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Pasākumi skolēniem
29.06.2022 13:46 Content
Open Doors The Faculty of Chemistry invites students to attend the Open Doors event to obtain information from lecturers about the content of the study programme, the study process and admission procedures. During Open Doors event, the pupils can ask questions of interest to them, hear various stories, impressions and emotions from the students themselves about the study life. Furthermore, this is a great opportunity to see the future study facilities. The dean of the faculty invites the visitors of the event to take part in a conversation, and together with the students of the faculty and the study programme directors talk about the faculty and study opportunities. At the conclusion, the pupils tour the House of Nature and explore the Faculty of Chemistry.
22.12.2023 20:54 Content
In 2024 the summer school is planned to be held live in Riga. Information for non-EU students. Students are responsible for their visa application and other related arrangements. Summer school organizer does not cover fees for visa services. The University of Latvia helps with visa arrangements only to international students whose higher education establishments have entered bilateral international cooperation agreements with the University of Latvia.
Basics of Criminalistics
The aim of the study course is to provide the students with a systematic insight into fundamentals of forensics as a science and current possibilities. Forensics is a science on identification of criminal offences in compliance with the provisions of criminal proceedings: regarding search, finding, recording, removal of items that may become evidence in criminal proceedings; on tactics of performing investigation actions (examination, interrogation, search, etc.); on investigation methods of separate types of criminal offences (murder, theft, etc.). The course characterises forensics as a system of science: the general part including the identification object, subject-matter, subjects, methods, means of forensics, and the special part including forensic technique, forensic tactics and forensic methodology. During the course, students have an opportunity to receive practical skills in performing separate investigation actions in modelled situations.
Insurance Law
The aim of this course is to introduce students with the concept, the essence and basic principles of insurance law; regulation of insurance law in EU law and Latvia; procedure for operation and supervision of insurers and insurance intermediaries; specifics of insurance contract; separate insurance types; and claims which arise from an insurance contract.
Aktivitātes skolēniem
07.11.2021 13:13 Content
University of Young Philosophers The University of Young Philosophers of the Faculty of History and Philosophy ( UYP ) is a series of classes for middle school students interested in philosophy. UYP provides an opportunity to discuss various philosophical issues in informal classes. During the classes there is an opportunity to meet lecturers, students and graduates of the Department of Philosophy.
Latvijas studentu un studenšu korporāciju kopas Ziemeļamerikā
24.08.2020 14:28 Content
The groups of Latvian male and female student corporations in North America in 2005 arranged a visit of the Rector of the University of Latvia Ivars Lācis (2000–2007) in eight Latvian centres in Canada and the USA. During the visit, funds were donated for Ceļamaize (“Bread for the Journey”) scholarships to be granted to UL students and called “North- American Corporation Group scholarships”. The scholarships were granted on March 30, 2006, in UL Senate Hall by the representative of the Latvian male and female students corporations in North America Māra Sātiņa-Newsom residing in Riga. Support In the academic year 2006/2007, EUR 2 100 were donated and three Ceļamaize (“Bread for the Journey”) scholarships were granted to the students Linda Glūzda, Līga Mūrniece, and Zanda Vītoliņa. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Methodology Of Scientific Research In Legal Science
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge on scientific methodology for in-depth research for developing a promotional work, presenting and publishing one’s scientific research. As part of the course, doctoral students acquire knowledge about choosing the research object, scientific research methods, both those for which legal sciences are used and those that enable performing interdisciplinary research. Acquiring the skill of working with sources, grouping them and performing criticism of legal sources. Knowledge is practically reinforced, preparing a student for independent scientific research to successfully develop a promotional work.
Erasmus+ studijas
11.08.2023 16:41 Content
Erasmus+ study mobility gives students the opportunity to spend a study period in one of the partner universities in the program member states and receive a scholarship . The purpose of the program is to give students the opportunity to gain valuable academic, linguistic and cultural experience while studying in other European countries; promote the development of well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced future professionals. All students who have completed at least 2 study semesters* at the LU Faculty of Medicine, are not on a study break and have no academic or tuition debt can participate in study mobility. During one study cycle (bachelor's, master's, doctoral study program), a student can go on study and/or traineeship mobility for up to 12 months. In the next study cycle, the student can go on mobility again. Erasmus+ mobility for studies is implemented within the framework of previously concluded bilateral agreements. * Students of Medicine and Dentistry
Valsts posms
18.12.2023 15:40 Content
The third stage is held on-site at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry. Participants take part in an experimental round, where they have to explain a demonstration and perform an experimental task, and a theoretical round, where they have to solve three theory problems. The total time for the tasks is five and a half hours. The entries are evaluated by a jury composed of physics teachers, members of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry and students. Traditionally, the best experimenter and the best theoretician are selected in each grade group. Participants who have demonstrated the highest performance – both in the National Physics Olympiad and in the Open Physics Olympiad – are invited to take part in a training team – where, under the guidance of the faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry's teaching staff and students, they learn to solve physics problems in depth – both theoretically and experimentally. The Latvian team for the International
UL academic development project "Integrating scientific activities of academic staff and doctoral students of Dr.paed. studies within a common European higher education space"
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
: Center for Qualitative Psychology, pp.110-122. ISBN 978-3-9812701-1-2 Surikova, Svetlana (2008.) A Qualitative Approach to Research of Understanding of Children’s Social Competence and the Opportunities for Its Development. In: Qualitative Psychology in the Changing Academic Context. Qualitative Psychology Nexus: Vol. 6. Maslo, I., Kiegelmann, M., & Huber, G.L. (Eds.) Germany, Tübingen: Center for Qualitative Psychology, pp.135-147. ISBN 978-3-9812701-1-2 Fernate, Andra (2008.) A Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods for Data Sequential Analysis in PhD Thesis “Transdisciplinarity of Learning for Promoting Physical Literacy”. In: Qualitative Psychology in the Changing Academic Context. Qualitative Psychology Nexus: Vol. 6. Maslo, I., Kiegelmann, M., & Huber, G.L. (Eds.) Germany, Tübingen: Center for Qualitative Psychology, pp.148-166. ISBN 978-3-9812701-1-2 Luka , Ineta (2008). An Evaluation Research for Supporting of Students’ ESP Competence
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