Found 10185 entries
SIA "Microsoft Latvia"
02.09.2020 15:35 Content
The company offers a wide range of software and IT solutions, ensures introduction of Latvian language in these programmes. It builds and strengthens co-operation with Latvian IT companies, together with its partners creating a single, innovative, economically powerful system. Established in 1999. Support Microsoft Latviahas long been supporting the University of Latvia in a variety of initiatives and projects, including guest lectures of various types, teacher training, lecturer and student certification opportunities, book donations, and contribution to organization of the 2003 Baltic Mathematics Team Olympics "Baltijas Ceļš’03"with a donation of EUR 715. In 2010, Microsoft Latviasupported the UL Foundation’s project – reconstruction of the UL Faculty of Computing and upgrade of its material and technical facilities, and funded setting up of a study room for students, donating EUR 6690 for the purpose. In cooperation with Microsoft Latvia, the UL Foundation in 2015 received
UL research project No 2007/ZP-41 "Methodology of research on promoting a quality of new generation learning"
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Projekta vadītāja: Dr.habil.paed., prof. Irīna Maslo Projekta īstenošanas laiks: 2007.-2009. Projekta mērķis: Izveidot jaunās paaudzes skolēnu un studentu mācīšanās kvalitātes un mācību / studiju darbības efektivitātes mijsakarību noteikšanas metodoloģisko bāzi promocijas, grantu un citiem akadēmiskā personāla pētījumiem un akadēmiskām studijām un starptautiskai sadarbībai Projekta īstenotāji: Irīna Maslo, Rudīte Andersone, Imants Gorbāns, Sanita Baranova, Romāns Alijevs, Andra Fernāte, Elīna Maslo, Liesma Ose, Antra Ozola, Ineta Lūka, Svetlana Surikova, Daiga Kalniņa, Linda Daniela, Emanuēls Fernandezs, Sarmīte Ludborža, Jeļena Jaņeviča, Aira Kumerdanka, Irēna Žogla, Lūcija Rutka, Jānis Mencis. Projekta rezultāti: Projekta 1. posmā (2007.g.) izveidotā LU PPF PZI pedagoģijas doktora studiju metodoloģiskā bāze ir guvusi starptautisku atzinību, par ko liecina projekta 2. posmā (2008.g.) izdotais starptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums: Maslo, Irina; Kiegelmann, Mechthild
Membership in the international university organizations and networks
03.01.2023 15:38 Content
International Association of Universities (IAU) European Universities Association (EUA) International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP) Utrecht Network Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) Campus Europae/European University Foundation L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) Talloires Network
Prakses mobilitāte
28.05.2024 16:31 Content
If you have any questions about Erasmus+ mobility for traineeship and its terms and conditions, as well as the submission of reporting documents, please contact the Mobility Division of the Department of Student Services, scheduling the time of appointment in advance. Contact information: Mobility Division 19Raiņa Blvd., Room122 Phone:+37167034706 E-mail:
In 2004
11.06.2020 13:38 Content
Conference "DB&IS 2004" The conference "DB&IS 2004" took place from June 6 to 9. The organization of the conference was supported by the patrons "Exigen Services Latvia", "TietoEnator Alise" and "SEB banka". Conference "INBISCO 2004" The International Biology Student Conference "INBISCO 2004" was held in April. It was supported by the patron "Parex banka".
Doktorantūras skolas
29.03.2023 14:25 Content
The faculty also provides two doctoral schools – Doctoral School of Vision Science for those interested in vision science and optometry, and Research, Modelling and Mathematical Methodology Improvement for Atomic and Continuous Media Physical Processes (also for foreign students, taught in English) for those interested in physics. Research, Modelling and Mathematical Methodology Improvement for Atomic and Continuous Media Physical Processes
The Latvian Research Council’s Fundamental and Applied Research Project “Database of Latvian Morphemes and Derivational Models (DLMDM)”
16.04.2024 13:47 Content
Morphemes and Derivational Models” will be useful not only to the scientific community, but also to a wider audience, especially translators, IT specialists, lexicographers, teachers, and learners of Latvian in Latvia and abroad. The database will also provide a solid, dependable basis for all kinds of further data-based research on Latvian word formation, and help fill the still existing overall gap in digital resources dedicated to the Latvian language, thereby, hopefully, contributing to the development of new language learning materials, language-use manuals, etc. Word formation and morphemics are interlinked with other subsystems of a language (grammar, the lexicon, pragmatics, semantics) in a complex web of manifold relations. A proper understanding of how language, as a system, functions and is organized is impossible without a solid, detailed understanding of derivational morphology and the system of morphemes. It is our hope, therefore, that the DLMDM will, overall, make an important
Guna un Roberts Mundheim
31.08.2020 14:15 Content
, Robert Mundheim was decorated with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Professor Mundheim continues to work wholeheartedly in several areas, including legal practice in a law firm in New York, lecturing at the University of Arizona and serving on the boards of several non-profit organizations. Robert Mundheim’s dedication and success are truly inspiring. Therefore, University of Pennsylvania Law School whose Dean he was for many years, has dedicated a Chair of Honour to him. Support In 2013, the Mundheim family established a Scholarship of Excellence to be granted to the best student of the Bachelor’s programme in biology or chemistry who continues to study in a Master’s programme. The young biologist Juris Ķibilds and the young chemist Mārtiņš Balodis graduated from the University of Latvia with excellence. The amount of one scholarship is USD 3 500. At the beginning of 2014, in response of John Medveckis’ initiative, Guna Mundheim donated USD 1 000to Business Idea
Projects of law and social sciences
15.05.2020 16:55 Content
UL Student Business Incubator Forum cycle "Latvian formula 2050. Development scenarios" Participation of the UL Faculty of Law team in the international media law court "Price Media Law Moot Court" Participation of the UL Faculty of Law team in the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition 2020 Univ. of Latvia Faculty of Law 100 th anniversary celebrations
Zinātnieku personības
10.11.2021 13:52 Content
MSc. Inga Pudža "For me every research is like a journey, every publication is like a stopover. The road to new results may have been long and bumpy, but it is an indescribable pleasure to look back on it!" ISSP UL's Scientific Assistant, Student of the year, SIA Mikrotīkls scholarship holder, Winner of the L'ORÉAL Baltic Prize for Women in Science and a traveler
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