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Swedish I
The course provides basic knowledge of Swedish language at the level of beginners in conversation and writing. Particular attention is paid to presentation phrases, to description of daily activities and learning process, and use of cardinal numerals as well. In the Grammar students learn the present form of verbs, personal pronouns, the formation of indefinite and definite form of nouns as well.
Swedish I
The course provides basic knowledge of Swedish language at the level of beginners in conversation and writing. Particular attention is paid to presentation phrases, to description of daily activities and learning process, and use of cardinal numerals as well. In the Grammar students learn the present form of verbs, personal pronouns, the formation of indefinite and definite form of nouns as well.
Studenta kurpēs
08.04.2024 15:17 Content
Every spring, the future physmatists – the friendly nickname given to those studying at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry – are invited to take part in the event called "In Student's Shoes"! It is an opportunity to spend a day with a student of the faculty who is currently studying in the study programme of interest. During the event "In Student's Shoes" students get to know the study life and teaching staff, participate in lectures, seminars and learn all about extracurricular activities at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry. The event can take place in person or remotely, depending on the organisation of the study process at the faculty during the given time. All those interested are invited to participate in the event, but especially the secondary school students who plan to begin studying physics, mathematics or optometry at the University of Latvia.
Social involvement
21.06.2023 15:01 Content
European Summer School for Teacher Education: The working group has compiled an internal document with the information needed to prepare the forthcoming call for a summer school for teachers. [Target: 3 summer schools, 3 teachers from LV each] Internship network for student teachers: In the first phase, the working group has introduced data collection to compare school structures at partner universities. [5 internships for pedagogy students in each city] FORTHEM internship network: the aim is to network with companies and organizations from partner university regions and increase (international) internship opportunities for FORTHEM students. [10 internships in each city] Civic Involvement: The aim is to set up a training course for students who want to volunteer and to provide financial support for volunteering to student associations and groups.
Information Technology Law
The main aim of the course is to provide students with an introduction to information technology, its significance and interaction with different fields of legal science. The course will cover various issues related to information technology and law. The objectives of the course are as follows. The course starts with introduction of the basic concepts and terminology of information technology, e.g., data and data bases, information and information systems. Further, the course will give an overview of digital policy and legal framework in the EU and Latvia. Next, internet regulation and governance, international collaboration, different approaches taken by governments around the world to deal with regulation of the online world, will be introduced and discussed. The course covers different aspects of information security, cryptography and its practical application (digital signature, blockchain technology, etc.). It also discusses specific aspects of cybercrime and criminal
Akadēmiskā ētika un akadēmiskais godīgums
05.05.2022 14:22 Content
Students and academic personnel of the Faculty of History and Philosophy respect the principles of academic ethics and the regulations for academic integrity in their studies and research process, as well in mutual relations. Respect for the principles of academic freedom, integrity, fairness, responsibility, loyalty, dignity and collegiality promotes the quality of studies and research, promotes respect and trust in the faculty, as well prevents to maximum the possibility of conflict of interest. It is the responsibility of every faculty’s member to uphold these principles of academic ethics. In the event of differences between students, academic personnel or between students and academic personnel, the responsibility of involved parties is to resolve differences through respectful discussion. If solution cannot be found then involved parties must turn to the director of the respective programme or the dean of the faculty. Lastly, if conflict cannot be resolved in such a way
Bussines and Criminal Law
The course is devoted to the deeper acquisition of criminal justice related bussinese issues. Its task is to: 1) develop students' understanding of the importance of criminal law in doing bussines; 2) to provide a knowledge base for the separation of criminal and non-criminal activities; 3) to provide a comprehensive picture of the financial consequences of a criminal offense; and 4) to gain an in-depth understanding of criminal procedural safeguards.
Sociological study of Organizations
Goal of the course is to give knowledge and understanding about contemporary topical processes in organizations: change and development, learning processes, culture and leadership, as well as knowledge and understanding about the central concepts and approaches in organizational research. Upon finishing the course, students will be able to apply sociological research methods and organizational theory to inquire and develop explanation for complex social processes that happen in organizations. Tasks of the study course: 1. to acquire knowledge about organizations and their research 2. to master the theories and methodology used in the research of organizations Language of the course - english.
Sociological study of Organizations
Goal of the course is to give knowledge and understanding about contemporary topical processes in organizations: change and development, learning processes, culture and leadership, as well as knowledge and understanding about the central concepts and approaches in organizational research. Upon finishing the course, students will be able to apply sociological research methods and organizational theory to inquire and develop explanation for complex social processes that happen in organizations. Tasks of the study course: 1. to acquire knowledge about organizations and their research 2. to master the theories and methodology used in the research of organizations Language of the course - english.
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