000 members. The organization maintains good contacts with Latvian theologians and pastors. The association supports socially active students of theology and religion of all denominations at the University of Latvia Faculty of Theology. "Our cooperation with the University of Latvia Faculty of Theology began after the fall of the Iron Curtain. We believe that it is important to strengthen theology and religion, and with that goal in mind we have been supporting students and awarding
Psychological Aspects of Peer -Mentoring
Course (continue)
The aim of this course is to improve mentors’ knowledge (development) of the psychological aspects of peer-mentoring for first-year students, to foster mentors’ awareness of the support and guidance process, to develop the course participants’ active listening and guidance skills, with the aim to reduce the first-year students` dropout risks. Workshops will help mentors to understand the nature of peer-mentoring. It helps mentors to gain awareness of their own resources for providing mentees with guidance, to understand the importance of time management, efficacy of different styles of communication, as well as to develop peer-mentoring process management skills from the initial contact to the final sessions and feedback provision. The course is taught in Latvian.
Psychological Aspects of Peer -Mentoring
Course (continue)
The aim of this course is to improve mentors’ knowledge (development) of the psychological aspects of peer-mentoring for first-year students, to foster mentors’ awareness of the support and guidance process, to develop the course participants’ active listening and guidance skills, with the aim to reduce the first-year students` dropout risks. Workshops will help mentors to understand the nature of peer-mentoring. It helps mentors to gain awareness of their own resources for providing mentees with guidance, to understand the importance of time management, efficacy of different styles of communication, as well as to develop peer-mentoring process management skills from the initial contact to the final sessions and feedback provision. The course is taught in Latvian.
Historical Linguistics: Introduction
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the key issues of historical linguistics. Attention is paid to changes in all language subsystems and levels – phonetic, phonological, mophological, sintactical, lexical. The changes caused by both intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are analyzed.
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