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Society and World Wars of the 20 th Century
The great powers involved in the world wars of the 20th century represented quite different domestic political regimes and forms of government, which was especially evident during the Second World War, but many of the processes in these countries were similar during the two wars. To a large extent, the unification of Western Europe and the emergence of welfare societies in the post-war decades would also be difficult to imagine without the lessons and changes in societies created by the First and especially the Second World War. The course is intended to analyze a wide range of issues related to the impact of World War II on European and American societies. The focus will be on those aspects that had a lasting impact on European development and later identified key post-war developments. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the literature and sources on the range of these topics, as well as to focus on the study of the transformation of society and the processes in it
Master Thesis
Students applying for the Master of Science degree in environmental protection prepare and publicly defend a master's thesis in the chosen subfield of environmental science. The master's thesis is developed at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the LU, in other organizations or independently under the supervision of a doctor of sciences. The master's thesis must meet the requirements set by the University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Based on the results of the defense of the master's thesis, the master's final examination commission awards the natural sciences master's degree in geography, and the commission's decision is approved by the LU ĐZZF Council. The work must be based on the author's independent research, must contain the signs of scientific novelty, and in terms of structure and content must meet the requirements accepted in the Earth and environmental sciences for the preparation of scientific publications. Purpose: to prepare and defend
Master Thesis
Students applying for the Master of Science degree in environmental protection prepare and publicly defend a master's thesis in the chosen subfield of environmental science. The master's thesis is developed at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the LU, in other organizations or independently under the supervision of a doctor of sciences. The master's thesis must meet the requirements set by the University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Based on the results of the defense of the master's thesis, the master's final examination commission awards the natural sciences master's degree in geography, and the commission's decision is approved by the LU ĐZZF Council. The work must be based on the author's independent research, must contain the signs of scientific novelty, and in terms of structure and content must meet the requirements accepted in the Earth and environmental sciences for the preparation of scientific publications. Purpose: to prepare and defend
Sociolinguistics for Teachers
The aim of the course is to raise awareness of the interaction between language and society which is necessary for teacher's activities, on the diversity of world languages and on their protection, on the use of language varieties (Standard language, sociolects, regiolects) in the context of social structure (stratification), taking into account family, age and cultural experience, in order to encourage answers to the question why a certain individual has been identified as a member of a specific social group. Understanding of social aspects of language allow language teachers to raise students' awareness of sociolinguistic processes in the society and the necessity of language learning. Course tasks: 1. To acquire knowledge of key concepts of sociolinguistics (Standard language, sociolect, regiolect, idiolects, linguistic repertoire, linguistic attitude (language beliefs), sociolinguistic functions, national language, mother tongue, second language, foreign language, etc
Occupational and Physical Optics
The aim of the study course is to provide basic knowledge and skills in areas related to propagation of light, interaction of light with matter and phenomena demonstrating the nature of light. The course also is aimed at knowledge how the nature of light is used in various optical devices. The course deals with general aspects of occupational health, visual demand in various jobs, visual standards for various jobs, and occupational hazards and the possibilities of visual protection.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the nature and phenomena of light and how it is used in various optical devices;
  • to introduce students to practical experiments demonstrating the nature of light;
  • to facilitate the understanding of how light is used in nature and technology;
  • to provide knowledge about visual performance and demands for specific tasks
Cell Pathology
The aim of the study course is to provide the basic knowledge and gain understanding of the cellular pathology principles, inheritance laws, the development of disease and pathology at the cellular level. Within this course, students initially are introduced to the basic elements and macromolecules characteristic to living world, cell structure, physiological processes within the eukaryotic cell as well as retaliation of genetic information. The course will also cover the pathological processes in cell. Here will be provided to create the understanding of the different diseases and pathologies at the cellular and tissue level. The course also integrates acquisition of basic microscopy skills and attention will be drawn to the cell ultrastructure and tissue characterization via microphotograph analysis.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the cell structure and basic
Introduction to spatial analysis in Environmental Science
This course develops comprehension and teaches the basics of scientific research using GIS, remote sensing and cartography with applications in environmental science. In this course significant parts for the completion are lab work, test and passed final exam-test. The aim of the course is to develop comprehension and practical skills in using GIS, remote sensing and cartography in environmental studies with examples that illustrate spatial data acquisition, collection and functionality of spatial analysis, interpretation and visualization of results. Lab work is essential in this course. Course objectives: 1) give students a general view of the role of spatial data in characterization of environmental conditions and in identification and resolution of current environmental problems; 2) create awareness and acquire practical skills in the use of GIS for environmental spatial data collection, processing and acquisition of new data; 3) give knowledge and acquire practical skills
Ionizing radiation, Electromagnetic fields and their risks
The course will provide an introduction to the ionizing radiation (IR), the electromagnetic fields (EMF) substances and their safety in the of occupational environment. Students will be introduced to the IR sources, EMF main frequency, their properties and interaction. The lectures will cover the most commonly occurring IR sources, EMF compounds and related risks in the occupational environment and everyday life, as well as the legislation the EU and the Republic of Latvia The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the IR, EMF, their safety in the occupational environment and the relevant regulatory enactments. Tasks: 1. to provide knowledge about IR, its properties and sources in the occupational environment 2. to provide understanding of the basic safety requirements for working with IR based on regulatory enactments and potential risks 3. to provide competence to carry out independent risks assessment and, on the basis of it, to plan protecting measures in the work
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