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Seminārs Igaunijā 2022.gada 28.oktobrī
16.11.2022 16:30 Content
On 28 th of October, 2022 a public workshop was held at Tallinn Technology University in Estonia. Projects scientific team gave insight into research activities about improvement of adaptibility and resilience of perennial ryegrass through genome editing, next generation sequencing technologies in gene discovery, etc. Representatives from several universities in Estonia, from Estonian Crop Research Institute, from the Ministry of the Environment and all partners participated at this event. Altogether 46 people, including students, attended the event. Agenda . Information about the workshop : 1) Estonian media “Postimees” (in Estonian) and 2) TalTech Facebook pages from the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology and from Plant-pathogen interactions lab 3) ETIS (Estonian
Fizika. Izglītība. Prakse. 2022
18.12.2023 13:57 Content
, University of Latvia, Rīga Stradiņš University. Student centered approach in "Mathematics for Physicists". Jānis Cīmurs, Assistant Professor, Researcher, University of Latvia. What skills are assessed in the physics exam? Austris Cābelis, National Centre for Education Republic of Latvia.
LZP fundamental research project No 05.1908 "Theory of Integrative Processes for Latvia’s Practice of Integration"
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
3-6, 2007. Klaipeda University, Lithuania, pp. 253-263. ISSN 1822-2196. Surikova, Svetlana (2007). Sākumskolas skolēnu sociālās mijiedarbības pieredzes paplašināšanas iespēju nodrošināšana sociālās kompetences pilnveidei. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. 715. sējums. Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība. Latvijas Universitāte, 83.-100.lpp. ISBN 978-9984-802-75-6; ISSN 1407-2157 Surikova, Svetlana (2007). Socio-educational Transaction Approach to Development of Social Competence for Primary School Students at Risk of Social Exclusion. Tiltai, Vol. 3(40). Klaipeda University, Lithuania, pp. 73-94. ISSN 1392-3137 Surikova, Svetlana (2007). Mikrogrupu darbības organizēšana skolēnu sociālās kompetences pilnveidei. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums. Rēzekne: RA Izdevniecība, 56 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-779-68-3
Pedagogical leadership, career choice and quality of education in Latvia (managers: M. Fernandezs, 2016-2017; S. Surikova, 2018-2019)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
to establish a world class university. Purpose of the research project To investigate how pedagogical leadership and education quality are understood and implemented in European educational institution and to relate the exercise of educational leadership with the quality of educational institutions. This objective is articulated around two main research questions: (1) what the different sectors of the institution (head, teachers, researchers and students) think about the importance and evidence of the different dimensions of pedagogical leadership in their institution; and (2) how do they perceived the main features of the quality of this institution. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework of the study is the reference model proposed by S. Gento (Gento, 2002) for Pedagogical leadership and Quality of education. Pedagogical leadership was analysed through the following dimensions: charismatic, emotional, anticipatory, professional, participative, cultural, formative
Doctoral programme in Natural Science (Physics, Astronomy and Mechanics)
25.04.2024 20:25 Content
) and in the industry (as participants and managers of technologically advanced projects). The programme provides the choice of specialization in eight subfields of physics, astronomy or mechanics: Astrophysics and fundamental astronomy Chemical physics Didactics of physics Fluid and gas mechanics Laser physics and spectroscopy Materials’ physics Mechanics of polymers and composite materials Medical physics Solid state physics Depending on the elected subfield, the PhD student must demonstrate a high level of theoretical and practical qualification in materials’ physics, topics of polymer mechanics, general conceptions and methodology issues of chemical physics, the subfield of laser physics and spectroscopy, and various subfields of astrophysics and fundamental astronomy, and didactics of physics. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Publikācijas: Antra Ozola, Andrejs Geske (2019). What Do Teachers Do to Promote Students’ Reading Literacy at 4th Grade? – Evidence From Iea Pirls 2016 Study. In Linda Daniela (Ed.), Innovations, technologies and research in education, 2019. Proceedings of ATEE Spring conference (pp. 323-332). Riga: University of Latvia Press. DOI: Andrejs Geske, Normunds Rečs. (2019). The Impact of Headmaster’s Leadership Practice on the Formation of a Professional Learning Community at School. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume II, May 24th -25th, 2019. pp. 90-105. Antoņina Jemeļjanenko, Andrejs Geske. (2019). Management of Psychosocial Risks in the Educational Sector of Latvia. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume VI, May 24th-25th, 2019. pp. 215-223.
For citizens of EU, EEA and Switzerland
17.01.2022 17:55 Content
Student has to apply for the registration certificate in person at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in Riga (any division) within 90 days as of the first day of entry, if a Union citizen resides in the Republic of Latvia for longer than 90 days counting from the first day of entry. A registration certificate shall be issued to a Union citizen without delay after submission of all necessary application documents. To request a registration certificate the Union citizen needs submit the following documents: 1) Valid travel document; 2) Application form (will be available at the Office of Citizenship and Migration); 3) Study agreement; 4) Health insurance (valid in Latvia); 5) Document confirming the necessary subsistence (at least 500Euro per month). Document – official (original) statement from bank with stamp and signature of represenative person and also copy of bank card (Certificate valid for 3 months from the date of approval). As to get to the main Office
06.12.2021 16:30 Content
Modern, internationally recognized academic higher education of excellence at bachelor's, master's and doctoral level Internationally recognized study quality affirmed by the assessment of higher education programmes carried out in the framework of the European Social Fund – all 4 bachelor's programs offered by the UL FSS have received the maximum possible number of points [1] Exchange programmes with universities in Denmark, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece; Internationally recognized and active research in collaboration with the Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Uganda, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, India and the entire Europe; Lectures and guest lectures by the renowned academicians and the prominent practitioners, successfully combining theory with practice; Joining the most recognised and capable graduates; Cutting
Biology, microbiology
02.05.2024 13:51 Content BMC BioOne Complete BioRxiv Bookboon Cambridge Journals Online Cogent OA Directory of Open Access Books Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source Emerald eJournals Premier Archive available through 28 February 2020 Encyclopedia of Life Eurostat Data F1000 Research Google Scholar Herbert Publications IEEE Open Journals for Free JSTOR Latvijas standartu tiešsaistes lasītava Ask the librarian of the Library of the UL to provide the access details LETA Letonika Library Publishing Media MDPI Nature Open Access Research Database (OARD) Overleaf Commons Access provided only for the students, faculty and researchers of the UL Natural Sciences Faculties Oxford Journals Online PLoS – Public Library of Science ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global ProQuest Ebook Central Science Books Online ScienceDirect ScienceOpen Scopus
Tania S. Svīta
24.08.2020 14:38 Content
The patron Tania S. Sweet (née Sidorova) (1925 – 2007) was born in Riga. Since 1950, her life had been very colourful indeed. In 1954, she finished a secondary school in Caracas, Venezuela, with outstanding results. From 1956 to 1958, she studied pediatrics at the Medical School of Heidelberg, in 1959, she studied accountancy and business machines at Brown’s Commercial School, New York. Ms Sweet applied this knowledge while working as an accountant at the company Plumer Ltd . Prof. Arvīds Ziedonis, pastor of Bucks County Latvian Evangelical Lutheran congregation and executor of Ms Sweet’s will, said: “In her eventful life, Tania was very independent, always optimistic, intelligent, charming, devout, sympathetic and generous. She always wished to see something interesting, experience something new, beautiful, to learn something useful. Tania was religious and she wanted to leave all her earthly possessions to charitable institutions: the church, hospitals, children from low
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