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Privātuma atruna
22.02.2023 11:48 Content
Privacy disclaimer Controller and contact details – University of Latvia, Reg. No. 3341000218; Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga, LV-1586, tel.: 67034777, e-mail: To contact the University of Latvia data protection officer, send an email to The current privacy disclaimer defines our privacy policy regarding this website. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites. Any other external links to other web pages as such are clearly identified. Purposes of personal data processing – processing of personal data is performed, when a person receives a service, which is provided to a person in accordance with the regulations of the University of Latvia, documents, laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia, including the operation of the University of Latvia in respect to its information systems, data files and other information, which is used for information processing, transmission, storage and carrying out other
Bachelor’s degree programme in East-West Intercultural Studies
25.04.2024 20:07 Content
establishing international contacts. The new programme offers an international qualification that is equally important for European (Western) and Asian students. It is oriented towards a mutual understanding, based on analogies, of Eastern and Western civilisations. The programme does not simply provide information about other cultures; it also helps students choose the right way to communicate with representatives of other cultures by explaining religiously, socially and mentally important nuances in the context of each culture that non-specialists may miss. Study period and time of classes The full-time degree programme covers 3 academic years. Classes are mainly from 8.30am till 6pm in the working days. Career opportunities Graduates of the bachelor’s programme will be able to work in the diplomatic service, embassies, NGOs, political, cultural and social research, public relations and policymaking and evaluation, city and regional administration, the tourism industry and culture as well
13.03.2024 14:41 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.habil.phys. Juris Purāns Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher Purans 67251691 Dr.phys. Andris Āzens Leading researcher Andris.Azens 67251691 Ph.D. Edgars Butanovs Leading researcher Edgars.Butanovs 67187511 Dr.phys. Lauris Dimitročenko Leading researcher Lauris.Dimitrocenko 67187479 Dr.phys. Boris Polyakov Leading researcher Boriss.Polakovs 67187511 Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Zubkins Leading researcher Martins.Zubkins 67251691 Dr.phys. Ilze Aulika Leading researcher Ilze.Aulika 25241686 Dr.phys. Vera Skvorcova Leading researcher Vera.Skvorcova 67187473 Alberts Eiduss Programming Engineer Alberts
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
DOCUMENTS FOR ADMISSION When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present the following documents: Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)/Alim Transcript of records Grade point average (GPA) has to be at least 2.5-3.5 points! When applying for Master’s programme , applicants have to present the following documents: Bachelor’s degree + diploma supplement. Transcript of records University of Latvia accepts students from First and from Second Division (total score at least 51%) Officially certified copies of the documents must be presented in original language and in English; It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in India. Note! If you
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
DOCUMENTS FOR ADMISSION When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present the following documents: Senior Secondary School Certificate (at least six subjects with a score of A to D) Higher Secondary School Academic Transcripts West African Senior Secondary School Certificate ( at least six subjects with a score of A1 to C6) When applying for Master’s programme , applicants have to present the following documents: Bachelor’s Diploma Transcrtipt of records/ Academic transcript The University of Latvia accepts students from upper division only. It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Egypt (Cairo). Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
DOCUMENTS FOR ADMISSION When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present one of the following documents: Senior School Certificate (WAEC or NECO) (with a result of pass for at least five subjects, including the mandatory English and Mathematics for the minimum result of 6); National Diploma + Higher National Diploma. When applying for Master’s programme , applicants have to present the following documents: Attestation of Results/Degree Certificate Transcrtipt of records/ Academic transcript The University of Latvia accepts students from First and Second Division (upper class) only. It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Egypt (Cairo). Note! If you are still studying
Bohēmistikas un polonistikas centrs
27.06.2024 19:50 Content
literature, guidebooks), collection of films in Czech and Polish, CDs, maps and other materials. The centre is the place where the Czech and Polish language lessons for Russian philology students take place as well as consultations and events. Partners and supporters: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Latvia Association „Latvija–Čehija” Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Latvia Association of Poles in Latvia Foundation „Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie” Polonia Teachers' Centre in Lublin Contact information: Visvalža iela 4a, Room 215a. Head of the Centre–Professor Igors Koškins Members of the Council of the Centre: Dr.philol. N.Kopoloveca - secretary Dr.philol. K.Barkovska Dr.philol. T. Stoikova Dr. philol. J.Strauberga Mg. A. Žmuda All interested are welcome!
Student Council
14.12.2021 16:57 Content
The main goal of the Student Council of the Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia (FT UL) is to improve students' academic and daily life at the faculty and to represent the interests of the students. The activities of the Student Council focuses on the development of the academic sphere in new, exciting ways to arouse students' interest in the learning process and promote the integration of students in the academic fields that they are interested in. Students from all study levels attend Student Council meetings. Student Council members care about the academic growth of students and the improvement of students' daily lives. Student Council members are elected yearly by students of the Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia. Faculty of Theology Student Council members 2021/2022: President, member of faculty's board Sanita Novikova President's assitant, secretary Beāte Orlova Director of social, culture and sport direction, member of Student Council of University
Thin Films Laboratory
13.03.2024 14:40 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.habil.phys. Juris Purāns Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher Purans 67251691 Dr.phys. Andris Āzens Leading researcher Andris.Azens 67251691 Ph.D. Edgars Butanovs Leading researcher Edgars.Butanovs 67187511 Dr.phys. Lauris Dimitročenko Leading researcher Lauris.Dimitrocenko 67187479 Dr.phys. Boris Polyakov Leading researcher Boriss.Polakovs 67187511 Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Zubkins Leading researcher Martins.Zubkins 67251691 Dr.phys. Ilze Aulika Leading researcher Ilze.Aulika 25241686 Dr.phys. Vera Skvorcova Leading researcher Vera.Skvorcova 67187473 Alberts Eiduss Programming Engineer Alberts
How are the internships organized at the University of Latvia?
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
For students of the University of Latvia, internships are provided in professional study programs. In most professional study programs, the institution provides students with internships in various companies, institutions and organizations with which each faculty has cooperation agreements. To find out about the opportunities available for internships, the student must first contact the program manager in his / her faculty. At the same time, students are entitled to choose their own placement, but only with the coordinator of the practice, who is responsible for practice at the faculty. Two internship supervisors are appointed for the duration of the internship - one from the University of Latvia and one from the company / institution / organization. The Dean's authorized representative of the Faculty - the program internship organizer - organizes internship placement, contracting and cooperation with internships, organizes the practice of the students registered in the program
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