Found 10183 entries
Results in 2018
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Publicētie raksti: Daniela, L., Vasečko, L. (2018) Self-directed Learning and Homework: Student and Teacher Perspectives // 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), 12-14 November, 2018, Seville pp. 0116-0123, ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5, ISSN 2340-109: IATED Academy, ICERI2018 Proceedings Nīmante, D. Gehtmane-Hofmane, I., Vasečko, L. (2018). Children’s voice and decision making in institutional care in Latvia.// In: 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Dates: 12-14 November, 2018, Seville, Spain: Proceedings, Ed. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres, Seville: IATED Academy, doi: 10.21125/iceri.2018.2481ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5, ISSN: 2340-1095, 6289-6294. Sagatavotie un apstiprinātie projekti: Ļ.Vasečko, Efektīvās sadarbības projekts “Bērna vajadzībās pamatotu pakalpojumu izstrāde ārpusģimenes aprūpē esošu bērnu atbalsta nodrošināšanai”, LU, VBTAI (02.01.2018. – 30
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Publikācijas: Kolesovs, A. (2019). Sense of Belonging to Latvia in Latvian- and Russian-Speaking Residents of Latvia. Psihologija, 52(3), pp. 249-263. doi:10.2298/PSI181108002K Kolesovs, A. (2019). Adaptation of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire in Latvian. Sociālo Zinātņu Vēstnesis, 1(28), pp. 109-120. Viksna, L., Vilcans, M., Zeltiņa, I., Leidere-Reine, A., Krumiņa, A., Koļesova, O., Ļeviņa, J., Koļesovs, A. (2019). Vaccination against influenza: Attitude of health care personnel in a multidisciplinary hospital in Latvia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, 73(4), pp 403-406. doi:10.2478/prolas-2019-0063 Studentu iesaiste: Inese Sadauska, iesniegts raksts "Sociālas aktivitātes kā viens no apmierinātību ar dzīvi prognozējošajiem faktoriem sievietēm vecumdienās". Citi sasniegumi: A.Koļesovs. Recenzēšanas pienākumu veikšana zinātniskiem izdevumiem 2019.gadā: 1) Baltic Journal of Psychology, University
LU 79. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference
12.07.2021 12:27 Content
From January to April 2021, the annual international scientific conference will be held for the 79th time at the University of Latvia. The UL conference has become an integral part of scientific life, bringing along nearly centuries of tradition. This year the tradition-rich conference is held in a specialway, remotely , through Zoom and MS Teams platforms.Scientists, rapporteurs and all those interested are welcome to attend more than 130 section meetings with more than 2 500 reports in 4 fields of science (Natural Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Medicine and Health Sciences, Social Sciences), priority research topics and interdisciplinary. The conference participants get acquainted with the latest scientific achievements and developments, including the field of Covid-19 research. More than 2 500 rapporteurs – students, teaching staff, researchers, as well as representatives of different companies and organisations – participate in the section meetings organised by 13 faculties
Darba laiks, biļešu cenas
27.06.2024 18:33 Content
Greenhouses (Palm House / Subtropical greenhouse, Tropical and Succulent greenhouses) are closed indefinitely due to reconstruction works. Please follow the directions and use the WC in the "Šķūnis" event room. The opening hours of the azaleas house are from 10.00 to 16.00. The working hours of the butterfly house are from 10.00 to 16.00. There is no need to buy a separate entrance ticket to visit the butterfly house. January, February, March April May, June, July, August September October, November, December open daily 10.00–16.00 open daily 10.00–19.00 open daily 10.00–20.00 open daily 10.00–19.00 open daily 10.00–16.00 ADULTS 3,50 4,00 5,00 4,00 3,50 STUDENTS, SENIORS (with ID) 2,50 3,00 4,00 3,00 2,50 CHILDREN (7 – 17 year old) 2,00 2,50 3,00 2,50 2
Par antropoloģijas programmas nākotni
20.09.2022 01:20 Content
Kopš septembra antropoloģijas studiju programmu beidzēji vairs nedrīkst saņemt grādu antropoloģijā. Mācībspēki arī vairs oficiāli "neskaitās" antropologi jau pāris gadus. Priecājamies par uzlabojumiem pēc streika piesolīšanas vismaz citās nozares. Antropoloģijas programmas lielākoties finansē studenti paši, taču valsts liek šķēršļus programmu konkurētspējai. Esam izsūtījusi atklātu vēstuli izglītības un zinātnes ministrei: "Kopumā tagad atļautais grāds socioloģijā un kultūras studijās ar antropoloģijas saturu starptautiski nerada labu priekšstatu ne par diplomu, ne universitāti un valsti, kas to izsniegusi. Kvalifikācijas nosaukums ietekmē mūsu absolventu nodarbinātības iespējas un profesionālo identitāti. Salīdzinājumam, tas ir tāpat kā veikalā visam tūbiņu veidu iepakojumam atļaut tikai vienu marķējumu “Zobupasta”, ierakstot MK noteikumos, ka ar nosaukumu “Zobupasta” valstī turpmāk apzīmē visu tūbiņveida iepakojuma saturu. Mājās pirkumu varēs vērt vaļā, lai saprastu, vai iekšā ir
Professional Bachelor Study Programme ‘Teacher’
12.12.2020 23:59 Content
The programme’s accreditation date is August 19, 2020. The aim of the study programme is to provide professional bachelor's studies in educational sciences, promoting the development of a teacher's general and professional competence in accordance with the professional standard ‘Teacher’ in the student's chosen fields of study. A unique approach to combine the content and teaching methodologies of two or more subject areas by choosing between several sub-programmes: Latvian Language and Literature teacher (is also implemented in branches) Math teacher Russian Language and Literature teacher (is also implemented in branches) Teacher of Social Sciences and History (is also implemented in branches) OR English teacher (is also implemented in branches) German language teacher (is also implemented in branches) Computer teacher Design and Technology teacher Science teacher (Biology teacher or Physics teacher or Geography
24.03.2022 15:40 Content
-principles calculations as well as solar cell device modelling. The synergy of joint research collaboration gives novel input to developing such solar cells for innovative applications. The project stimulates collaborative research on EU and regional levels and offers splendid possibilities for PhD and postdoctoral students’ research. The full project description is here .
21.03.2024 18:28 Content
The Faculty of Geography was moved to the building at Raiņa bulvāris 29. 1961–1964 Dean Valija Klane headed the faculty. 1963–1970 A rural stationary "Vējava" was established in the Madona district of Vestiena parish for students' training practices and research work. 1964–1969 Dean Gunārs Berklavs took over the management of the faculty. 1969–1973 Dean Guntis Eberhards headed the faculty. 1971 The faculty is again being moved to other premises. This time – at 48, 69 Krišjāņa Valdemāra (former Gorkija) iela. 1971–1986 Student internships took place at the internship base "Mežole", Valka district, Launkalne parish. 1973–1980 Renāte Āva performed the dean's duties. 1974 The School of Young Geographers (JGS) starts work on the student's initiative. 1978 The Faculty of Geography has a new location – Jūrmala gatve 74/76. 1980 The Geological Museum was restored under the leadership of Ojārs Āboltiņš. 1980–1985 The position of dean was Jānis Štrauhmanis. 1984 Due to the creation
Fotonikā izmantojamu stiklveida organisku mazmolekulāru materiālu dizains un pētījumi
21.01.2022 14:11 Content
Duration of the project: 01.10.2013. – 31.08.2015. ESF Number: 2013/0045/1DP/ About the project Within the framework of the project a new scientific group will be formed at the UL Agency (ISSP UL) of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, in cooperation with Riga Technical University, in addition additional human resources of 6,30 PLE. The group will consist of 2 new scientists, 1 degree candidate, 4 doctoral students, 3 scientists. The scientific objective of the project is synthesis and study of the physical properties of the low molecular weight compounds which form an amorphous glass films from a solution. To achieve the objective, low molecular weight organic glasses will be synthesized and their nonlinear optical, light emitting, holographic recording properties will be studied and their quantum chemical calculations will be performed. This is an interdisciplinary project in the fields of physics, chemistry and material
Pētnieciskā un tehnoloģiskā potenciāla attīstība jaunu nanostrukturētu materiālu un saistīto pielietojumu izstrādei
21.01.2022 14:38 Content
, to stimulate joint research and joint use of available technical infrastructure and tools, thus providing a wider and more diverse base for student education. Project research topics that are currently being developed at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia include: thin film coatings and their boundary surface, materials and methods for holographic recordings, optical materials for deep UV region and fiber optics, wide band gap semiconductor materials for light emitters and detectors, nanoparticles and optical and electronic properties of their composites, complex perovskite materials and their solid solutions, organic nonlinear materials and luminophores.
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