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Fractal Geometry
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with one beautiful consequence of dynamical systems – fractal geometry. Fractal geometry studies “complicated” subsets of geometrically “simple” spaces such as R, R², C. In deterministic fractal geometry the focus is on those subsets of a space that are generated by simple geometrical transformations of the space into itself. A fractal set generally contains infinitely many points whose organization is so complicated that it is not possible to describe the set by specifying directly where each point in it lies. In this course we study some deterministic fractals, fractals in complex plane, we learn to identify fractal dimensions and we make pictures in programming package MATHEMATICA. Tasks of the course: to get acquainted with classical and determined fractals; to find out the most important properties of fractals; to get acquainted with the fractals of the complex plane. The study course is implemented in Latvian and English.
Criminal Characteristics and Investigation Methodology of Violent Crimes
The study course provides practical knowledge on current issues in the investigation of violent crimes, which is relevant for investigative bodies. The course consists of lectures, practical classes and independent work, where students study the theory and establish practical investigative situations, develop algorithms, investigative plans and model situations, perform investigative actions. The course aims at providing a thorough knowledge of the criminal characteristics and investigative methodology of violent crimes. Building on previous knowledge, the course aims to develop practical skills in the classification, detection and investigation of violent crimes. Objectives: 1. to develop skills in the complex application of criminal law, criminal procedure, forensic tactics and methodology in the classification, detection and investigation of violent offences; 2. to facilitate the acquisition of the knowledge defined in the occupational standard of an investigator
Advanced Studies in Korean Language and Communication Culture II
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire Korean listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in accordance with the requirements of the C1-1 language level within the topics covered and taking into account the peculiarities of the Korean cultural environment. The objectives of the course are: 1) to continue to get acquainted with the grammar, morphology, syntax and stylistics of the Korean language; 2) to supplement the Korean language word (by at least 500 words) and phrase collection (on the acquired topics); 3) to continue to develop skills to express and defend one's opinion on complex topics in Korean; 4) to continue to get acquainted with the scientific and journalistic writing style of the Korean language; 5) to continue to get acquainted with the most common literary quotations, proverbs and traditional expressions related to specific communication situations in the context of the Korean cultural environment. The course is taught
Political information
The aim of the course is to introduce students into the system of political information of society, political communication and how information can promote maintaining and strengthening of democracy. The political communications process has been portrayed very differently in democratic societies. The media, through the information they convey to the mass public, serve as key guarantors of elite accountability and popular control of government in democracies, because a broadly and equitably informed citizenry helps assure a democracy that is both responsive and responsible. Two characteristics of democratic media systems are held to ensure that political information disseminated by the mass communications media serves to constrain, or check government power rather than magnify it. The first is that constitutional guarantees or conventions assure citizens of free access to political information. the second is that the media are protected from the arbitrary exercise of government power
Interest Groups and NGOs
The aim of the course is to provide theoretically based understanding of interest group formation and activities as well as their role in politics and policy-making. Tasks of the course include: to study relevant theoretical approaches and concepts (rational choice, corporatism and pluralism, civil society and social capital); to explore roles of interest groups in democracy and their relationship to issues of economic development; to acquire systematic understanding of current problems of interest representation; and, to study varieties of interest representation systems and to get deeper understanding of the most typical and relevant examples of these system (US, Nordic countries, EU, Central Europe, etc.). After the course students have to be familiar with current theoretical debates on interest group issues and they have to be able to apply theoretical approaches and concepts to empirical cases of interest representation. They also have to be able to analyse cases of interest
State's Strategic Development
Aim of the course - to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge in basic issues of strategic planning and regulation of state strategic development. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the risks and obstacles to the sustainable development of the country and to the development of proposals for their elimination. During the seminars and workshops the policy making process for the promotion of sustainable development in Latvia and the EU is analyzed. Issues discussed include the development, implementation and monitoring of policy planning documents, as well as evaluation of the effectiveness of public administration. Tasks of the course: 1. To find out the basic principles of strategic planning of national development. 2. Understand the need for a national strategic development policy to ensure sustainable economic development. 3. Skills development for analysis of national strategic development policy and evaluation of its implementation efficiency. 4
Introduction to geographic information technologies
The course provides basic knowledge and basic skills in the main sub-sectors of Geographic Information Technology (GIS) - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote sensing. The course is intended for students who have not yet completed a bachelor's degree in these sub-sectors of the GIT. The aim of the course is to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful acquisition of master's level courses, as well as for independent research work and successful final work. Course tasks: -to give knowledge about the application of GIS in geosciences, about the data to be used and the principles of data creation; -give knowledge of remote sensing methods as tools for obtaining up-to-date geographic data, available data and their properties, and image interpretation capabilities; - to identify the use of remote sensing data in the GIS environment and the possibilities of integration in the study of the territory and analysis of changes. Language of course teaching
Intellectual Property Law
Within the scope of the course Intellectual Property Rights students will gain knowledge about the fundamental concepts in the field of intellectual property rights: a patentable invention, trade mark, design, geographical indication, domain name, copyright, databases, about the legal framework and protection of the subject-matter intellectual property in Latvia, about the role of the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia, the Board of Appeals, the Ministry of Culture, as well as organisations in charge of collective administering of copyright and representing the rights of copyright holders (AKKA/LAA; DAB; LAIPA), case law, and also the role of the European Union (EU), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the legal framework of the intellectual property. Most essential international and national legal sources which govern the intellectual
Master's Thesis in Management II
The purpose of the Master's thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge, academic skills and abilities independently in accordance with the requirements of the Master's study programme. Master's thesis is an independent research work with original solution of a topical theoretical / practical problem under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. Tasks of Master's thesis: to summarize, systematize, deepen and consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills; to use empirical research methods in the research, according to the research question and / or hypothesis, and created research design; to process, analyze and interpret the obtained data. Theoretical generalizations are formulated in the Master's thesis, well-grounded proposals are formulated, hypotheses are raised and proved, correlations and regularities of factor influence are investigated, thus facilitating the student's learning to maintain problem solving motivation, creativity
The aim of the course: in accordance with the Cabinet Regulation No. 68, 2002 "Minimum requirements of educational programs for obtaining the professional qualification of dentist, pharmacist, nurse and midwife", to provide an opportunity for students to acquire the knowledge of the Latin language (medical terminology) necessary for the professional activity of a pharmacist. The course is intended to provide the basic knowledge of Latin grammar, medical terminology (both anatomical and clinical), preparation of prescriptions (Latin part of prescriptions), as well as to promote basic understanding of medical texts written in Latin. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide basic information on Latin grammar and the specifics of medical Latin which is relevant to the speciality of a pharmacist; 2. to promote the acquisition of medical Latin terminology and understanding of the role of Latin in prescription writing; 3. to systematically develop writing, comprehension and translation
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