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Council of the Faculty of Computing
12.09.2023 12:41 Content
Representatives of the Academic Staff Andris Ambainis , professor Guntis Arnicāns , professor Aleksandrs Belovs , associate professor Jānis Bičevskis , professor Kārlis Čerāns , professor Maksims Dimitrijevs , researcher Normunds Grūzītis , assistant professor Abuzer Yakaryilmaz , researcher Ģirts Karnītis , senior researcher Laila Niedrīte , professor Raivis Skadiņš , researcher Uldis Straujums , professor Jurģis Šķilters , leading researcher Viesturs Vēzis , assistant professor Māris Vītiņš , leading researcher Jānis Zuters , professor General staff representatives Ārija Sproģe , senior study advisor Student representatives Rolands Baumanis Maksims Ivanovs Alens Aleksandrs Čerņa Emīls Sjundjukovs (Emil Syundyukov) Ronalds Turnis
Information for academic staff that have arrived from Ukraine
19.10.2023 20:19 Content
Support for academic staff: Opportunity to continue academic work and research Please, e-mail UL Academic Department at , stating your contact information. Vacancies are available at: More information available at: Free of charge stay in UL Accommodation for Ukrainian refugees (academic staff and their family members) Please write an e-mail to or to apply for accommodation, stating your contact information. More information available at:
The main research directions in 2020–2024
04.02.2021 13:59 Content
In 2021, within the research project “Human, Technologies and Quality of Education” nine research sub-projects are implemented: Skolēnu digitālās mācīšanās resursi tikumu iedzīvināšanai un caurviju prasmju pilnveidei izglītības satura reformas kontekstā Latvijā (managerT.Pīgozne); Skolu vadītāju un skolotāju profesionālās kompetences pilnveide skolēnu tikumiskās audzināšanas veicināšanai skolā (manager S.Surikova); Darbinieku piemērotības un potenciālās attīstības novērtēšanas metodes izstrāde II (manager I.Austers); Topošo skolotāju metakognitīvo prasmju pilnveide studiju procesā (manager I.Briška); Dizaina produktu radīšanas apguve studiju procesā topošajiem dizaina un tehnoloģiju pedagogiem (manager M.Urdziņa-Deruma); Iekļaujoša augstākā izglītība: akadēmiskā personāla un studentu pieredzes izpēte (manager S.Baranova); Bērna vecāku emociju regulācija, audzināšanas pieejas, bērna emociju regulācija un to saistība ar bērna attiecību grūtībām (manager S
19.08.2022 12:58 Content
“Erasmus Play” is a student housing search engine to find accommodation across Europe. It allows you to compare all available accommodation quickly and easily. In addition, you will be able to make a book in safely, as all the accommodations are 100% verified. The booking process is very simple: - Select your destination and dates. - Compare all available accommodation. - Click and book safely and securely. There is a wide variety of destinations: : Madrid , Milan , Paris , Porto , Berlin , Florence , Bologna , Lisbon , Rome , London , Munich , Frankfurt , Barcelona , Vienna , Helsinki , Budapest , Amsterdam , Stockholm and so much more! The University of Latvia partners with Erasmus Play to help you find your new home easily anywhere in Europe. More information
13.05.2022 21:35 Content
“Erasmus Play” is a student housing search engine to find accommodation across Europe. It allows you to compare all available accommodation quickly and easily. In addition, you will be able to make a book in safely, as all the accommodations are 100% verified. The booking process is very simple: - Select your destination and dates. - Compare all available accommodation. - Click and book safely and securely. There is a wide variety of destinations: : Madrid , Milan , Paris , Porto , Berlin , Florence , Bologna , Lisbon , Rome , London , Munich , Frankfurt , Barcelona , Vienna , Helsinki , Budapest , Amsterdam , Stockholm and so much more! The University of Latvia partners with Erasmus Play to help you find your new home easily anywhere in Europe. More information
Ideju laboratorija 2021
22.08.2021 18:48 Content
Within the framework of the UL New Technologies and Innovations Day, which will take place from 23 to 24 September, an Idea Laboratory or Virtual Think Tankwill be implemented, where any student, UL graduate and lecturer will be able to prove their idea generation skills and team spirit, implementing their ideas and participating in other activities of the event. The aim of the Idea Laboratoryis to encourage the creation of sustainable solutions for the growth of the university and the urban community, promoting positive change and understanding the need for sustainability. During the two days, participants will have the opportunity to listen to introductory lectures on idea generation and design thinking, receive mentor support in the idea development process, listen to expert opinions and advice, andpresent the final result to a competent jury at the end of the Idea Laboratory.
About University of Latvia
06.01.2023 18:54 Content
The University of Latvia consistently retains the position of the national, leading and most influential higher education institution in Latvia. In terms of the total number of students, the University of Latvia is also the largest university in the country. It is the largest comprehensive university in Latvia, extensively contributing both to the development of the entire education system and to the overall growth of the country's economy. The University of Latvia is a modern centre of academic and professional studies, which, along with research in natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, technical sciences and medicine provides opportunities to acquire various types and levels of higher education programmes to the residents of Latvia and other countries. UL has a crucial role in the development of society's academic traditions, national economy, education, environment and health protection, Latvian language and culture.
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Mikus Milgrāvis (Master’s student) In order to improve the mechanical and thermal properties of metal as well as to improve corrosion and radiation resistance, one of the methods is to disperse small size nanoparticles in metal. The uniform dispersion of nanoparticles is technically challenging because the particles tend to agglomerate. Our solution is to disperse the particles using contactless electromagnetic effect on the sample. When acting on the sample simultaneously with AC and DC magnetic field, pressure oscillation occurs. If these values of the field are sufficiently high, it is possible to reach the cavitation threshold in liquid metal. Cavitation bubble collapses are known to create microscale jets with a potential to break nanoparticle agglomeration and disperse them. In the experiments, different samples are melted and their acoustic signal is captured by piezo sensors. Article dispersion is analyzed by scanning electron microscope and x-ray fluorescence microscope.
04.05.2024 14:50 Content
Take a look at the latest events and adventures of LU SP LU SP, UL Alumni club and UL ISC Autumn environmental clean-up "Talka" LU SP Motivational seminar "Icebreaker" ("Ledlauzis") 2022 UL "Aristotle" 2022 Official and evening part Photocorner Photoshack UL "Aristotle" '55 Official and evening part Photocorner UL "Aristotle" 2020 LU SP New members seminar 2020 LU SP Motivational seminar "Icebreaker" ("Ledlauzis") 2019 UL Centenary "Aristotle" UL Students' Sports Games 2019 LU SP 99th Birthday LU SP Studenthood academy IV LU SP New members seminar 2019 "Aristotle" 2020 - photocorner and event "Aristotle" 2020 - event Photo archive
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