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Project Management
25.04.2024 20:15 Content
infrastructure for the project is created, justified project proposals are formulated and project tasks, analyzed the structure of the organization and adapted it to the needs of project and program management, ensured the successful progress and coordination of the project management process, developed and maintained the specific documentation necessary for project management throughout the course of project development and implementation. In order to obtain a professional qualification and a professional master's degree in project management, the student must pass all the course tests required in the study program and defend two internship reports, as well as final exam - the development and defense of a master's thesis. Study period and classes time The full – time degree programme covers two academic years. Classes are 2-4 days per week: in the evenings of working days from 6.15pm till 9.30pm and on saturdays from 8.30am till 20.05pm. Programme structure The program covers issues
Results in 2016
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Apakšprojekta "Pusaudžu un jauniešu identitāte un prosociālā uzvedība saistībā ar digitālo tehnoloģiju lietošanu longitudinālā skatījumā" (vad. S. Sebre) ietvaros par LU PPMF darbiniekiem ievēlētitrīs jaunie zinātnieki (1 doktorants un 2 maģistranti – kā zinātniskie asistenti) un iesaistīta vēl viena doktorante. Aprobēta prosociālās morālās spriešanas aptauja un vākti dati, kas tiks apstrādāti un publicēti projekta nākamajā posmā. *** Četru mēnešu laikā no 01.09.2016 līdz 31.12.2016 bija iespējams izveidot un aprobēt aptauju komplektu, izdalīt un savākt aizpildītas aptaujas no 330 pusaudžiem un jauniešiem ( 7. un 11. klases audzēkņiem; 1. un 2. kursa studentiem). Šie ievāktie dati tika ievadīti SPSS failā un notika sākotnējā datu apstrāde. Kopumā ievāktie un analizētie dati sniedz informāciju par pusaudžu un jauniešu interneta lietošanas paradumiem, par problemātisku interneta lietošanu, par saistītām socioemocionālām problēmām (trauksme, depresija, agresija u.c.), kā arī par
How will my application be evaluated? When will I receive the results?
04.02.2024 13:37 Content
Chemistry/Biology/English or at least 5 for Standard level Chemistry/Biology/English for International Baccalaureate (IB) students. The final deadlines for applications are as follows: Admission for EU/EEZ citizens will start from the 1st of January 2024 till the 1st of July 2024. Admission for non-visa country citizens outside of EU/EEZ will start from the 1st of January 2024 till the 1st of July 2024. For all other countries will start the 1st of January, 2024 till 28th of April, 2024 The final results will be available approximately two weeks after the final deadline – in mid-July. We are not able to provide official results before that because the competition can be influenced by each new application we receive, therefore the preliminary results are not to be considered final.
Digitalization of studies – the beginning of positive changes
22.08.2021 20:27 Content
Digitalization of studies is useful for every student who comes into contact with various study materials on a daily basis. It helps to achieve academic success and gain knowledge by learning to find the right resources. The team working on the improvement of the UL study internal system conducted research and created a prototype tool that would not only make it easier to navigate the UL information system, but also improve the organization and modernization of the study process. In the process of implementing the idea, the team did almost the impossible – created solutions to make it easier for everyone to get everything they need from the ULinformation system, which would serve both as a reference material and as a source of help. The development of this system required the acquisition of new skills, which not so much helped in existing work, but improved the ability to give participants a new perspective on technology. The team mutually agreed on the best and most effective
29.06.2022 17:11 Content
and Latvia’s prehistory, and contributing to cultural landscape preservation. There are three main tasks: to analyse the significance of landscape elements and their role in the placement and mutual arrangement of burial sites; to analyse the interaction between burial sites’ internal structure and landscape elements; to analyse the Iron Age mortuary landscape’s influence on later development. The study will apply archaeological methods (field visits; analysis of excavated material, including dating, data correlation, etc.) as well as natural sciences (palaeobotanical) methods. GIS will be used to combine archaeological and environmental data and perform spatial analysis. Scientific team: Dr. hist. Guntis Zemītis, Dr. archaeol. Valdis Bērziņš, Dr. geol. Normunds Stivriņš, Dr. hist. Antonija Vilcāne; PhD candidates: Inga Doniņa, Aija Ērkšķe, Elīna Guščika; MA student: Ildze Mīlgrāve.
LU Ilgtspējīgas attīstības politika
28.04.2023 18:50 Content
What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is understood by the University of Latvia as responsibility for the environment and people, voluntary inclusion of social, economic, environmental and human rights values in its daily activities and relations with stakeholders – employees, students, partners, decision makers and society.    What is the aim of the UL Sustainable Development Policy? The aim of the Sustainable Development Policy of the University of Latvia is to define the principles, directions and main instruments of sustainable development of the University of Latvia in order to make the University of Latvia a model of responsible behaviour and a leader in changing attitudes and behaviours that contribute to sustainable development both at the University and in Latvia as a whole. Sustainable development is one of the fundamental conditions that guide the University of Latvia's activities – studies, research, organisational development, governance
Ethnic minorities in modern society

EN-GB" style="mso-ansi-language:EN-GB">The aim of the course is to introduce students to significant theoretical approaches and contemporary trends at Latvian and European level in the field of ethic minorities’ research. As well as in the context of the course the major research methods and tools will be presented to students thorough perspective of social sciences. EN-GB" style="mso-ansi-language:EN-GB">In the framework of the course detailed information and material regarding theoretical issues, terms, concepts as well as the situation of ethnic minorities’ issues in modern society.

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