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Defektu kontrole jaunos UV-C ilgspīdošos materiālos
20.03.2024 16:36 Content
is to understand the origin of UV-C persistent luminescence, so that it can be enhanced via introduction of defects and employed for practical applications. The results, which will be published as at least 6 scientific articles, will provide guidelines for optimal chemical composition and synthesis conditions of an efficient UV-C phosphor material. Involvement of students who will elaborate their thesis during the project implementation is planned. Professional development of the team implementing the project will be provided, opening new opportunities in future project calls and increasing the competitiveness of Latvian scientists in the world. Project progress 01.2022.–12.2023. The UV persistent luminescence of Ce 3+ doped Sr 3 MgSi 2 O 8 material is reported for the first time. In-depth analysis of optical, thermal and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments is used to reveal origin of the luminescence and nature of the traps. Structural and optical properties of the Ca 2
28.02.2024 15:43 Content
at international conferences and other events; to present research results in highly cited international peer-reviewed journals; to develop or update study programmes and courses in the field of school pedagogy, to introduce innovations in the study process, to conduct lecture courses, especially at the master's and doctoral level, to supervise and review doctoral theses; to ensure the succession of lecturers and researchers by supervising dissertations and involving students in the implementation of research projects; to promote the value of education to society by informing different groups of the public about current research directions and research results, to produce popular science publications and to collaborate with the media, local and national authorities, governmental and non-governmental organisations and educational institutions in raising knowledge and awareness; to implement the tasks set out in the Strategy of the University of Latvia (2021-2027), to promote the University
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
1 st group (Wednesday, October 2, at 13.00): Virgīnija Vītola “Persistent Luminescence of Complex Oxide Ceramics”” Ramona Dūrena “Production of ZnO Nanomaterials by Solvothermal and Microwave Synthesis and Comparison of their Properties” Ernests Einbergs “Usability of Eu 2+ and Sm 3+ Doped Calcium Aluminum in Dosimetry” Anna Ivanova “Influence of Surface Reconstruction on BDD Catalytic Activity for H 2 O 2 Electrosynthesis: Modeling from First Principles” 2 nd group (Thursday, October 3, at 10.00): Inga Jonāne “Effect of Zinc Ions on Structure and Thermochromic Properties of Cu 1-x Zn x MoO 4 Solid Solutions” Oļegs Lisovskis “Development of a Universal Method for Computer Modeling of Nanotube Surface with Limited Periodic 2D Structured Approach” Katrīna Laganovska “Development of an Inverted Chronopotentiometric Device” Doķe Guna “Long Afterglow in Near Infrared Spectrum Area in Cr 3+ Doped CaZnGe 2 O 6 Material” Meldra Ķemere “Silver
Modulis III: Python
12.10.2021 19:59 Content
for students who want to learn how to write Python code, recognize data types supported by Python and be able to write Python code that logically solves a given problem. Candidates will learn how to write, debug, maintain and document Python code. This course is intended for new and experienced programmers that want to learn how to write and troubleshoot Python code. Previous programming experience is not required but recommended. Theoretical knowledge is reinforced by hands-on laboratory exercises. Start of the course: October 7, 2021 Registration will remain open when the course has already begun. Register - Skills gained Create Operations using Data Types and Operators Create Control Flow Operations Create Input and Output Operations Write code to solve a specified problem Troubleshoot Problems and Write Error Handling Operations Perform Operations Using Modules and Tools Module 1: Perform Operations Using Data Types and Operators This module
Pharmacognosy is sub-branch of pharmacy that studies plant and animal kingdom medicinal products, clarifies their pharmacological action, biochemical pathways as well as manufacturing of natural products and other fitopreparations. The goal of the course is to give knowledge about plants and animal products nowadays used in the pharmacy. The task of the course is to introduce with specific quality control assays, preparation of plant and animal raw material, storage terms, as well as to give knowledge about evidence-based pharmacological action of plant and animal derived drugs. During the course, the student gets knowledge of the use of scientific literature, the latest studies on the activity of active substances of plant and animal origin, the use of medicinal products. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Society and Psychedelic Substances
The overall goal of the course is to introduce students to the contemporary critical evidence-based discussions that surround psychedelic substance engagement. Course task is to address harm reduction policy perspectives in the context of social problems, such as depression and addiction. Another task of the course is to explore the major categories of psychedelic substances through sociological analysis. Critical thinking about psychedelic cultures and the current and potential roles that psychedelics play in society are included, placing an emphasis on cross-culture perspectives. Key sociological theories are used to explain and analyse various forms of psychedelic substance engagement. The understanding of psychedelic substance role through interdisciplinary social analysis is related to sociology, anthropology, history, social policy and philosophy. Language of the course - english
Social Policy
The aim of the course is to provide opportunities to acquire knowledge about the principles of social policy development and implementation, based on theories, research, as well as Latvia's experience in the development and implementation of social policy. Tasks of the course: 1) to acquaint students with such topics as social policy (SP) development, welfare state, social insurance, social assistance, health care, social work, provision of household; 2) to promote understanding of solutions to current social problems in the context of social policy; 3) to develop the ability to plan the implementation of person-centered solutions to social problems in society; 4) to explain the principles of matching the solutions of social problems of the society with the priorities of other policy areas. The course is lead in Latvian.
Clinical pharmacology and medical care
The aim of the course is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and skills about medical care. Course tasks: 1) To look at medical care at the age of a child; 2) To develop an understanding of the principles of drug therapy and care for patients of general medicine and surgery in care; 3) To develop the ability to perform medical care. 4) Understand the individual approach to the use of medication, depending on the patient's state of health, previous experience, age, special conditions and habits (pregnancy, breastfeeding, dietary characteristics, harmful habits, etc.). 5) be able to analyze the positive and negative effects of drugs on the body in real clinical situations, to anticipate the patient's problems related to the use of drugs. The course is taught in Latvian and English
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