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Chinese language consecutive interpreting III
After the successful completion of the course "Chinese language consecutive interpreting II", students have the opportunity to learn more about consecutive interpreting practices in diplomatic and business relations as well as to improve their own skills. Tasks of the course are : to offer insight into the contemporary translation theory , giving examples from the research by Chinese scholars, reading additional literature, and listening to video recordings, which describe the methods and important aspects of the consecutive translation, such as diplomatic and business etiquette, specifics of the given situation, expressions and appropriateness of the language style, the perception of general logical connections and their reflection in the target language. The main objective of this part of the consecutive translation course is to let students acquire skills in interpreting actual video recordings - news, diplomatic negotiations, seminars and conferences in both Latvian and Chinese.
Pharmacy - master's study program
03.02.2022 15:00 Content
The aim of the study program is to prepare students for work in pharmaceutical companies and for continuing education in the doctoral study program. To provide students with appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the sub-fields of pharmaceutical science and related fields of science, as well as to prepare for independent research and successful development and defense of a master's thesis. The graduate of the program will have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about medicines and substances used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, knowledge in pharmaceutical technology, quality control and correct storage of medicines. The graduatewill be able to provide advice on the use of medicines and know the law governing the pharmaceutical industry.
Legal aspects of spatial planning
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ understanding of the legal and administrative framework developed, accepted and practiced in the spatial development policy in Latvia and how decisions are taken on the planning documents and the use of an individual plot; to strengthen understanding in the legal context of spatial planning on procedures in taking integrated decisions to facilitate improvement in the quality of life and long-term development; to continue developing the skill of legal argumentation, to sharpen critical attitude towards legal regulation and its application practice. The course offers an understanding of how the system of spatial development planning functions in Latvia in general. The focus of this course is upon the principles of spatial development planning, planning documents and their types, spatial planning procedure, mechanisms for legal control, planning institutions and participants in the process of planning, main tools for spatial plans
Legal aspects of spatial planning
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ understanding of the legal and administrative framework developed, accepted and practiced in the spatial development policy in Latvia and how decisions are taken on the planning documents and the use of an individual plot; to strengthen understanding in the legal context of spatial planning on procedures in taking integrated decisions to facilitate improvement in the quality of life and long-term development; to continue developing the skill of legal argumentation, to sharpen critical attitude towards legal regulation and its application practice. The course offers an understanding of how the system of spatial development planning functions in Latvia in general. The focus of this course is upon the principles of spatial development planning, planning documents and their types, spatial planning procedure, mechanisms for legal control, planning institutions and participants in the process of planning, main tools for spatial plans
Administrative Law
Administrative Law is a mandatory study course in the study program of bachelor of law. The aim of the course is to give the opportunity for students to obtain knowledge on basic concepts of administrative law and structure of public administration and skills for practical implementation of this knowledge. The content of the study course is: structure of public administration, principles of public administration, types of action of public administration, local government, public service law and public property law. A precondition of successful acquirement of the study course is independent studies of legal writings and rulings of courts, which is subject to examination in seminars, tests and in the final exam. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Administrative Law
Administrative Law is a mandatory study course in the study program of bachelor of law. The aim of the course is to give the opportunity for students to obtain knowledge on basic concepts of administrative law and structure of public administration and skills for practical implementation of this knowledge. The content of the study course is: structure of public administration, principles of public administration, types of action of public administration, local government, public service law and public property law. A precondition of successful acquirement of the study course is independent studies of legal writings and rulings of courts, which is subject to examination in seminars, tests and in the final exam. The language of instruction is Latvian.
31.08.2020 19:24 Content
The Latvian technology company EazyOne(2011) develops a universal reporting and chart tool "eazyBI". Typically, "eazyBI" is used to analyze the efficiency of teamwork. Initially, the company was established and developed by one person – Raimonds Simanovskis. More about the company Support In 2018, the company donated EUR 4500 toward participation of UL students in the finals of the World’s programming competition ACM ICPC in Beijing, China. In 2019, continued to support participation of UL students in the World’s programming competition ACM ICPC by donating EUR 4500. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
HZF Latīniskā kultūrmantojuma centrs
26.05.2020 18:22 Content
Latin Culture Heritage Centre (LCHC) was established at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia in 2008. The Centre is a scientific unit of the department of Classical Philology, which looks not only into the heritage of the ancient Roman period, but also into Latin tradition that has developed in the territory of Latvia since the 13th century and further through humanism period. Promoting research and translation work for students, including master’s students and doctoral candidates is an important aspect of the Centre's work. Recognising the role of Latin language in the cultural history of Europe as a whole, the Latin Culture Heritage Centre has a number of objectives and tasks. Objectives of the LCHC: topromotescientific,educationalandculturalactivitiesrelatedtoidentification and exploration of Latinculturalheritage; toraise theimportanceofthe presence of ancientRomanculturalheritageinmodernlinguistic,literaryandculturalprocessesinLatvia. Tasks
Master Thesis
The procedure of the public defence of Master Thesis takes place at the end of the studies and it is a compulsory precondition for receiving the Diploma. The Master Thesis is research, which is supposed to present new ideas and be written according to scientific research requirements. The Master Thesis should demonstrate that the student has the necessary level of scientific maturity, ability to follow principles of logic, competence in selected areas and academic skills. The aim of Master's thesis is to demonstrate and synthesize the skills and knowledge the student has acquired during the study process. Two main tasks of this course are a presentation at the annual conference of the Master's students and a defence of Master's thesis.
Master Thesis
The procedure of the public defence of Master Thesis takes place at the end of the studies and it is a compulsory precondition for receiving the Diploma. The Master Thesis is research, which is supposed to present new ideas and be written according to scientific research requirements. The Master Thesis should demonstrate that the student has the necessary level of scientific maturity, ability to follow principles of logic, competence in selected areas and academic skills. The aim of Master's thesis is to demonstrate and synthesize the skills and knowledge the student has acquired during the study process. Two main tasks of this course are a presentation at the annual conference of the Master's students and a defence of Master's thesis.
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