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Medieval Latin in Texts
Course aim: provides opportunities for students to get acquainted with the most important peculiarities of medieval Latin, as well as with the beginnings and development of the Latin language tradition in Livonia. Lectures and text readings introduce the peculiarities of the Latin language in medieval chronicles, separate documentary sources, Western European Renaissance-based Riga humanist encomiastic poetry and occasional poetry, paying attention to the peculiarity of the Latin language in texts of certain periods, and to the reflection of the relevant period and cultural facts in texts. Tasks: 1) to provide knowledge about the changes that have taken place in the grammar and vocabulary of the Latin language, as the language continued to develop after the collapse of the Roman Empire; 2) to provide knowledge and understanding of the factors that have influenced the development of the Latin language through the centuries; 3) to acquaint with the most important Latin texts created
Things to do before departure to Erasmus+ Study Mobility
28.05.2024 00:02 Content
Wait for the Acceptance letter and once received forward itto the Mobility Division by sending it to: Once the application has been submitted student has to wait for the decision. The host university will send anofficial confirmation about the acceptance for exchange studies (Letter of Acceptance, Aufnahmebestätigung). Such confirmation is mostly sent as a to the student’s e-mail address.Please, note that official confirmation about the acceptance for exchange studies is mainly issued after the official application deadline. Ifthe host universitydoesnotsendapprovalforaverylongperiodoftimeanddoesnotrespondtostudents'e-mails,itshouldbereportedtotheMobilityDivisionoftheDepartmentofStudentServices,whichwillcontacttheforeignuniversitycoordinatortofindoutthesituation. Getacquaintedwiththehomepageofthehostuniversity StudentshallstudycarefullyallinformationintendedforIncomingExchangeStudents,whichisavailableonthehomepageof the host university
AS "Swedbank"
27.08.2020 19:24 Content
Swedbankstarted its business in 1820, when savings banks started their operations in Sweden. Since its inception, close cooperation with customers and the local community has been at the heart of the bank’s business. Swedbankaims to promote a balanced and sustainable financial position for many households and businesses. Swedbankoffers the widest range of banking services to individuals and companies in the bank's local markets – the Baltic states and Sweden. The core business serves mostly individuals, as well as small and medium sized businesses. Swedbankhas chosen a traditional banking model that focuses on customer relations and private consultations. Swedbank’scooperation with the UL and the UL Foundation began in 2005 with the aim of promoting development of education in Latvia. During these years, Swedbankhas supported a number of student events and activities, the largest being the "Open Mind"scholarship competition for 15 higher education institutions of Latvia
Project results until 30.07.2024.
01.07.2024 11:49 Content
, 1940–1990: LU 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijas tēzes, 2024. gada 22. marts. The 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia session “Ethnographer, Society, and Art, 1940–1990” Abstracts. Sastād. Ilze Boldāne-Zeļenkova, Rīga: LU, 18. lpp. ISBN: 978-9934-8505-9-2 Project participants have participated in four international conferences: January 19, 2024 AAL XII Master's Students Scientific Conference (S. Sleikša) March 15, 2024, the section of the 82nd international scientific conference of the University of Latvia, "History of clothing in Latvia". (U. Valtere) March 22, 2024, the section of the 82nd international scientific conference of UL "Ethnographer, society, art, 1940–1990. Ethnographer, Society, and Art, 1940–1990" (D.Bleiere, I.Boldāne-Zeļenkova, A.Karlsone, J.Kalnačs) May 16, 2024 Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy International Conference The Region: History, Culture, Language (I. Pīgozne) Master
My story
16.02.2022 15:18 Content
attempts. But the peak of gratification is when someone somewhere can put your discovery to practical use! At present, the feeling of gratification comes from performing various measurements with the new laboratory equipment and helping companies, thus strengthening the cooperation between science and industry. I am also pleased with the achievements of the students working in the Laboratory of Spectroscopy, for example, young Doctor of Physics Guna Krieķe, who defended her dissertation in 2020. Her dissertation was recognized as the best in natural sciences at the University of Latvia in 2020. When it comes to recreation and hobbies, I have to say that I have enjoyed pool since my study years. Together with my course-mate, we were behind the idea that the Institute needs its pool table.
My story
19.01.2022 17:40 Content
I have been in Latvia for a few years now. In the Micro and Nanodevices Laboratory we are working with different materials, different electronic and photonic devices. My speciality mostly has been graphene - 2 dimensional carbon material. It has very interesting properties for different devices and other sensors. My aim is to make some kind of universal sensor with this material, and combine different applications and different sensitivities to have quite broad application use. My work includes many different elements. Thinking of concepts, the design, after completing the device, we need to test it to see if it has the properties we expect. All is being done in close cooperation with colleagues. Each of these parts needs different kinds of individual skills, so as a researcher often you are expected to do a little bit of everything, so you have the possibility to follow through the whole process. And I do enjoy this whole process. Originally I am from the UK, but I did my Doctor
Erasmus+ trainee report documents and the procedure for submitting them
30.04.2021 17:56 Content
A trainee must personally submit the following Final Report documents in paper form to the UL Student Service Mobility Division within 30 calendar days after the end of the Erasmus+ internship period: completed UL report form; copy of the Learning Agreement for Internships and its amendments; copy of the Erasmus+ Internship Certificate signed by the foreign company/organisation with the start and end dates of the internship period, and the evaluation of the trainee's work. All Erasmus+ Final Report documents must record the same start and end dates of the internship period as indicated in the Erasmus+ agreement (grant agreement). The trainee must submit the Erasmus+ Final Report documents to the UL Student Service Mobility Division during working hours. In case a trainee plans to stay abroad for personal reasons, even after the end of the Erasmus+ internship period, he/she must individually coordinate the procedure for submitting the Final Report Documents
Finanšu ekonomika (studiju ilgums: 4 semestri)
22.07.2023 01:38 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Studiju programma "Finanšu ekonomika" dod iespēju pamatstudiju beigušajiem turpināt studijas un iegūt nepieciešamas profesionālās zināšanas un iemaņas, lai sekmīgi iesaistītos darba tirgū un būt konkurētspējīgiem ne tikai Latvijā, bet arī Eiropā. Studiju programma satur gan teorētiskos studiju kursus, gan arī praksi, tādējādi nodrošinot studentiem iespēju iegūt zināšanas un iemaņas, kas ir nepieciešamas praktiskā darba veikšanai. Programmas absolventi iegūst tiesības arī turpināt studijas doktorantūrā. Sekmīgi apgūstot studiju programmu, studenti spēs parādīt gan akadēmiskās kompetences, gan profesionālās kompetences, kas ir nepieciešams darba tirgū. Studiju laikā studenti var iziet praksi ne tikai Latvijas, bet arī citu EEZ valstu finanšu institūcijās un uzņēmumos (ir iespēja saņemt stipendiju Erasmus+ prakses programmas ietvaros).
Human Genome
The study course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the human genome's functional organization and practical aspects of genetic epidemiology. Course tasks: • To introduce the structural organization of the genome and nature of genetic variations; functional elements of the genome and regulation of transcription at the genome level; the effect of various molecular factors, genetic variants and epigenetic modifications on regulatory elements; • to provide theoretical and practical training on the latest and most modern methods of genetic analysis, identification of epigenetic factors and regulatory elements at genome level; • to provide the basic principles of genetic research design, the correct choice of statistical analysis and bioinformatics methods; to provide practical training for mastering statistical methods and widely used bioinformatics tools • to promote students' ability to independently and critically analyze scientific articles related to genome research; The course
Asian Literature and Culture II
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of the earliest Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) literature and the development of Asian classical literary tradition in the historical and cultural context, to understand the role of the Asian cultural heritage today, as well as its influence on the contemporary Asian literature and culture. The objectives of the course: 1) to acquaint with the specifics of the studies in the ancient Asian literature, as well as the problem range and related terminology; 2) to introduce to the ancient Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) literature in the context of culture, historical events and archeological findings; 3) to acquaint with the beginnings of Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) classical literary tradition and its development in the context of the culture, historical events, and archeological findings; 4) to acquaint with the most prominent
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