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ĢĢI rekonfigurējama kosmisko objektu optiskas novērošanas sistēma
18.02.2021 19:06 Content
PostDoc project: Reconfigurable space object optical tracking system of GGI – implementation stage Project No: Project supervisor (Post-doctorate) : Diana Haritonova Duration – 01.01.2021.-30.06.2023 Total costs – 111,504.90 EUR The project objective is to install and configure the optical tracking system of GGI and start its exploitation using for positional astrometric observations. The project will facilitate radical changes in the development of the optical system, bring new knowledge and skills to the post-doctoral researcher. Results – two scientific articles, four scientific abstracts, secondment visits, overview of the materials and methods for the integration of project results into the educational process, possible commercialization of the GGI optical tracking system Contacts :
Kluba izveides stāsts
28.04.2023 17:43 Content
In the spring of 2015, the idea of establishing the Alumni Club of the University of Latvia came to us – a group of like-minded people – graduates and students of various UL faculties, who were and are still active members of student organisations during their studies. We were united by the feeling that the UL diploma has not only the knowledge gained during the studies, but it also has added value – friends made during the studies, fellow students, contacts with the teaching staff and the management of the UL. And, of course, we had the experience of being socially active and involved. That is why we created the Alumni Club of the University of Latvia, so that graduates, who have something to say and something to give to each other and to the University of Latvia have the opportunity to do so. The organisation unites graduates of the University of Latvia, who have gained from their studies at the University, in order to: Create and develop an environment for personal
31.05.2022 18:11 Content
The main task of the EURAXESS Latvia network of contact points is to provide information and consultations to foreign researchers on possible career opportunities in Latvia, as well as provide practical support to those foreign researchers and their families who are on mobility and wish to work and live in Latvia. The EURAXESS Latvia contact point network will provideinformation and contacts abroad to those scientists who plan to undertake a period of mobility. EURAXESS is an initiative of the European Research Area, which aims to promote the international and intersectoral mobility of researchers in Europe and non-EU member states and support an open labour market for researchers. To achieve this goal, the European Commission has set up the EURAXESS network and portal and ensures their operation in cooperation with the Member States of the European Union and its partners from non-EU states – North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean, South East Asia, India, China
Latvijas Medicīnas studentu asociācija
18.02.2021 13:12 Content
Who we are The Association of Latvian Medical Students (LaMSA) is a non-governmental student organization founded in 2000. It is managed and operated by the medical students themselves, advocating the interests of medical students, creating and participating in various projects involving public health, medical education and reproductive health issues. What we do Our main goals are to provide a high-quality supplement to formal medical education, to represent the interests of medical students and to improve students' cooperation both in Latvia and internationally. We organise events to educate prospective doctors and other interested people, as well as wider public. LaMSA acts in accordance with the goals of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), adapting these goals to the situation in Latvia. Contacts Gita Reitere President of the Association of Latvian Medical Students (LaMSA) E-mail:
Linguistics and Communication
The goal of this course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for practical actions and understanding of the communicative aspects of language. Course tasks: 1)to provide knowledge of the biological and social preconditions for the development of verbal language, of the brain activity in the processing and generation of linguistic information, the relationship between the first language and other language acquisition, 2)to raise awareness of the interaction between linguistic and social structures, the role of verbal and non-verbal communication in society, special terminology, 3)to develop understanding of language standardization and language norm issues, to develop skills to use norm sources. As part of the course, a research methodology is provided in order to analyse the individual's linguistic socialisation of an individual, communication in small social groups, language contact and conflict issues, basic principles of language policy, and interaction between
Linguistics and Communication
The goal of this course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for practical actions and understanding of the communicative aspects of language. Course tasks: 1)to provide knowledge of the biological and social preconditions for the development of verbal language, of the brain activity in the processing and generation of linguistic information, the relationship between the first language and other language acquisition, 2)to raise awareness of the interaction between linguistic and social structures, the role of verbal and non-verbal communication in society, special terminology, 3)to develop understanding of language standardization and language norm issues, to develop skills to use norm sources. As part of the course, a research methodology is provided in order to analyse the individual's linguistic socialisation of an individual, communication in small social groups, language contact and conflict issues, basic principles of language policy, and interaction between
Starptautiskā astronomijas un astrofizikas olimpiāde
18.12.2023 16:07 Content
The International Olympiad's on Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IOAA ) aim is to promote interest in astronomy and related STEM fields, as well as to give young people the opportunity to make international contacts among like-minded people, which can be useful for their future education and careers. The International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics has been organised since 2007. Latvia has been participating since 2021 (14th IOAA). Year Organisers/Venue No of participants from Latvia Achievements 2021 Columbia (remotely) 4 Honorable mentions (Viesturs Streļčs) 2022 Georgia, Kutaisi 3 Honorable mentions (Olita Anastasija Zadorožnaja) 2023 Poland,Chorzow 5 Silver medal (Olita Anastasija Zadorožnaja), Bronze medal (Viesturs Streļčs) Team leaders: Dr. rer. nat. Dmitrijs Docenko (Latvian Astronomical Society) andDr. phys. Inese
Scandinavian languages and culture: Contacts and contrasts I (Sweden)
The course is the first stage in a three-part series targeting the study of North Germanic or Scandinavian languages (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation and as such aims at equipping students with a thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A1 level, 2) the development of contrastive linguistic-analytical skills, 3) the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge regarding Sweden and the Nordic countries in the context of the Baltic languages and cultures (primarily Germany and Latvia). Language of instruction: Swedish and/or
Scandinavian Languages and Culture: Contacts and Contrasts II (Sweden)
The course is the second stage in a three-part series targeting the study of North Germanic or Scandinavian (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation, and as such aims at equipping students with a thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A1.2 level (approaching A2.1 level), especially by developing the skills to communicate in Swedish on issues important for Swedish / Nordic-Baltic co-operation and historical communication; 2) the development of contrastive linguistic-analytical skills for independent reception of authentic texts; 3) the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of Swedish and Nordic history, literature and culture in the context of the Baltic languages and cultures
Scandinavian Languages and Culture: Contacts and Contrasts II (Sweden)
The course is the second stage in a three-part series targeting the study of North Germanic or Scandinavian (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation, and as such aims at equipping students with a thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A1.2 level (approaching A2.1 level), especially by developing the skills to communicate in Swedish on issues important for Swedish / Nordic-Baltic co-operation and historical communication; 2) the development of contrastive linguistic-analytical skills for independent reception of authentic texts; 3) the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of Swedish and Nordic history, literature and culture in the context of the Baltic languages and cultures
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