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Mathematical Models in Finance
The aim of this course is to introduce students with the methods and models of quantitative analysis of securities market and financial instruments. The tasks of the course: 1) to provide an understanding of fixed-income and risky financial market instruments (shares, bonds, derivative securities), their pricing and yield valuation; 2) to review the basic principles and models of derivatives pricing (options example, arbitrage pricing, binomial model, Black-Scholes formula); 3) to give an introduction to the theory of stochastic analysis: concepts of Brownian motion, martingale, stochastic integral with applications to option market models; 4) to review the theory of portfolios: the efficient portfolio concept, the Markovic model, as well as portfolio valuation methods: the capital market straight line, the capital asset pricing model, the stock market line. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Teaching and Learning in Digital Era
The aim of the course is to promote the development of students’ pedagogical competence, readiness to plan, implement, evaluate and improve one’s teaching demonstrating interdisciplinary understanding of effective didactic approaches and digital solutions in providing deep learning. Objectives – 1. To develop skills to use effective didactic approaches by introducing competence-oriented learning (competence approach in content); 2. To promote meaningful and considered use of modern IT tools in education; 3. To gain deeper knowledge and critical understanding of developmental trends of didactic approaches in education in Latvia and European education area; 4. To learn to communicate the acquired information to others clearly and reasonably, based on both cognitive and affective processes taking into account the target audience; 5. To develop reflection and critical thinking skills.
Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Nutrition Education: Cooking Technologies, Culture and Teaching and Learning Methodology II
The aim of the course is to facilitate the understanding of nutrition as an important part of culture and a factor in an individual’s life and develop students’ competence to organize independently the acquisition of study content at school based on the latest achievements in the field of nutrition, technology and design. The objectives of the study course are: 1. To master the latest recommendations of nutritionists in the field of nutrition and analyze them in connection with the principles of a healthy lifestyle and the development of sustainability in today's multicultural society. 2. To evaluate the options of the latest technologies in cooking, storage and serving based on the principles of health, ergonomics and design; 3. To notice the possibilities of design in nutrition education and develop competence to use them in creative activity. 4. To promote interdisciplinary links in the acquisition of design and technology and the content of other subjects. 5. To develop
Methodology of Mathematics I
The aim of the study course is to promote the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of competencies for modern, purposeful and rational planning and organization of the mathematics study process in primary education and general secondary school / gymnasium. Course tasks: 1) To create an opportunity to gain an understanding of the conceptual principles, goals, normative documents and approaches of modern science and mathematics education in its implementation; 2) To create an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the system of forms and methods of planning and organizing the mathematics study process, in accordance with the planned result, teaching and learning styles, to gain insight into the possibilities of using information technology and other technical means in organizing the mathematics study process; 3) To create an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills about the system of assessment of students' results and the system of methods in mathematics.
Contrastive studies II: Swedish (2nd foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A1/ A2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence. The objectives of the course are 1. to extend the knowledge about the sound system of the Swedish language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to introduce the basic principles of morphology and sentence structure; 3. to strengthen the skill to apply simple grammatical constructions, analyse own and peers’ mistakes and continue developing the vocabulary range; 4. to strengthen the skill to understand a slow spoken text regarding personal topics and situations; 5. to develop the communicative language competence of the Swedish language and strengthen the skill to answer simple questions, name and shortly describe familiar objects, phenomena, people, actions, briefly express attitude. The course is delivered in: Swedish (with explanations in Latvian and English).
Contrastive Studies II: German (2nd foreign language from the beginners’ level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A1/2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference. The objectives of the course are 1. to extend the knowledge about the sound system of the German language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to introduce the basic principles of morphology and sentence structure; 3. to strengthen the skill to apply simple grammatical constructions, analyse own and peers’ mistakes and continue developing the vocabulary range; 4. to strengthen the skill to understand a slow spoken text regarding personal topics and situations; 5. to develop the communicative language competence of the German language and strengthen the skill to answer simple questions, name and shortly describe familiar objects, phenomena, people, actions, briefly express attitude. The course is delivered in German.
Vision training
The aim of the study course ir to develop students' theoretical and practical knowledge in vision training as an alternative type of vision therapy that is applicable in the optometric practice for the treatment of various vision problems and vision rehabilitation.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the role of vision training in improving the functioning of the visual system and its mechanisms;
  • to acquire vision training development skills;
  • to acquire development of individual vision training plans adapted to the needs of the patient, to follow-up of the vision training progress, and to evaluate vision training efficacy.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
Microscopy and spectroscopy characterization methods
The goal of the course is to promote students' understanding of modern experimental methods that are used to study the electronic and atomic structure of materials. The course gives theoretical and experimental backgrounds of diffraction, microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy characterization methods and their application in materials science. Tasks of the course are to: 1. provide a theoretical and experimental basis on modern experimental methods, such as scanning and transmission electron microscopy, scanning probe and tunneling microscopy, X-ray and neutron diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy; 2. provide a theoretical and experimental basis on advanced and emerging techniques; 3. comparatively analyze the common and different features of the methods and their fields of applications. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Literature and Culture in Austria, Switzerland and in German-speaking Regions of Central Europe
This courses aim is to provide students with the knowledge of German-language literature and cultural history. The course task is to address the most important events in the development of literature and culture and their diverse interrelations in a broad cultural context, including the issues of multilingualism, ethnic diversity and cultural hybridity. It focuses on literature produced in such German-speaking countries and areas as Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Romania, South Tyrol, taking into account national and regional peculiarities and innovative achievements in architecture, the audio-visual media as well as in areas such as fashion and design. The timeframe of the course ranges from fin-de-siècle, the literature of the German avant-garde and the blossoming of the Prague-German literature in the first decades of the 20th century to the developments of the second half of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The language of instruction is German.
Literature and Culture in Austria, Switzerland and in German-speaking Regions of Central Europe
This courses aim is to provide students with the knowledge of German-language literature and cultural history. The course task is to address the most important events in the development of literature and culture and their diverse interrelations in a broad cultural context, including the issues of multilingualism, ethnic diversity and cultural hybridity. It focuses on literature produced in such German-speaking countries and areas as Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Romania, South Tyrol, taking into account national and regional peculiarities and innovative achievements in architecture, the audio-visual media as well as in areas such as fashion and design. The timeframe of the course ranges from fin-de-siècle, the literature of the German avant-garde and the blossoming of the Prague-German literature in the first decades of the 20th century to the developments of the second half of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The language of instruction is German.
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