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Communication in Social Work
The aim of the study course is to provide an opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of the principles and techniques of communication with clients in social work and to develop skills in advising clients within the framework of work with cases. Tasks of the course is to provide a theoretical insight into communication psychology in the context of social work; 2) to acquaint with the peculiarities of communication in social work with different clients; 3) to ensure the acquisition of counseling skills, paying special attention to listening, conversation, discussion and conflict resolution skills;4) to analyze communication with the client (also “difficult client” and aggressive client), paying attention to the role of attitude in a successful networking, client service ethics and social worker safety issues. At the end of study course students make professional communication with clients and use different technics of consulting. The course is lead in Latvian.
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge of the achievements and basic principles of modern pharmacology, based on the understanding of cell regulatory systems and signaling mechanisms, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic processes, including drug absorption and bioavailability processes, drug metabolism and drug interactions. Tasks: 1. To provide knowledge about medicinal substances used in various cases of peripheral and central nervous system diseases, in cases of pain and altered psycho-emotional states, in cases of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases. 2. To provide knowledge about the mechanisms of action of the drugs used, their indications, mechanisms of side effects, interactions, contraindications and their pharmacokinetic properties. 3. To provide the necessary knowledge for the development of a therapeutic plan in physiotherapy for various health conditions and diseases. Course implementation language - Latvian
Data in Geography I
The study course is designed to promote the diverse use of data in geography, strengthening theoretical and practical application in the labour market. The course provides an overview and understanding of the diversity of quantitative data in geography, their management and application in the labour market. The course provides students with the skills necessary for the selection, processing, systematization and visualization of spatial data of social and physical processes. The course provides knowledge about data that can be used for geographic visualization. The aim of the study course is to ensure the systematic acquisition of competences in the use of data in geography, their application in practice. Tasks of the study course: (1) promote the integration of natural sciences and information technology competencies; (2) to build a scientific and practical understanding of the importance of data in various branches of geography, their application and current directions
Introduction into Professional activity
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the process of creating design projects, as well as, the correlation between creative and technological processes. The course also examines a designers place in a creative team, the influence of the various stages of production on the final product. Study course tasks: 1. Create an understanding about the visually stylistic and technical process of creating graphic design works. 2. To develop a skill to adequately choose the right visually stylistic solution, digital tools and technological realisation to successfully complete the creative task (matching its group, character, size and other parameters). 3. To develop a skill to use digital tools for fulfilling graphic design tasks and to technologically correctly prepare the developed product for realising it materially.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
History of Graphic Design
The aim of the course is to develop an in-depth understanding of works of art and graphic design. Tasks: to develop visual thinking skills; to acquire an an analytical approach to environmental perception; to develop critical thinking skills on the diverse forms of expression in the graphic design industry and its interaction with different sectors of the economy. The course is based on a chronological principle, emphasizing the achievements of 20th and 21st centuries. It provides theoretical lectures, workshops and practical and independent work, which includes studying the history of material culture - learning about the scientific and technical discoveries and achievements, researching innovations and researching their impact on graphic design and related industries. The development of critical analysis skills will give students an idea of the diverse forms of expression (genres) in the graphic design industry and their relationship with different sectors of the economy
Literature and museology
The aim of the study course is to introduce the theory and practical side of the museum work by identifying the tasks of museums and their place in modern society. The tasks of the study course are: 1. to introduce the specifics of museum work (collection, exhibition, educational work, marketing), and the links with literary history and theory in the context of literary museums (including historic flats and houses); 2. to introduce the basics of museology theory, the regulatory framework of the museum sector, the development of medium-term operational and development planning documents, paying special attention to the museum's mission, goals and objectives, research, collection and communication policies, and marketing; 3. to comparatively analyse the theory of museum work and the actual situation in Latvian (mostly Riga) literary museums; 4. to increase students' involvement in the interpretation of literary historical facts and literary scholarship in museums. The language
General Literature IV (XXth Century)
The aim of the course is to obtain a chronologically systematic overview of the literary process of the 20th and 21st centuries. The focus is on the emergence of new artistic systems; the search for imagery and poetics, the 20th / 21st century. reflections of human sense of the world in literature; the links between ideology, philosophy, literature and reality. Objectives of the study course: 1. To provide knowledge about the development of the 20th century culture and the place of literature in the context of social change and values; 2. To form an understanding of the interaction of tradition and artist's innovations in the context of the dominant tendencies of the era; 3. improve students' skills by independently applying knowledge in practice, evaluating, comparing and creatively using the acquired analytical text interpretation skills in discussions, performing research activities. The language of instruction is Latvian.
The History of Physical Education, Sport and Olympic Movement
The aim of the study course is to provide extensive knowledge of the historical, cultural and social significance of sports, as well as the development of the Olympic Games, emphasizing the role of sports in modern society The tasks: 1.To research, understand, and analyze the stages of development of physical culture and sports in the context of world culture; 2.To familiarize oneself with the prerequisites for the emergence of ancient Olympic Games and their influence on the development of sports; 3.To acquaint oneself with the development of the modern Olympic movement globally and in Latvia from the late 19th century to the present day, and to comprehend its impact on societal development; 4.To become acquainted with and comprehend the stages of modern sports development. In the study process students are acquiring deep information about development physical culture and sport in historical different social systems. The course is taught in Latvian
Specific Sports Traininig Methodology (Teniss)
The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of basic knowledge, which gives the opportunity to teach the basics of tennis theory and technique. To improve knowledge about the need for exercises, technical performance, as well as dosage. To draw attention to the influence of various additional factors on the general understanding of the essence of tennis. Tasks: 1. To acquaint with theoretical knowledge about tennis methodology, tennis ethics, tennis diversity (tennis, mini tennis, beach tennis, trolley tennis), technical classification, movement biomechanics, teaching methodology, doping and injury prevention; 2. To improve pedagogical skills in organizing and managing the training process; 3. To promote a common understanding of the way of life related to tennis; 4. To develop the level of students' tennis games, at the same time paying attention to the correct execution of shots and dosage of exercises. The course is delivered in Latvian.
Contemporary pedagogy and its system of branches
Aim of the course - to develop students' understanding of contemporary pedagogy, its topicalities in the processes of educational change, system of pedagogical branches, diverse pedagogical approaches in the selection and implementation of study content, involvement of society in the development of educational programs. Tasks - 1. To improve skills to analyze and evaluate pedagogical theories and approaches in modern education change processes, topicalities of pedagogical branch system; 2. To develop skills to form and choose theoretically sound pedagogical approaches to the design and implementation of educational programs, taking into account the development needs and goals of society and individuals; 3. To develop skills to model innovative, theory and research-based pedagogical situations, to reflect on them, responsibly assessing the possible impact on the relationship between education and society.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
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